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Vasques 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Vasques 1st MRB

  1. alright this is what I got, if somebody could verify it for me that would be great.

    the sentence I am using in english goes as follows

    "I can't speak (language), but please stop team killing, and shooting in spawn. Thank you."

    Spanish - Yo no puedo hablar español, pero parar por favor matanza de equipo, y disparando en la prole. Gracias.

    French - Je ne peux pas parler l'espagnol, mais s'il vous plaît l'équipe d'arrêt qui tue, et tirant dans le frai. Merci.

    Chinese (simplified) - 我不可以说西班牙语,但是请停止杀死,枪击卵于的小组。谢谢。

    German - Ich kann Spanisch nicht sprechen, aber bitte Haltmannschaft tötend, und schießend in Laich. Vielen Dank.

    Russian - Я не могу говорить на испанском языке, но пожалуйста остановите убийство команды, и вбегание икры. Спасибо.

    Japanese - 私がスペイン語を話すことができないが、チーム殺害と、卵〔菌糸〕の射撃を止めてください。 ありがとう。

    Swedish - Jag kan inte tala spanska, men vänligen stopplag döda, och skjuta i Rom. Tacka dig.

    Portuguese - Eu não posso falar espanhol, mas por favor a equipa de paragem matando, e atirando em ova de peixe. Obrigado.

    Hopefully that helps.. I dunno how you will get the context in game.. butttttt yeah ^_^ there ya go

    You just said "and shoot a fish egg" in Portuguese lol.

    Here is the correct translation to Portuguese:

    Não falamos Português, mas por favor não mate a sua própria equipa e não dispare dentro dos spawns. Obrigado.

    Also pretty sure the spanish translation is incorrect, they might not understand.

  2. And thus is our first amendment. You can say whatever you want, whenever you want, despite how stupid, racist, intolerant, and ridiculous it is. Just like that westboro baptist church protest at the US marine's funeral, a bunch of scum bag brainwashed idiots gathered to let everyone know just how stupid they are, and it was completely in their rights to do so. (not saying i agree with these fucks, but if we want to say what we want to say, we have to let others do the same)

    I know it was just a comedy movie by the creator of Bevis and Butthead, but in my opinion, "Idiocracy" is a scary accurate view of the future.

    "it's not the right time to be sober, now the idiots have taken over, Mensa membership conceding, someone tell me how and why the hell are all the stupid people breeding"- NOFX; the idiots are taking over

    Yes I agree with you, but we just can't let some of these things happen, because in the end they are actualy offending and causing moral damage on these people. I think they do have the right to say whatever they want, but we are only free if we don't offend or harm other people, there has to be a limit otherwise we would be shooting each other in the streets.

    What these people were doing was not protesting, this was pure fascism, hatred, racism, whatever you wanna call it. Someone has to take action on these ignorant people, because we all know this is not right, and deep down, they know it aswell but they just don't care.

  3. Not sure if this is politics or not but I just wanted to post it here for you guys to see it.

    I couldn't believe what I was seeing once I cicked on this video on youtube.

    Is this really still happening in the 21st Century?

  4. So Bahrain Calls the US for help. And the Egypt is without government. Ruled by the military.

    <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaYvy8CPxwU?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaYvy8CPxwU?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaYvy8CPxwU?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

    Why are all these things happening in the middle east at once?

    Financial hardships have increased exponentially and have now made their way to the Middle Eastern citizens. Also the successful ouster of Ben Ali (coupled with the internet and its ability to pool disgruntled factions together at the speed of lightening, along with giving them their marching orders) served to "inspire" more protests while the iron was hot, so to speak. - link

    And now they plead for help from US?! i do remember seeing on the news of them not wanting us there, and doing things i would kill a man for. -->


    Fuck these people in my opinion. As ignorant as it sounds i don't give a fuck. Think about it, would they do the same for us?? I really don't think so.

    It's a tough world and i'm glad i was born in the best damn country in it.

    I really don't believe it is the people's fault, I mean, these people have been under a regime for years, they were brainwashed, tortured, killed, I'm not surprised that they would start hating another countries and stuff because their leaders tell them to. They need democracy they are obviously tired of all the bullshit and they woke up because of Egypt. I don't think they really have this hate for America or any other countries, and you can't rly think "would they do the same for us", maybe, maybe not, does it really matter? I believe we should help the ones that need help, it just makes the world better, even if they still hate you at least you know your doing the right thing.

    There is also another reason why some demonstrators are hating the US, most of the weapons used against them were made in the U.S or given by the U.S idk, so if you saw a teenager getting killed by one of your rubber bullets or one of your shotguns I think you would be pretty pissed cause you would think "oh so the U.S makes the weapons that kills our kids".

  5. Well, I know this sounds rly weird but I saw this movie trailer called "Iron Sky" and apparently they are making a movie about nazis that escaped to the moon and attack the earth in the future, at first it sounded rly stupid but it got me hooked up actualy and it was something different from the usual xD

    www.ironsky.net for all info


    First Footage:

  6. Yes. Wow that's probably the first time someone got it right. For some reason people think I'm Mexican LOL

    And smithers, no I just needed a new profile picture lol I was debating on using this because it made me feel like a dirty male cam-whore :(

    ahah, that's because I live in Portugal :)

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