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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. I nominate this as the best music video ever, but only if it's muted.
  2. 30GB? Is there a larger version for euros? Mine is only 13.9GB
  3. http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuopc/post...m?topic_id=4988 A great guide for those of us starting out. I'd suggest at least browsing it.
  4. I have a char named Hugblock, don't ask, on the PVE server and a char named Spiked Punch on the PVP server.
  5. I downloaded this on a whim since it is now free-to-play. Wow, is all I can say. The mechanics, the fighting styles, the customization of your character, the physics engine, the movement system, all amazingly done. As a f2p member, you are limited to the basic game, 2 character slots, a limited inventory, and a cash limit. However, for 5 bucks, you get premium access, which greatly increases all of those things. You choose to fight for good or evil, the PVE or PVP server, which superhero is your mentor, what your special abilities are (flying, superhuman speed, etc) Your fighting style (hand to hand, brawling, bow and arrow, guns, etc). The customization of your character is one of the most in depth I have ever seen in a game like this. With all the new great games out on the market, and SW:TOR just around the corner, I can understand the hesitation some of you may have about trying a new game out. But when it costs you absolutely nothing, and it's as well done as this game truly is, you'd only be missing out if you didn't give this game a try. Since they have released it as f2p, they have had over 1 Million new accounts log in, so there is no lack of players either. After all, who doesn't want to live out their comic book fantasy of being a superhero? Go download it, give it a try, and see for yourself what you are missing. Me standing on top of Wayne Enterprises, after climbing the walls.
  6. Freakin awesome what technology can do these days!
  7. Doesn't really merit realism in my opinion.
  8. Friends With Benefits Director: Will Gluck Cast: Mila Kunis Justin Timberlake Patricia Clarkson Woody Harrelson Plot Summary: While trying to avoid the clichés of Hollywood romantic comedies, Dylan and Jamie soon discover however that adding the act of sex to their friendship does lead to complications. My take on it: I thought it was good without being too much of a chick flick. Mila Kunis looked absolutely smokin' hot in it. It has it's moments that made me laugh, Woody Harrelson playing a very macho gay sports editor for GQ was classic. All in all I liked it, and would recommend it as a date movie for you and the little lady, it may even put her in the mode for some horizontal mambo lessons. For a romantic comedy, it's definitely not a bad watch.
  9. Since out of the thousands of threads on the forums, there aren't any related to movie reviews, I figured I'd go ahead and start one. Seen a good movie lately? Perhaps an older movie others may not be aware of? Post your thoughts/reviews below to let others know why they should, or should not see it. I'll start this off. Source Code (2011) Director: Duncan Jones Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal Michelle Monaghan Vera Farmiga Plot Summary: Colter Stevens, a US Army helicopter pilot whose last memory is flying in Afghanistan, wakes up on a commuter train. However, he discovers that he has assumed the identity of another man. 8 minutes later, the train explodes and Stevens finds himself in some kind of pod. (I won't reveal the rest of it since it's kind of a spoiler.) My take on it: Watch it! Best sci-fi movie I have seen since Inception. I was a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal before this movie and his performance only solidified that with this movie. The movie is well written, well directed, and the acting is top notch. Go watch it! [color="#FFFFFF"][b]Director:[/b][/color] [color="#FFFFFF"][b]Cast:[/b][/color] [color="#FFFFFF"][b]Plot Summary:[/b][/color] [color="#FFFFFF"][b]My take on it:[/b][/color]
  10. A computer? The internet? A computer virus?
  11. I agree that the Stanley Cup is the best of the team sports trophies, I am after all a hockey fan. I'm just saying the thing you quoted said oldest in professional sports, and despite the outlook on golf some people may have, it is classified as a professional sport. I remember watching in 91 when Lemieux, Jagr, Francis, etc were skating around with the Cup. It was then and still is today and incredible experience seeing your favorite team celebrating with the Cup. I am taking nothing away from the Stanley Cup, I was just sort of pointing out a few similarities in the Claret Jug and the Stanley Cup. Both of which by the way are originally British, odd isn't it? Anywho, yeah... good times!
  12. The Claret Jug is actually older. It also has all previous winners names engraved on it, and you get to take it home. Not to take away from the Stanley Cup, just saying.
