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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. Also got a 12. My girl got a 14 - and she's an art teacher! She's going to use this in her classroom now, ha! I wish the stats on the last page weren't all fucked up Also, wouldn't monitors have some affect on this as well? I've seen monitors be pretty 'off' in terms of color, which could affect this to some degree maybe? I dunno, just what the lady brought up, and it jogged my memory as to some of the weird colored monitors I've seen. Although I guess it's just hues of color, so no matter the overall color, the hue change is the difference. I'm dumb.
  2. Where were you when I was developing some software for the place I work that never actually got any use and was scrapped as soon as I finished writing it? I needed help! Thank God for google.
  3. I'm a javascript nub, but have been working on some crazy crap lately at work that has required me to gather a little javascript knowledge. I may, or may not, be able to assist. hit me up when you get a chance.
  4. Couldn't agree more. IIRC - they're just two guys, guitar & drums. They're a lot of fun. Blues/rock is where it's at.
  5. I usually try to catch them on Speed or CBS when they're on. If not, I don't worry about it so much... although this year with the deep talent pool I've found myself really hunting for when the races will be on so I can watch with my boys. The bikes these days are disgusting powerful. My old bike was an '01 KTM 520sx - bought around 2001 when everyone was still riding 2-strokes for the most part. I crashed my brains out on that thing a number of times - it was the bike I broke my back with... went for a huge step up and missed a shift - just figured I could twist the throttle a bit more and make it and ended up about a foot short. Over the bars and a short tumble later I couldn't move my legs for about 5-10 seconds... I didn't know it then but found out about 2 years ago that I have 2 herniated discs in my back and a broken vertebrae from that incident. I was racing for years after that too - another even moderately bad accident and the doc says there's a chance I won't be walking. Glad I didn't know that while I was racing after the fact! When I got the 250sx, I was WAY faster than I was on the 4-stroke so I guess I'm just a 2-stroke kind of guy. Watching those guys hit the jumps they do these days makes everyone take for granted just how huge those jumps are. Until you've been on the track and stared down the track from the lip of a triple... you have no idea. They all look so easy on tv. Then when you see them turning things into insane quads and such... just boggles my mind. At what point do they say "I think I can go from here... alllllllllll the way to there in one leap." There was a track in Texas (Hooks, tx) that had a section of two doubles. EVERYONE - hit them double-double - but I was told there was some of the local pro's who came out for the day races (the track raced mostly on saturday nights), and those guys would turn that double-double into a giant quad (they had a better run at it because the day track had an additional section added to it). I just can't gather my head around who would try that stuff. I can't imagine how fast Stewie must've been on the same track with you too... that would've been so cool - you can always say "yea, I lined up against him". I've never lined up against anyone famous - ever! Just a bunch of weekend warrior squids like myself.
  6. I know some people who know some people, apparently KTM was trying to get ahold of Pourcel to ride for them but after a few attempts at talking to him they pulled the plug - didn't want to deal with him if he was going to be an ass about it. I too was pretty surprised Reed didn't get a big ride this year too... he's fast enough to deserve one. I too miss Bailey & Eckman in the booth... and yea, Emig has come a long way! It's nice because he can provide some of that insight like David used to into what they're thinking/feeling at any given point during the race. Although Dobbles made that comment just because way back when McGrath was dominating everything I was a huge fan (how could you not be?!) - I remember bitching to him about Emig (remember the horrible season MC had on Suzuki?) and he would always say he was rooting for Emig even though he didn't follow the sport much at all (he only knew about it from my ramblings, or the odd chance he'd see some on tv) Kenworthy's was awesome! Wish it was still around. Never been a huge fan of Villopoto - he's a fast little guy, but something about him just makes me go 'meh'. I have found myself pulling for Canard this year because he's like 'the underdog' who always seems to have to come up from behind the leader. Although Windham is one of my all-time favorite riders I hope this is his last season. That guy has so much natural talent... but has never been able to string it all together consistently. He's so fluid and smooth... if it wasn't for RC - I think KW would have a few more championships under his belt. Who else before Bubba could even compare to RC? Only Windham, even right out of retirement... impressive as hell. I was a huge Ezra Lusk fan back in the day too - that guy was SO fast when he got it together... my sons name is Ezra if that tells you anything (I think it's an awesome name on top of liking Lusk).
  7. Did you know he's like a full-time announcer for them now? Whoever scripts some of the stuff they say isn't very bright... but he does a good job I think.
  8. Stewie is such a bitch IMO. I've never liked him. He's fast, but he's not 'the fastest of all time' because he can't keep it on two wheels! I feel bad for him these days though because he just can't win... if he wins? It's usually because others take themselves out... and his PR is a joke. Have you seen "Bubbas world?" what a joke! I feel bad because I think he could have tons of fans, could be really likable, but Big James is such a tool he'd never just let his kid be. Big James is like Tony Alessi, just a gigantic tool who's never done much for their kids careers other than be a hindrance. I feel bad for Dungey most of all though - last year he was taking it to a new level and this year he can't put it together! Reed? I used to like Reed because he was really taking it to JS & RC, however these days he seems to just be phoning it in. He's fast, but he's not willing to put it on the line like in years past. He's starting to get up to speed on that Honda, but I think the Yamaha suited him best. That crash? I dunno - I don't know what to think of it as I haven't seen it yet. I haven't watched that race yet but have heard a lot of speculation as to who did what and why... I ride (well, used to, haven't ridden/raced in a couple years ) an '03 KTM 250sx (two-stroke of course!) I've raced all over IL, all over Arkansas, some in Texas, a little in Iowa and live about 2 hours from Red Bud!!! I've never raced the national track though, just the amateur track. One of these days I'd like to take to the national track, although these days they say there are some C amateurs who'll go for LaRocco's leap
  9. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local...i-vet-dies.html
  10. Damnit dobbles, why didn't you ever help me like that?
  11. He was still in the server when I came back - I took care of this.
  12. Never heard of a hardware or software error ever telling you to go to a link. Ever. The only time I can think that stuff has happened was when people clicked the link and ended up with viruses and shit - which ended up causing them to reformat.
