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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. Keep jumping, you almost reached that plane. YOU CAN DO EETTTTTT!!!!!
  2. I work at a grocery store. If that isn't bad enough, my direct boss is a 49 year old racist black guy who thinks everything I say has racial undertones, and has even gone as far as to accuse me of being racist. All I said to him one day was, "Hey George, we could do this a lot faster if we did it this way instead of the way we currently do it." His reply? "You are like every other white man, you think just cause I'm black I'm an idiot who can't do my job." My smart ass response? "No, I think you're an idiot because you're an idiot, the fact you are black is just a coincidence." He didn't like that too much. Other than George though, my job is actually pretty nice. I work literally a mile from the beach, the girls that shop in our store make time go by faster. It's a pretty laid back environment for the most part. Island Life, as they say, is always more enjoyable.
  3. Necro Thread!!!! Pickle Surprise!!!
  4. A bad example of a great show. I can't believe you two don't like Trailer Park Boys. You should watch the movies, they are pretty damn funny.
  5. Kirk: Zahl, you want me to play LoL with you, yet you make my rank in vent something I don't appreciate. Zahl: Your rank is.... your rank is??? Your rank is??? Kirk: You set my rank to Penis. Zahl: YEEAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. When my brother and I lived in Dallas, we took some acid one night at like 4am. At around 6am his boss at Sonic called and asked if he could work. Since I was the one who answered the phone, I told him yeah and didn't really understand who or what I had just talked to, I only knew my brother had to be at work. So I told him, and reluctantly, he got on his bike and rode off to the wildest morning of his life. I'm still surprised to this day he made it to work. He was telling us crazy stories when he got home. How he kept looking at the drink monitor and making the drinks he saw on it, and because he wasn't clearing the drinks after he made them, he had like 17 banana splits sitting on the counter. The fryer kept making weird noises and he was convinced it was going to explode. His boss sent him home after only two and a half hours at work.
  7. This particular section is received by everyone if I'm not mistaken. I know I get it no matter what server/map I'm on/in. The rest of it has to do with the textures not loading correctly for those particular custom models within the map. Two ways to fix this: Download the models individually and place them in your dod/models folder. The textures that come with them would be placed in your dod/materials/models folder. Or you could just try and keep downloading the map until it works for you. Let me know if you choose the first option, I have all of those custom models in my models folder along with all the textures.
  8. Seriously youtube... why do you do this to me?
  9. For those of you who don't have the original, go download it while it's free. It's a fun game when you're bored. http://store.steampowered.com/app/400/
  10. One thing to note that Kirk pointed out to me. I thought the graphics looked kinda crappy but he pointed out that this demo is from the xBox. The PC graphics should be far better. Game play still looks pretty awesome though. Pre-ordered mine. Yeah boy!
  11. And they are good for chillin', or just killin' people in the pub music. Plus they have the coolest videos ever.
  12. Coming in NOVEMBER!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!
  13. That's the beauty of opinions. The other guy's is always wrong.
  14. Got mine for 79 bucks at Best Buy.
  15. Played a few rounds with the RAT 7 so far. It's going to take some getting used to with this higher DPI than I'm used to. It's obviously not going to make me better overnight but I think it did help with some issues I was having with my old MX 518. All in all I would recommend this mouse to anyone looking for a new mouse that has all the bells and whistles, for cheaper than most mice at this level of quality. I do have to say, I love the "Sniper" button. I played at 3200 DPI but when this button is depressed I have it set to lower my DPI to 800. Makes finite adjustments while scoped much easier. Once I let go of the button it reverts back to 3200 DPI. These settings can be adjusted to different numbers as well. The other cool thing I like is the Mode button. It lets you re-bind all of the buttons on the mouse for 3 different games, then by simply pressing the mode button, it adjusts what each button does according to what mode you are currently in. The "Mode" indicator lights up either pink, red or blue to indicate which mode you are in.
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