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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. I don't have all of the parts but what I have so far is my OS, cpu heatsink, hard drive and memory. I'll be ordering more in a couple of days,

    and more a week or two after that so I'm not spending 1000$ at once.

    A little understatement I made here, or a BIG understatement on when i would be getting the parts. But at last I will be for-sure getting them in the coming weeks. hurray!

    I always recommend to people, save your money and buy all of your parts at once, for one key reason.

    Most companies have strict return or RMA policies. If you buy a motherboard, and have it for 6 months while you buy the rest of the parts, then go to build your pc and the mobo is a dud, you now cannot return the mobo due to the RMA time frame having ended.

    While it is tempting to buy things as you get the money, avoid the headache and just save until you can afford it all at once.

    My .02

  2. pretty good painting. Is it just me, or in that first picture does the third floor of the first building on the left look like it is leaning forward over the street some?

    I think it's just distortion from the camera lens, but it does look odd.

  3. We were just talking about this yesterday in class! Pretty amazing images have already been coming out from the use of this code.

    It's like someone figured out how to write the code to recreate an acid trip.

  4. If you can stick your arm out, they can stick their head in. What happens if you run out of gas, or get stuck because of the large pile of bodies jammed under the jeep from running them over? I would still want full doors. Just my opinion though.

    I would also want a vehicle that is somewhat bullet proof. Whats to keep another survivor from shooting me to get my vehicle? when its survival of the fittest or every man for himself, People tend to do things they would not normally do.

    It is obviously not an end all be all vehicle, it's just awesome. Of course there are better alternatives.

  5. no doors, just mesh. Not going to stop a zombie from yanking you out and eating your brains that way.

    According to Ford, only the shambling, slow moving zombies exist so you would just run them over with the Jeep. :rolleyes:


    Me and Engle actually figured out the only downside to this jeep. It has manual side mirrors. After a day full of running over zombies, you reach out to adjust your mirror and that's when you get bitten, such a shame.

  6. We live in a society of victims.

    Everyone is a victim of something. Racism, harassment, discrimination, violence, etc... I blame parents, let me explain. When I was growing up I played baseball. We were a pretty good team and won a lot of games, good enough to get the the championship game. We ended up losing by 1 run. We didn't get participation trophies, second place trophies, or whatever they give out now, we got a life lesson. If you want a trophy, try harder next time. Winners get trophies and losers get to watch. Nowadays, kids don't get exposed to life lessons, they get wrapped in bubble-wrap and sent out into the world thinking they are owed something. It's a "me society" these days. The world owes me something, and if I don't get what I want, I'll lay on the ground and kick my feet until I get it.

    Violence is glorified in video games, true enough, but they also come with a warning label. If you don't want to see it, don't buy it. Not sure how much easier that could be. It's a fantasy world, were women are objectified and violence is expected. Since Pac-Man games have been about killing monsters, should Pac-Man be taken of the shelves since he eats monsters alive?

    As an aside, can we find a better suffix than "gate" to attach to anything semi-controversial? It's been 42 some odd years since "Watergate", and they didn't attach gate to the end because it was scandalous, they did it because it was the name of the damn hotel.

    That being said, what happened to Zoe Quinn is unfortunate and doesn't reflect well on the gaming industry. I don't however think it's a reflection of game developers as a whole. Whether or not she slept with all those guys is irrelevant, she was harassed by her ex-boyfriend, some trolls took it a few steps further, and it exploded from there. This is a male dominated industry, it always has been. Games are targeted to single males, the majority of gamers are single males, and the majority of game developers are males. It will hopefully open a few eyes to some changes that need to take place.

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