  13. I'd do her, and the girl from paramore. <3
  14. If this were half-way modern plumbing I'd say "no problem!", but the problem is that the screws don't have much to take into. It looks like the existing tapcons were just put into the mortar, not even reaching the concrete below :-/ sucks! This is a pain in my ass.
  15. So, when Deyana (my girl) moved in here around 4 years ago all sorts of shit was done wrong. She had to have the place rewired, lots of shit redone, tore out walls and redid them etc. Most of this she did on her own or with her dad - that's right men, she's independent and isn't afraid to kick a mans ass. Fast forward to 2 years ago, we replace the ball-cock & flapper valve in the toilet because it had a slow leak. Fast forward to today - water guy comes out does the dye trick and confirms what I thought - huge leak in the flapper valve. Sure we could try a new flapper valve - again - but the tank was also filling up slow, causing the bowl to push out even more water into overflow. Our last water bill was $120, $60 higher than any we had ever had. The leak was pretty bad - so we decided 'fuck it, new toilet'. So we head out - we're not looking to break the bank because we plan on selling this place and getting a bigger house in the next 2-3 years anyhow. So we pickup an American Standard toilet from Home Depot. Get it home - and the things been open once already by someone else and they had apparently brought it back. So I take it back, and get a new unopened one. Get it home, get the old one out, dry fit the new one - things are looking up. This is my first toilet install, but I did my homework and felt ready to tackle this. Set it with the wax and shit, tighten down the nuts on the sides a decent amount, and the toilet has got a wobble. Not even a little that wobble could be shimmed, like a real WOBBLE. It looks like the bolt moves with the toilet when it wobbles. This can't be good. I end up pulling the toilet back off after trying to shim out the wobble. 2 of the anchor screws that held the collar to the concrete came out in the wax attached to the bottom of the toilet. Not only that - the screws are different lengths. Old ass cast iron piping. I have a feeling we're fucked on this one - my dad said those concrete screws don't hold worth dick in a lot of the homes he's been to (he works for a plumbing/hvac company), and he says there are a 'few' options that 'may' work but are probably a bit more advanced than I'd have the knowledge for. Any of you guys got any ideas? Seriously - I'll take any advice at this point short of 'get a jackhammer and get to work', which is what we fear we may have to do in order to get this shit done correctly (at least then we could retile the floor properly, but we don't really want to spend all the extra $$)... sucks balls. Here are some pictures - the two blue concrete screws in the back are still holding the collar down - but my pops said it sounds like someone rigged this fucker all jacked up back in the day anyway, probably because they didn't give a shit which sounds about right having heard all the other horror stories about this house. Here is me lifting the collar - it will come up bout 1/2 an inch: Here you can see the missing screws in the front:
  16. Now - while I think that's cool, why doesn't he just play guitar? I can't tap, so I'm auto-magically a wee bit jealous at people that do - but this guy uses echo which IMO is a bit cheapening of it. Makes it sound more interesting than it really is sometimes, and I felt this was one of those time. That monstrosity of a bass is cool though - I can't imagine what that would cost@!! I think one with the perfect combination of speed, grace, and ability is Victor. This one still gives me chills and raises the hair on the back of my neck: And we can't forget this guy! I can't imagine the dedication it took for him...
  17. Full Name:Christopher 'Hanny' Goodwin Age:29 Location:Chicago Suburbs (Bloomingdale) Occupation:Web Developer / Graphic Designer Favorite activity or hobby:Motocross, Diving, Music (interchangeable as my favorite) Special talent:Worlds Greatest Dad - I even have a coffee mug confirming this, so you know it's true. Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer; specifically - Iniquity (imperial black ale) by Southern Tier 3 Favorite movies: 1.The Princess Bride 2.Any Spongebob season DVD 3.Wall-E 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1.Stevie Ray Vaughn 2.Red Hot Chili Peppers 3.Henry Rollins & a bazillion others 3 Favorite songs: 1.Sir Psycho Sexy 2.Pride & Joy 3.So many others I can't name them all 3 Favorite foods: 1.Cereal 2.Ribs 3.Seafood
  18. In the background you hear eerie knocks and noises - clear evidence ghosts exist.
  19. Valve has tons of deals on getting both usually - I'd recommend that in all truth. I'm still playing through the first one (a friend and I play on occasion, just working through the games) - but I hear L4D2 is much, much better.
  20. It was pretty nasty here, but I've seen much worse. Around Chicago here we got pretty good (18" or so) - but the drifting made it kinda bad. Where I grew up, I remember going down country roads where the plows would go and keep things back as best they could, but eventually the drifts were 10+ ft tall, and the road would narrow to one lane. So going out and seeing only a foot or so of snow (undrifted) around town makes me go "why all the fuss?" Although this photo says a lot (it's Chicagos famous 'lakeshore drive' - the most traveled road in the city, essentially it's backbone). The drivers here were in stand-still traffic for over 5 hours. Some cars ran out of gas, and eventually the cops told everyone to abandon their cars and go home. This is a legitimate - real - undoctored photo taken today I think.
  21. Go Steelers. Show those pack assholes why luck only gets you so far.
  22. A politician eh!? Good luck, I know that's a tough career choice! My hats off to you! Too much stress/rage in that for me, haha
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