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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. Woa woa woa! Not EVERY bass players dream... I personally would love a Modulus bass! Or maybe a Fodera... play either of those through a big ole 8x10 Ampeg... jizz in your pants! That said - that's a gorgeous bass there! You should record us a demo so we can hear it! We know you have a mic, don't make us come find you.
  2. Indeed. He seemed to really enjoy firing in spawn and was warned multiple times.
  3. You just don't know what's in some of this 'energy' shit. My friends brother took some weightlifting supplement before working out a few months ago... long story short: While he was working out he said he felt like he could 'do anything', and it felt like being 'on some kinda drug' - 2 days later he went to the ER with heart palpitations. This occurred twice more in the next week. Granted, it's not an 'energy' drink as much as it was a lifting thing - but God knows what they actually put into that shit, and how much it actually gets tested. They could pull all that shit from the shelves, wouldn't bother me a bit. Fuck that company and the douchebag doing the interview.
  4. I'm having this same issue. I had some custom settings before in an exec file to tweak my lerp and stuff... but decided to try this config to check it out. Call me stupid, but I seem to be having issue with it **Edit: I got it working :-D
  5. First off I'd like to say a few things that have been on my mind for some time, and that is "Thank You", to each and every one of you here in the 1st MRB. You guys & gals are some of the best people I've ever had the enjoyment of gaming with - far beyond any 'guild' I've been a part of in any MMO I've ever played, well beyond many 'acquaintances' I've made here or there and no longer talk to. I realize I've been on LOA for some time now (I'm coming off after new years!) and we've got some new faces who may not know me, but there are many of you who've seen me since my Day 1 in this unit. You were here long before me, but have taken the time to talk to me, chat about nothing, chat about something, and in general be really awesome. I've gotten the opportunity to know some of you pretty well and I'm really glad I've had this opportunity. It's the holidays, and I wanted to make sure that each and every one of you know that I'm wishing all my fellow brothers & sisters in the 1st MRB a heartfelt "Merry Christmas" from the bottom of my heart. There are many of you who really make just 'hanging around' a truly enjoyable thing to do. Getting on vent most always leads to laughter (to the point of tears sometimes) and is always something I look forward to when my rugrats hit the sack and I have the chance to hang out with my friends. Anyhow - I know some of you guys are going through some shit lately and for those who are, I hope it gets better. If you need me? Just ask! Merry Christmas everyone - I hope you guys have a great holiday spent with some family, food, and heartfelt times. If not? I hope your liquor of choice is delicious! Can't afford it? Hit me up, got plenty of homebrew to pass around Thanks for the wonderful time thus far in the first, glad to be wishing you all the best this holiday!
  6. How big is it? You could e-mail me: hannylicious@gmail.com
  7. I would just like to interject that I played with him for a number of hours last night and didn't notice anything extraordinary about his play. He was good, but not amazingly good. If you want to send me the demo I can host it on my server for download if you need. If he was hacking, then for shame - but he seemed totally legit to me.
  8. Jager is blech. I hate black licorice though, so that's probably why. As far as beer? See if you guys get Southern Tier - if so, pick up some Iniquity. It's a black IPA that rolls in around 9% abv. There is NO alcohol tang like what you find in most other high abv beers, it's just hop goodness with a roasty malt finish (thanks to the carafe III malts). Super good. I just brewed a clone of it and bottled it yesterday. I took a sample of it and it was delicious!! I got a lot more roasted flavor (I added a bit more roasted malts than called for) than the original - but I mashed it a little high and forgot to take a gravity reading so I have no idea of the ABV (but it's probably relatively low). Other delicious beers? Anything by Bear Republic (Hop Rod Rye is the bomb! I made a clone of that a couple months ago and posted it here on the boards - I've been drinking it and it was spot on!) Cheap? I like VSOP Brandy actually - it's one of the cheapest and it's delicious. Either on the rocks with a splash of water or sprite and it'll get ya warm and be delicious. Also, the lady and I found this amazing recipe that's super easy: Glass w/ ice 1/3 Cherry Pucker a few shots of a canadian whisky (the glass should be about 2/3 full now) Fill the rest with sprite, mix and enjoy. Called a Canadian Cherry. Fucking amazing!!! Fun Tip: How do you know if someones drinking rum/coke or whisky/coke!? If it has foam on top - it's rum & coke. No foam? Whisky & coke.
