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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. Ha! My 5yo. son was so excited the other day because he built a lego something-er-other that was rated at 8+ and he did about 99% of it by himself. That elation is understandable and a great feeling! Best toy I ever had as a kid was my dirt bike and my guitars.
  2. ENTP - (at least, the last few times I took this test while getting my psych degree) Inventors tend to be introspective, pragmatic, informative, and expressive. They can become highly skilled in functional engineering and invention. Of all the role variants, Inventors are the most resistant to doing things a certain way just because it was done that way in the past. Designing and improving mechanisms and products is their constant goal. Intensely curious, Inventors have an entrepreneurial character and are always looking for new projects to work on. Though full of ideas, Inventors are primarily interested in those that can be put into action or used to make products. They see product design as a means to an end, the goal being a marketable prototype. When beginning a project, they rarely start with a blueprint. They are confident in their ability to find effective and pragmatic solutions during the design process. Inventors are often nonconformists and can have a circle of friends who are interested in their ideas or activities. Inventors are generally laid back, nonjudgmental, and good conversationalists. They tend to be informative, rather than directive, in their social exchanges. They are often able to explain their own complicated ideas, as well as comprehend the complex ideas of others. In arguments they may use debating skills, often to the significant disadvantage of their opponent.[2] This strategy can backfire, however, by alienating those seeking a cooperative relationship rather than a combative one—a typical source of conflict between Rationals and Idealists, for example.[3] Inventors are generally ingenious individuals capable of rising to meet the demands of challenging situations. In work, they are usually good leaders of pilot products that test their abilities. Inventors are constantly looking for new ways to do things and usually have the social skills and drive to implement their ideas.[2]
  3. /facepalm Just don't! There's lots more to it than simplifying it that much!
  4. .... I knew I should've just made a signature of a naked chick
  5. Explorer was only 'great' when the other option was Netscape (sans 1996 or so) and even then it wasn't 'great', but the better of two evils. I.E. has been the current standard for a poopy, nasty browser since '99+. :-D
  6. Yes, although, so can most any site that's very good with their cookies/tracking etc. Also, Firefox & Chrome are so close to being identical you have to really be a POWER user to give a shit or notice differences. Firefox 3.5 used to handled Javascript & embedded objects a bit worse than Chrome, but in the latest that's no longer the case.
  7. That game got so boring. The new expansion was good for about 3 months. Every person I know (including those who have played since beta, similar to me) stopped playing. The end-game raiding in that game is a joke (EZ-mode) and all around that game has become catered to stupid players who just want to be complete fucking nubs and 'win the game'. I miss the social things about that game like playing with a guild of friends, but now? Not so much, because literally no one plays it anymore. I wish EQ2 would've done a ton better... they had a lot of much better game ideas as far as social things, but never quite adapted their gameplay to be like that of WoW. Too bad, because WoW has since stolen a good number of EQ2's ideas that they had since day 1 of release.
  8. If I may... Alienware used to be good quality. Now I believe they're owned by Dell? They used to be pricey because they came with 100% top of the line shit that was high end. Now? Well, they're overpriced (by about 100%) and their quality is standard at best. I wanted an Alienware years ago, but anymore? They're run of the mill and not worth even half of what they cost. Think/research/choose wisely - but anymore they're just a 'name', that is otherwise just some standard computer you could buy anywhere. Sad because they used to be really cool.
  9. You got something dribbling down your chin...
  10. ...That reminded me of one of my all-time favorites by Jose Saramago - Blindness While not a 'psychology' book by any stretch of the imagination - it is amazingly written. Probably one of the top3 fastest books I'd ever read. I absolutely could not put it down for 2 days solid. Every waking moment I had was spent nose deep in that book. He had another called 'Seeing' which IMO wasn't as good and started off a bit more political than I cared for.
  11. Some friends tried to turn me onto Asimov, I never gave him a chance (yet). I'm glad someone else likes the 'Dog in the Nigh-Time'! Flatland sounds interesting - thanks for the suggestions! Have you read Spook? (speaking of other dimensions - it's a search for the 'soul') or Stiff? Very comical and lighthearted with a great amount of information! (based on science/reality - so a bit off the sci-fi path)
  12. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon) Watchers (Dean Koontz) The Dragon Nimbus series (Irene Radford) Never Die Easy (Walter Payton) ...and more and more and more and more... so many amazing books I've read in my lifetime I can't even begin to name them all.
  13. How serious of a league is it? I suck at it - but have done it a couple times and found it pretty fun.
  14. Good point. Makes it that much more impressive!
  15. People do pretty insane shit with their bodies. My only hesitation lies in that the camera is so grainy (and against such a light background) - that it would easily have been modified with editing software and no one would know for sure. Meaning things could've been sewn together and it would be virtually undetectable due to the poor quality of the video in the first place. Pretty cool regardless.
  16. Holy crap.... that is truly insane. Such a shame...
  17. Got rid of Windows Vista today... and installed Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. Re-installing everything is taking a while, but I'm glad to be moving on from shitsta! Anyone have any cool little things I should know to do about Windows 7 to make it as 'game ready' as possible? (i.e. turn off Aero, gadgets, etc.)? If you know of any tips/tricks, let me know!
  18. Too late - Hop Rod Rye is one of my all-time favorites. I like it enough I brewed up 5 gallons of it that turned out really REALLY close to the original. In fact I was considering brewing it up this fall again! I also like Ska Brewing and "Modus Hoperandi" - check it out! It only comes in cans, but damn is it tasty!
  19. Nice! I fished like crazy as a kid. Growing up by a lake with only 1 friend your age living 1.5 miles away will do that, it helped keep me busy. I got a little addicted to ultra-light rods however; that was all we used in Wyoming for trout fishing in the streams on my grandpa's ranch. I had an Abu Garcia as well and it held up like a champ. In fact, it's still on my rod, and still at my parents house. I still use it when I go fishing when I visit. I miss having a place to go so close... in Chicago all they have are these little ponds that everyone around here calls 'lakes'. You could skip a rock from one side to the other on some of these 'lakes'. Very cool looking reel - I was just checking into possibly getting a new rod/reel since my rod is probably 20 yrs + old, and my reel is probably 15 yrs +
  20. Indeed. Had some great ideas in theory, just implemented poorly. That, along with the overall size of the game (around 40GB) is a huge drawback. Free is where they should've started to draw people in, then went to a 'pay to play' once they had people hooked.
  21. Tried to watch it, both the woman and I fell asleep. Which is bad because: A) we weren't tired we like watching movies. It went straight to our shit list.
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