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Posts posted by Griswold

  1. You were banned for multiple reasons.

    #1. You seem to spam a lot - Most of your recorded chat history since we unbanned you is full of "The Girth Is Real!!!" and "DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?!?!".

    #2. You seem to do nothing but troll - using the 2 quotes above, you seem to want to do nothing more than troll people in the server. We don't appreciate disruptions to the server's playing environment.

    #3. There was a reason we banned all 1st SAS members. You all seemed too immature for our taste, and you proved us right again last night by saying "SAS4life get better #peacenerds". We don't like it when people we have unbanned use it to come back and cause problems.

    TL,DR: We gave you the benefit of the doubt that since the 1st SAS had been disbanded that you may have cleaned up your act. But we now realize that you have not, have fun finding somewhere else to play. We will no longer tolerate your continued disruptions to the server.

    Edit: Moved the topic to M.P.O., was in P.A.O.

  2. Mullaney look at what you got and I see stuff way out of date. That being said I could help you with pick out parts for a completely new rig if you wanted. I'll throw in a link to a new rig that I plan on building by the end of the summer with most parts under 200 dollars a piece.


    I realize that this might be a little high for your taste but I would be willing to help you work a rig that would best suit you.

  3. Well i'm going to describe my streaming setup as well as I can. I use 2 computers to do this since my tower isn't powerful enough to do it on its own. (Picture 1) I had a laptop I didn't get much use out of so I decided to give it something to do. (currently underneath my right secondary monitor on picture 2)

    My primary computer is a i5 2500K CPU that runs at 3.3 Ghz with 4 cores, its has 8 GBs of DDR3 Corsair Vengence 1600 Mhz ram, a XFX AMD Radeon 7850 with 1 GB of dedicated GDDR5 ram. I have a 2 TB hard drive that runs everything inside the primary computer and I have a razer abyssus mouse that I play with. I run this computer with Windows 7 as the operating system.

    My Laptop is just about the same in terms of tech, it runs on a i5 3210m with 4 cores that run at 2.5 Ghz at normal operation. It can automatically overclock to as high as 2.85 Ghz if needed which it normally does. It also has 8 Gbs of ram inside but I don't know any specifics about the ram. The video card on the laptop is an ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M with 2 GB of GDDR5 ram. It has a 500 GB hard drive in 2 partions, 1 for the OS the other for everything else. This laptop runs using Windows 8.1

    Well now that the hardware is out of the way it is time to turn to the software I use for this setup. Use a couple different program to have my laptop stream so i can play games on the other.

    first I use TeamSpeak 3 as a way to transfer voice and sound from one computer to the other. I'm basically using TS3 as a VoIP relay that transfers sound from the tower to the laptop but it is still even more complicated then that. Neither computer as a standalone sound card for audio so I use a program called Vitural Audio cable to spilt my audio going out and in to my laptop. Line 1 is for all audio that is sound related and Line 2 is all voice related.

    Edit #1: That black box on top on my tower is an Elgato Game Capture HD that takes HDMI signals and tranfers it to an USB out to be used by my laptop as a signal input in OBS.



  4. Name: ngatch87

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:60219575

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: Racism/Mic Spam/Disrespect

    Demo Provided?: Willow, Jankovski, Lennings, Werner were all present at the time.

    Comments: I was going to let this guy go on a week long vacation, he started to sing just about anything he could make up. Disrespected some of the pubbers while doing it. He sealed his fate when he uttered the N-word and got permed for it.

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