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Posts posted by Griswold

  1. McDowell hunkers down to his computer desk, setting his beer next to the keyboard and cracking his knuckles as DOD loads. Lightning flashes outside the window, followed by a rolling thunder that jerks his pet goat from its sleep. He looks down to the goat, named Beatrice, and chuckles lightly.

    "It's ok goat," he says. He never actually calls it Beatrice. His eyes wander back to the computer screen, and he maneuvers his mouse to the Join Server button.

    His eyes narrow. The familiar window pops up alerting him to the server's maximum capacity being met. He clicks the Join When a Spot opens button, and nestles further into his plush leather chair, slightly spinning as he grows instantly impatient. The goat settles back down, curled up in the corner on a ratty piece of cloth he had found in the back of his yellow Ford F-150.

    The moments pass by with increasing trepidation, each second taking more time to come than the one prior. A slight snore comes from the corner of the room, and he looks down at his goat again. Cute thing, he thinks.

    His thoughts wander to his time back on the farm in Indiana, back to when he was a curious child, filled with wonder and curiosity. He recalls his first sexual experience. Her name was Tammy Lynn, and she was a large woman...much larger than he is now, in fact. He probably could not even take her in a fight as his grown-up self.

    He chuckles to himself again, messing with the mouse around the game screen. Still full. Still waiting.

    The goat hiccups.

    Lightning strobes the room, but not followed by any thunder.

    That's odd, he thinks.

    Then he has a heart attack and dies. The goat eventually awakens, and grows hungry on its own. After the first few days, it realizes what it must do, and begins to consume Mcdowell's body from the feet up. Over the next week, the goat grows fat on human meat. No one bothers coming to to see where he is because he has no friends.

    Eventually, he starts to rot, and the goat no longer can tolerate the taste. In a moment of panic, it headbutts the window and shatters it, escaping into the night. Only...it is no longer just Beatrice the goat. It has had the taste of human flesh, and you know what? It liked it. A lot. It wants more...and it will get it.

    THE END...?

    da faq did I just read

  2. Name: Jizzypants

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:43672285

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of Player/Admins

    Demo Provided?: N

    Comments: Was disrespecting Perwild for his voice telling him that only those only 18 and older should talk, after explaining that perwild indeed older than 18 he was muted for his continuance of disrespect. Then continued bad mouth perwild in chat telling him to "stfu" and I ended it when he said "stfu per u homo".

  3. Name: Bob Ross

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:42541979

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of Admins/Players

    Demo Provided?: N Perwild, Sanborne, and Voytek were witnesses

    Comments: Was banned for racism towards another pubber


    Name: STRIKERZ

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:40114984

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of Admins/Players

    Demo Provided?: N Perwild, Sanborne, and Voytek were witnesses

    Comments: Was banned for racism towards another pubber

  4. Griswold plays alot

    That i do, I have a Federation Vice Admiral (Level 50) Toon that I am just about done outfitting with all the end game stuff. Then I have a Romulan Fed-Aligned Vice Admiral (Level 50) that I am working on as well. The game is a real grind fest to get all the best gear. But is it so much fun.]

    I started playing this game way back when, when Crytpic Studios still owned and operated the servers. Now they are owned by Perfect World Entertainment now, while Cryptic still updates it.

    I started playing back before they instiutued the "seasons" updates. Now we are on season 9.5

  5. Well I have checked into this story and from I can tell, you turned some comments that were about your whole team specifically towards yourself. Since the ban only lasts an hour, I believe it reasonable to let it expire naturally so you can calm down a bit.

    From what I gathered you were neither treated unfairly or singled out by anyone, rather you took comments that were made during the game that were directed at your whole team into personal insults. You were asked multiple times to drop subjects because they disrupted the public server environment and kicked twice for failure to drop subjects peacefully. The SNCOs in the server at the time acted just as they have been trained to handle these situations.

    If you wish to continue protesting for your unban you may do so, just make sure you use the proper format for doing so posted here. This topic is now closed.

  6. Im assuming you tried all the above mentioned. If you suspect it is still your monitor then try what Lt. Holland said about the bulging capacitors. It could be the exact same thing only in your monitor. Just take the back off and check all the capacitors. Ten bucks in capacitors is better than having to buy a new monitor. I fixed a n LCD TV by doing this.

    You guys should be able to close this now, the problem disappeared when I installed my new GPU. I had suspected that is was my GPU overheating because we have had to replace the thermal paste on that GPU before.

  7. I play this game with my Dad. its ALOT of fun for both me and him and we are in a clan in that game. i designed the clan logo/emblem. we were originally named Kill Zone but our former leader Ugly, who had to quit due to real life things, had the clan renamed to Sniper instead. its a tank being zeroed in with a sniper scope. =) If anyone who wants a clan invite let me know and i will invite you, since i am a recruiting officer in that clan as well. =)

    There is a 1st MRB Clan in WoT, The Royal Armored Corps. If you look at yama's and my screenshots you can see the tag.

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