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Everything posted by Benson

  1. Let me tell you a fun fact about steel toe boots. That steel bends, and cuts off all your toes under high enough weight.
  2. I'm telling you, with all that radiation Godzilla is on his way. Germany (62) United States (7) Japan (63) Sweden (87)
  3. Does nobody watch the news Japan is done. Germany (63) United States (27) Japan (59) Sweden (72)
  4. Germany (68) United States (30) Japan (54) Sweden (69)
  5. Benson

    Vent and DoDs

    I'm a step ahead of you guys. I've been dealing with this problem for 2+ months. Haven't found a resolution yet. It actually happens to me every time I join a server or map change. I alt+tab and restart vent. I've started noticing flipping my headset mic up and back down (essentially muting and unmuting my mic) solves the problem sometimes but not all the time.
  6. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that 24hp is the generally accepted medic mod value for realisms. Since after all we are a realism unit, it makes sense to practice how you play so to speak. I guess you all know how I'm voting.
  7. I'm a fan of trials riding it just blows me away the balance and control some people can muster on a bike. Slower paced video than the ones above but amazing nonetheless
  8. Wicked video Branem nice job.
  9. Happy Birthday Kirkendall, I wont shoot you today, I'll just run right past.
  10. Personally I'm a fan of what just happened there. The little guy got exactly what was coming. I especially liked the part where his face and pride got mangled.
  11. Common sense, it's too bad she didn't get any. I hope she gets a swift kick to the teeth instead.
  12. Looks like it would be a lot of fun, but damn they're crazy.
  13. I don't know how I feel about poker being called a sport. How are they measuring his vert, cause his feet sure as shit aren't getting 50 inches off the ground. He's crazy athletic though I'll give him that.
  14. In his defense, at least he's not already familiar with said scent.
  15. I got 12 and yeah you've got it with the hues Goodwin.
  16. Newspaper article says he's 7. This kid brings an intensity that hasn't been learned by many 7 years olds. He's trained well too, very explosive moves. It'll be interesting to see how he handles things when the competition catches up at higher ages but he's got the attitude to do well.
  17. Benson

    Quote Thread

    Wells: I had a dream about Parker last night... Wells: It was me and 2 other girls.
  18. Newsletter looks awesome as usual great read keep up the great work. I don't mean to toot my own horn but, beep beep. No it's just cause those stats don't get reset every month and my playtime is embarrassingly large. I also get to carry the banner for most deaths.
  19. Benson


    Just thought I'd throw this out there, youtube is a great resource for math tutors. You could actually learn university courses on youtube if you felt like it.
  20. Benson


    I'd feel bad giving the guy the wrong answers too. Perpendicular lines have slopes of negative reciprocals. Since your slope is -3 in the above mentioned y=mx+b form, a slope of 1/3 is perpendicular. You find the negative reciprocal by flipping the fraction and changing the sign. -3 is the same as saying -3/1. Flipping that fraction we get -1/3 , changing the sign we get 1/3 . As for the sheep chicken question. It's a word problem and I'm guessing they'll want to see some logic. Let x represent the number of chickens. If we know we have 55 more sheep than chickens we know the term x + 55 = our number of sheep. So we write out the equation we know and solve for x Total animals = # chickens + # sheep 135 = x + (x+55) 135 - 55 = x + x + 55 - 55 (Subtract 55 from both sides) 80 = 2x (divide both sides by 2) 40 = x Go back to your original statements, x represents chickens therefore you have 40 chickens, x + 55 represents sheep therefore you have 40+55 = 95 sheep
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