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Collazo 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Collazo 1st MRB

  1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You even had an assault 0_0
  2. The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends
  3. Well that surcks, but I believe we have done better this time?
  4. I know I know bringing up an old topic, but these same guys we are doing waterboarding to have done much much worse i,e raping, murdering, and so on an so forth. If they would of caught one of our US soldiers they would torture him to no ends.
  5. I honestly didn't really care for the series in general.... so no I am not excited =p
  7. Well..... pretty sure God is pissed!
  8. Burk - "I'm not going to lie... he had a pretty big penis"
  9. It was pretty good, just better quality. That is about all I can think of =p
  10. Good game, wouldn't pay the money to get ONE SHOTTED by Miller all the time..... (damn tree)
  11. Meh whatever it is still fucking funny!
  12. If anyone suspects him of hacking please record a demo of him and send it to one of the officers. TOPIC CLOSED
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