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Zahl 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zahl 1st MRB

  1. The Captain has made a desicion. It doesn't help increasing the font size to get you're message through, thats just the sign of immaturity. Topic closed.
  2. I cannot say if theres already a topic that explains the origin of the 1st but the founders of the 1st used to be in the 6th (included myself) they left to create this unit due to drama etc. Dont want to change the subject of this post to the creaton if this unit, want more information you can talk to me on steam. lets stick to the topic hehe
  3. I think this has been discussed before a VERY long time ago, cant remember if it was in the 1st or in the 6th lol... But I cannot remember what we concluded with. I think its a cool idea and would more than happy to help fund it. Although my colleagues would probably not know what the hell kind of t-shirt im wearing hehe..
  4. Guys.... This crab cake thingy has to stop. How old are you guys? I know you want to have sex with unicorn and dress up in women clothes.. But jesus, there is a line not to be crossed..
  5. These are 2 incidents refereed to... Your acts are both childish and completely in violation to our rules and regulations. I cannot have a guy running around trash talking our unit and team-killing purposely, this is the very recipe for for a permanent ban. Hopefully you can understand this. 2ndLt. J. Zahl
  6. As for now you will be remained banned due to previous incidents. Ban remains only to be changed by a higher ranked officer.
  7. As long as my semen can be seen i dont care what haircolor she will wear
  8. Both taken care of and bumped up to permanent.. We don't need that kind of immature just-got-pubes kids in our server
  9. I have now unbanned you, however, you are still in charge for what happens on your computer and account. Your excuse hold no ground, especially since you were permanently banned. Please follow our rules and don't let anyone else use your computer or account while your not present. See you in the server! 2ndLt. Zahl
  10. Howdy Blackbeard, I will let Captain Englebretson reply to this topic or I'll try contact him on this matter. Sincerely, 2ndLt. Zahl
  11. You are banned for a week for team-killing. Doesn't matter if its a joke or not, its strictly forbidden in our server. See you in a week.
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