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Everything posted by Worsham

  1. Canadian has thanksgiving?? Do they have the Easter bunny and Santa clause too?! :0
  2. hes currently on vent asking anyone who joins why he has been banned
  3. I nominate bullock I also nominate collazo
  4. Gooderham. Your right NHL 11 Is a pretty close contest for me. I played the crap outta NHL 10 so I assume 11 Is better. I retract most of my previous statement About how this game will phail. COD black ops is a 2-3 week rental. If you like the Multiplayer enough then buy it. I played 4 hours of campaign last night and I'm about a quarter way though the game. I played about 2 hors of multiple player they basically gor rid of everything that made me want to kill modernwarfare. No riot shields, they minimized noob tubing, no stopping power or juggernaught. I must say the campaign held my attention. As with most other call of duty games, and other franchise games the campaign is short and boring so I never finish playing them. The historical connection also captures my attention.
  5. Madden is bad. I think FIFA is the best sports game out there. Anyone from anywhere can play it and enjoy it.
  6. I think lebron should stop making nike commercials, thats what you should damn do.
  7. Wells just dont shave your legs if you feel so excluded. But you won't win... It's just too gross.
  8. Gooderham for.. Worst comment ever!
  9. Black ops will fail and die in a burning fire. I'm sick of all the kill streaks. I'm sick of getting knifed in the back. All these little kids are always on. Call of duty is a dead game. There's too many of the same exact thing. The age of a new video game is waiting to come around. The only popular things are classic reboots and expansions.. Halo reach. Call of duty. Fallout. Battlefeild(medal of honor). All of the sports games are gettin old the only change in them are stats and players.
  10. In some parts of the us anyone over a certain age Is banned from trick or treating. So obviously that's out for sone of us haha. Idk I might go to a haunted house. But most likely my friends going to throw a Halloween / Texas rangers watching party.
  11. oh come on dont be so modest.
  12. Idk what to tell you Collins you must be the best Australian player in the world. Congrats
  13. Sorry I didnt know I wasn't supposed to name it.
  14. Billy: SCRATCH! SCRAAAAAAAAATCH! Oh my stars of the love of Liza. You scratch my C-D!
  15. Billy: You scratched my CD! You picked it up in pure daylight and you scratched it! The Ringer
  16. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear ford! Happy birthday to you! And many more! You can open your presents now.
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