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Zahl 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zahl 1st MRB

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hærens_Jegerkommando
  2. Happy birthday Loughlin! Best wishes from Zahl!! buy yourself a inflatable vagina.. omg parker.. awesomesauce
  3. ford... i want my penis in that mouth
  4. Id say ATI Why?: Becaus its a much more solid card, when over clocking carda ATI are more solid to melting than Nvidia. Everybody thinks Nvidia is bigger and better becaus on almost every game they got an intro, but its bullshit.. had an ATI card for 4 years and after i was done it didnt have a scratch so i sold it for 60 bucks:p
  5. 1. Top Gear 2. The Office 3. Family Guy (4. House) Had to add it...
  6. Hooah *Salute* Its an honor to know you guys, as an army veteran myself.. Your should be proud, cause army life is fucking hard..
  7. Happy birthday fellow! Best wishes!!! dont buy yourself a whore,, you dont deserve it
  8. Just so you guys now.. Norway has totally failed the olympics.. Its a big debate over here how bad we have been.. of course we got medals but we should have done better...
  9. I voted no.. Its of course fun to be on top, and it is for no other reason than that i want to see how i do against the teenagers here;p But other than that i dont care.. someone has to be rank 1..
  10. Who the fuck recruits all these hot new members???
  11. Happy birthday you badass tit master!! Best wishes from Zahl:)
  12. NORWAY IS GONNA KILL.. MOST MEDALS!!! 99!!!! AMERICA AND CANADA IS GETIING OWNED !!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY DICK.. so... did i mention norway is best?
  13. Excellent conclusion Parker.. Best maps evah!!!
  14. i think we all know the answer to that mitchell... ive shot with it and my shoulder hurted for days in norway you need train your shoulder to fire snipers.. and medical people will examine your shoulder from time to time. the army wont risk having snipers injured.. not becaus they cant go into combat but becaus they get hell of a lot money if they are hurted in the army.. its a weird system
  15. Happy Birthday fellow!! best wishes!
  16. OMFG!!!! How the fuck did he get it? I was thinking of George Harrison and he fucking got it?!?!?!?! none of the question related to george.. lol!!!!!!!!!
  17. hapy birthday harvey!!! Best wishes!!!
  18. lol that was actually funny..
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