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Posts posted by Tragedy

  1. So i dont confuse anyone R.Lawrence is being changed to L.Ryan upon approval from the command staff (thanks guys appreciate it more then you know) i am more comfortable with being called Ryan as it is what i go by in my daily life.. i do not care much for lawrence it is my first name which is only used for professional reasons such as signing for shit and stuff like that..where as Ryan is used by my friends and family which i concider all of you.. so it works... this has been a thought that has stewed in my head since my old blackwatch days.. over a year ago =] so none the less R.I.P Lawrence

  2. correction i made a typo.. so ill explain again

    what you do is right click your steam icon, on your toolbar and go to library... find dods in the list right click it go to properties then click set launch options.. simply type in here -novid and it should get rid of the opening valve and source flash movie that plays.. so it instantly goes right to the main dods screen =] enjoy! give me feedback if this doesnt work for you.

    also with the DODSVU download here is a screenshot of how small the text and kills are now to free up more screen. this download however replaces models and sounds and victory music but like it says it makes it more realistic the models are acurate to 1944 or w.e i also herd of other ones but i personally like how this one is setup easy auto installer too.


    as you notice chat is alot smaller and the kills/deaths are smaller and no backround behind them

  3. Are you sick of the valve and source splash screens when u load dods? i sure as fuck was... after googling for a while i found a very simple fix for getting rid of this... what you do is open your steam library find days of defeat source.. right click it.. go to properties... now click set launch options.. and type in -novideo and hit ok tadaaaa no more stupid valve load up screens it just puts u right at the dods screen =] :D if that didnt work try -novideo :)

    i also came across this and was asked to post... heres the link to the one i found its pretty cool self installs and updates alot of the things in game read first to make sure u want it..

    http://www.wiledod.com/ go to D.O.D.S.V.U on the lower right =] i love it makes all the kills and chat etc smaller on my screen.


    couldnt find a picture for the text size but belive me that it is alot smaller then the big ass kills etc

  4. cant remember what all i uploaded too lazy to look but heres some more to scare u


    jus w.e in this one


    pucker up!


    coffin belt and fishnets ftw




    rawr and shit


    every goth needs a hotty gf =]


    more of my evil better half.

    so yah thats enough i guess right?

  5. I dunno i must be retarded i can never get this thing to work i followed the instructions added exec game.cfg to config.. still nothing.. i reopen the config and the exec game.cfg

    is always gone after i added it saved and everything so i have to manually do it as suggested.. =[ im doomed lighting isnt any different for me and my fps is actually worse 90-100 as compared to the usual 200 or so i get lol

  6. First state what the specs on your pc are and if u use direct wire connection to the modem,wireless, or router to share the connection with anyone else in your household it will help them be able to figure out the issue more easier =]

  7. I cam across these pics online and was totally facinated by them so i wanted to share them.

    first the history...

    25 Years ago Chernobyl was headline news. On April 26th 1986 at 1:23 A.M. reactor number four at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, near the town of Pripyat, ruptured a vessel during several extreme power spikes. Several explosions followed and these caused the graphite moderator components of the reactor to be exposed to air, setting them on fire. The fire sent a plume of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere. It drifted over large parts of the Soviet Union and Western Europe.

    50 People died as a direct result of the disaster and it is thought up to 4000 people have died as a result of being exposed to the radioactive materials which entered the atmosphere. Over 350.000 were evacuated from contaminated areas around Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In 2011, 25 years later, the area surrounding Chernobyl still looks like a ghost town.

    Fan of TotallyCoolPix David Schindler went to Chernobyl and took these amazing photos which will take you right back into time to 1986.

    i wanted to link the pics into this post.. but they disabled right clicking on the site i am looking at so here is the url some pretty neat photos most are rather gloomy just the sorta thing im into =] the picture of the gasmasks is very ominous to the history of it. gave me chills the school reminds me of silent hill for some reason..


  8. played it beat it absolutely loved it.. i really look forward to mafia3 i really wish they would make a game like this mmorpg i couldnt imagine how cool it would be to make your own mafia in a city like NYC and battle against other people for city wide domination but anyways yah i loved it everything about it i wish it was longer but how it ended i belive since there is no open roaming that 3 will pick up right there where it left off ... poor joey :(

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