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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. Might have to go back and re-read the book, you know to get my hopes up and everything.

    My thinking on why everyone always says "The book was way better."

    You develop what the characters look like, act like, and get the feeling of how they think when you are reading. Then you see the movies and are like, "Why the hell is Elijah Wood playing Bilbo Baggins? No no no no no, this is all wrong."

  2. Word of advice on the zerker:

    When you go into berzerker mode it uses the next weapon you have equipped as your second weapon. So if you set your weapons right, you can really destroy stuff. I have a caustic shotgun in my primary, a static shotgun in my second, the orange pistol in my third and moxxies shotgun in my fourth. So when I go berserk, I use the two shotguns and when I hit the button to switch weapons I switch to moxxies shotgun and the pistol.

    If you do your skill tree right you can stay berserk for almost a minute and a half, and you regen health and ammo the whole time.

    It's a lot of fun. :)

  3. Those are just the cut scenes, here is the gameplay trailer:

    It's a Bethesda game, and reminds me of Skyrim meets Assassin's Creed. The world evolves and adapts to the decisions you make in the game.

  4. You still use yahoo?

    words cannot describe how little i think of you right now...

    Thanks, crazy to think I would glance at the news headlines as I logged into my e-mail account. I suppose that is a reason for disdain.

    Let's get back to the original purpose of this thread, personal pictures.

  5. Claiming someone didn't read an article it's not the same as saying a website is the source of truthfulness. I, like you and everyone else, don't know this individual, so I go by what I read.

    I didn't assume he did it naturally, I read it. Richards assumed he injected synthol.

    I originally read the article on yahoo news, I just posted the one from the other website after a quick google search for a picture of him. Not to say yahoo is any more reliable.

  6. That guy is a tool. He's injecting synthol into those arms and is giving himself horrible health risks doing it. And he's about as harmful as the shit I take every morning, synthol doesn't give you any strength whatsoever and is purely cosmetic.

    Like I said, tools.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yVUoxIBOYzA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    If you read the article, you could have saved yourself the time of posting this, as you would have read he did this naturally, but I'm sure people will still assume what they prefer to be the truth. This is the internet after all.

  7. New "Apartment" building:


    MG MOS, layed out but not completed:


    All the signs are lit-up now to read easier from a distance to help recruits:


    Motivation to get injured?:


    New routes through the building clearing section, kind ofhard to explain without seeing it:




    I need the insignias for the 3rd platoon to go along with the rest of them:


    Just a fast compile so the lightinglooks terrible.

    More to come soon.

    And Kirk:

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