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Everything posted by Cayen

  1. Forest taff you were already told that the ban stays unless another officer says other wise it is staying topic closed
  2. honestly i gave up on this exercise i did all my other 3 that were left Lévesque can u do it for me plz as a friend? a fellow canadian
  3. *cmon guys you should know to stay on topic ><* aniways this sucks harper in again omg whats gonna happen next the end of thewe world?
  4. its ok kim this cat will get his revenge
  5. happy b-day Mcdouble have a great one !
  6. nice congrats man!!!! so whats gonna happen with your sprays lol ><
  7. Cayen


    lol he got owned by his dad damn you autocorrect!!!!
  8. this is what i think he meant Mouse but honestly tho cheapest i can go would be this mouse.
  9. Germany (22) United States (68) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (13) Sweden (25) Australia (19) Denmark (19) Russia (18)
  10. alright i like the store fron with the little window but this happens when u look at it from both sides inside outside but keep the window but mabey make the side of the storefront look like this if you can the building to the rleft of spawn would make a great lookout for the flag if possible make the allied sniper house to the left overlooking bridge connect to sewers? either the bed or the clothe thing moveable to barricade with and here is a view of the rooftop for all of you guys! and also this... thats all i have for tonight see ya, p.s. i love the new house to the right side of bridge just needs moveable furniture to barricade or something other then that its all good for now and errors are gone now its just checkered materials sometimes as in the new building above church and the new allied sniper house top floor
  11. alright no problem i enjoyed helping a fellow map maker
  12. Honestly i love it how it is, the skybox for some reason is glitched and i see every movement in the sky its not normal. and these are my suggestions do of them as you like i couldnt find anywhere that i could get stuck for now but ill keep going at it for bugs and glitches leaks, all of that stuff. for this picture the floor of the building shows up as black and purple so idk if its my side or a map error ths is what i mean by the skybox screwing up for me maybe open up the door to the right that is blocked by a fence, if it can be made as a usefull sniper spot, this is the building to the left of axis 1st flag ive got an error i cant see the plane above the church mabey make a small store front like on the road to axis second flag on donner, next to the sniper house open up the door for ease of acces mabey? this is the sniper window overlooking bridge allied side i get errors and material errors make a small building with one oen window? and the last one for now would be make the 2nd roof accesible mabey
  13. im getting on this one as i type this
  14. would a lease be possible lol, the car looks even better then the ones i saw on google tho
  15. Pallmall first off i didnt ban you, second you were banned because of the porn sprays and such which you kept playing as the "victim" in all this third: i have 3 witnesse's that spectated you when spraying the porn, they are kim a bar member and me that saw you do it
  16. here are other two demos of him trollvan 1 trollvan 2
  17. how about i put in my own compilation while playing around with fl studio 8 for the first time took me like an hour to make
  18. Trust me McGeough when i say this we have more then enough admins here is just a quick insight everyone that is SSgt. and up has adminwhich is actually a very good amount of the 1st MRB, second you and others should add everyone to you re friends list especially admins and if the server is full when u ask for help tell the admin who is doing it then leave the server for the admin to join. Second we dont always have the time to admin the server me personally yes im in vent and steam at the same time but i like other games and i also do other things at the same time, like go on photoshop and such, and we arent really attack dogs so when asking for admin help be polite , thats all i had to say on this.
  19. same here i think he is a ghost it happened to me to
  20. Alright yet another problem i cant remember how to make a usefull alert() window, to show the information gathered from the name and everything this is the question. so yeah if i didnt explain clearly enough i will be on vent at around 4 pm eastern, to get help thanks for all the help i got already guys. Pour cette tâche vous devrez utiliser votre connaissance des tableaux et des boîtes de dialogue. Dans une premier temps vous devrez définir un tableau de 3 éléments. Chacun des éléments sera associé à un prénom différent. Ensuite vous devrez réaliser une première fonctions qui permettera d'ajouter un prénom dans le tableau. La fonction prendra en paramètre le tableau préalablement créé et retournera un tableau contenant un élément supplémentaire dont la valeur sera le prénom que l'on souhaite ajouter. Vous devrez utiliser la boîte de dialogue de type prompt pour demander à l'usager de spécifier le prénom qu'il souhaite ajouter au tableau. Vous devrez également réaliser une seconde fonction qui aura pour but d'afficher les prénom qui sont compris dans les différents éléments du tableau. Cette fonction prendra également le tableau en paramètre et procèdera à l'affichage des noms à l'aide d'une boîte de dialogue de type alert qui contient l'ensemble des prénom séparé par des ";". <html> <head> <title>Ex. 4</title> <Table border="1" cellpading="5"> <FORM name="mon_formulaire"> <tr><td><INPUT type=text value="" name="mon_champ_texte" onBlur="this.style.backgroundColor='yellow'" readonly ><INPUT type=button value="Prenom" onClick="PromptMessage()"></tr></td> </FORM> <script language=javascript> function PromptMessage() { var saisie = prompt("Saisissez votre texte :", "Texte par défaut") if (saisie!=null) { document.forms["mon_formulaire"].elements["mon_champ_texte"].value=saisie; } } </SCRIPT> <FORM name="mon_formulaire1"> <tr><td><INPUT type=text value="" name="mon_champ_texte1" onBlur="this.style.backgroundColor='yellow'" readonly ><INPUT type=button value="Nom" onClick="PromptMessage1()"></tr></td> </FORM> <script language=javascript> function PromptMessage1() { var saisie1 = prompt("Saisissez votre texte :", "Texte par défaut") if (saisie1!=null) { document.forms["mon_formulaire1"].elements["mon_champ_texte1"].value=saisie1; } } </SCRIPT> <FORM name="mon_formulaire2"> <tr><td><INPUT type=text value="" name="mon_champ_texte2" onBlur="this.style.backgroundColor='yellow'" readonly ><INPUT type=button value="Age" onClick="PromptMessage2()"></tr></td> </FORM> <script language=javascript> function PromptMessage2() { var saisie2 = prompt("Saisissez votre texte :", "Texte par défaut") if (saisie2!=null) { document.forms["mon_formulaire2"].elements["mon_champ_texte2"].value=saisie2; } } </SCRIPT> <FORM name="mon_formulaire3"> <tr><td><INPUT type=button value="Afficher donnée" name=""> <script language=javascript> function promptmessage3() { var a = "mon_formulaire"; var b = "mon_formulaire1"; var c = "mon_formulaire2"; var d = a+b+c var vos_donnée = alert(d); if (vos_donnée!=null) { } } </SCRIPT> <body bgcolor="Blue"> </body> </html>
  21. thats wicked man if i could do it once i would its on my list for sure
  22. ... i still like the vid so meh idc
  23. dude how is skyding always wanted to try it
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