  13. You are mistaking Trackmania Forever with Trackmania 2: Canyon. There is no demo for Trackmania 2. It's hard to explain but I'll make an attempt: There were originally two versions of trackmania, United and Forever. United was a payed for version of Forever where you could modify your car, the appearance of your name, etc. Nadeo did away with The free version of the game (Forever) a while ago and now they offer United as the game you described, sit out every few races, instead of the fully playable Forever version. No doubt an attempt to get people to pay for the game because once you pay for it the sitting out goes away. Sorry if that's confusing. Anyways, The CEO of Nadeo describes here why they decided not to release a demo of Trackmania 2. "There is no demo for these games as well in fact. Because a long term seller is based on the fact that the interest of the game is also on long term. It is true that many people can enjoy TM in the first hour, but the average time of play of games like United is ten times more than short term games. So, we rely on word of mouth a lot at the moment. Maybe we will have a way to get more people in by making more people test, but I have other scheme than a demo. We did many demo in the past, and maybe things have changed a little in that perspective. But your question was about long term. To put simply, I think we would make more sells short term with a demo, but that there are more ways to bring people in by not having a demo that makes you have a wrong idea of the full potential of the game. Also, if our systems are still being improved month after month, maybe a demo would be better later. About demo, there is already something about the evolution of the way of making games. The more I see studios to create "free-to-play" games, where you have most of the content for free, but some items to be paid, I feel that their job is likely to change from game makers to item sellers a little. I feel that if our job is to make games, then it is good to sell what we do. If you give two hours of fun with a demo, it is less normal to sell the full game after at the same price somehow, since they arlready "used it" For TrackMania, it is even more difficult since you can spend 20 hours on a same track to try to improve your time (I did it and I like it ) We even received poetry from players that did not wanted us to close the demo servers, years after the release, since their clan where enjoying it so much." English is not his native tongue one would assume.
  14. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=9017 That's the other thread about the game. I posted some videos in there, and instead of re-posting them here you can take your lazy ass over there and watch them. Or wait, I'm the lazy ass.... nevermind... Just go watch the videos. I played through Oblivion three different times, and had a blast all three times because as others have said, there are no rules. You create the story as you play the game and your actions dictate what happens in game. Think of it as a Choose Your Own Adventure book, only you get to play it and not read it.
  15. I figured Parker would try it, since the track editor has some major updates from the clunky original one. Plus the tracks you could make on this would be insane judging by the videos I have seen on YouTube. Another trailer: Some player made tracks: And I'm sure some of you will remember the greatest map ever made for TMNF: Just Press Forward!
  16. So I figured I'd post this again, for the Les Claypool fans out there, and the people wanting a kick-ass Halloween costume next year!
  17. Anyone tried it yet? I'm going to buy it and give it a go. http://us-maniaplanet.gamesplanet.com/shop/trackmania-canyon
  18. That's pretty sweet man, My sister also did the same thing when they came to Beaufort to build a house for a Marine's family while he was in Afghanistan. I'm surprised you didn't get to meet the stars of the show, she sure did:
  19. Call of Duty may be a repeat of itself with every new installment, but to say battlefield is just copying itself, or cod for that matter, is crazy. They have made vast improvements, not just visually, but gameplay, mechanics, etc... That's like saying cod copied dod:s because it is also based on war. There really is no comparison here.
  20. I ended up downloading a few cheesy apps that have captured my attention. Coin Dozer seems to be the most addicting one.
  21. And englebretson is the creepy squirrel masturbating in the corner...
  22. Its Charlotte, North Carolina, there's not much to explore. I thought about going to the Panthers / Redskins game, but I'm watching it on tv instead.
  23. Anyone know of any good time-killing apps for the iPad? I'm sitting in this hotel room, with nothing to do until Monday, in a city I am unfamiliar with. I have the standard apps, Angry Birds and the like, but I'm looking for some off the beaten path apps anyone might be aware of. I'm contemplating buying Dead Space, it has some really good reviews. Does anyone have it that could verify? Please help me keep my sanity! A list to give you an idea of what I already have: Angry Birds 9mm (awesome shooter game, but too short) Need for Speed: Shift Battleheart Infinity Blade Family Feud Robot Unicorn Attack Scrabble Pac-Man I have had these for a while so most of them have lost their luster, I crave something new and addictive!
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