  9. That was an interesting video! How do you just happen across something like that? Anytime a musician(s) have to cover a song that sucks to begin with but is embraced by the mindless idiots of pop culture - they stop being musicians and start being wanna-be sellouts IMO. I hate the song when Katy Perry sings it, still hate it when those douches try to put a different spin on the same shit song. That said, I hope Katy Perry dies in a hot fire with a red hot poker banging her vag.
  10. Damn! I never knew people did that. I remember mario paint way back when SNES was 'cutting edge' gaming!
  11. Yall would laugh if you saw my setup. I think, a 30" tv? Old school tube baby. I've had it for probably close to 15 years or more. No HDMI, no hi-def, none of that. I still have a vcr plugged into my reciever for crying out loud. Not a vcr/dvd combo, a plain old vcr! The lady and I have been discussing tv's and almost pulled the trigger on a 40" flat screen, but she said if she is going to get a new tv, it better be huge. She wants 55-60" (that's what she said ) We're thinking Christmas we might make the leap to a flat screen - the problem will be getting rid of this huge entertainment center we currently have that takes up so much space (and holds all our vhs movies, dvds, video games, etc.) Also, I've noticed huge differences in quality of picture on flat screens. Some don't really have a deep true black color to things that should be black (which in tube tv's meant it was a much lesser quality television) - does the same logic apply? Some are pixely but I don't know if that's because it's at a store and not hooked up nicely, or what... makes me nervous to get one. That's a really nice blu-ray player you got though... And Dillon, I actually knew a kid who swore by Monster cables. But that was for car audio - and the old school av cable for tv's. I myself will NEVER buy them (although I did have them in my truck for it's amps/subs/mids/highs - but I got them free since the 'family business' was home & car audio). They get a lot of people to buy into it though and it's outrageous.
  12. They're SATA drives, so it will play well with any newer mobo. Also the mobo not fitting is only limited by ones creativity or ingenuity. I mean hell, you can build a computer inside anything whether or not it has the proper 'mounting'. I think buying a new rig is highly overrated IMO, and is clearly off topic from the OP. The OP was he wanted a new processor. It's very easy just to say "well, your shit is outdated, get a new rig", but if he wanted that option he would've asked for it. He asked for some processors that would work for him, and for his rig, I can say with some assurance it will be an upgrade and he'll notice performance increases (assuming he also has a decent amount of RAM going on). Right now that is his bottleneck for his current system. Even an 'outdated' system, can be made to run really damned well (if not as well as most 'recent' machines) if the user has tweaked it and gotten rid of said bottlenecks in the system allowing the unhindered flow of data from one place to another. That is typically the biggest reason people think their machines are 'outdated' before that's actually the case, they just lack the knowledge as to how to fix it, so they go buy a new rig and run into the same problem 2 years later. The reason for a newer mobo? A 'newer' quad core processor? Realistically, there aren't that many taxing games that truly utilize all those cores anyhow. So there's money wasted on both the mobo & the processor just so he can say he has it, not that it will ever really be put through the paces, or really justified. RAM? Well, IMO, that ranks right up there with 'just to say he has it'. His current system can handle decent RAM that will play most games very satisfactorily. His HDD is Sata so no need for upgrade there, optical drives? Doesn't really matter. Power supply is probably fine. So other than e-peen, what's the real reason for a new rig? Doesn't seem to be any real sound advice for it, especially given the OBVIOUS bottleneck in his current PC. Yes, its always awesome to have the latest and greatest, but his is plenty capable of doing the job, and getting rid of the current bottleneck of his CPU, will probably give him considerable increases. I like Intel based processors - that's just my opinion. Lets try and be realistic - if he says he wants a new processor, then give some advice in that respects - anyone can just say "get a new pc with all the great e-peen specs"
  13. I've got an XPS 410 with the same setup. It's a dual core 1.895 or something-er-other, and actually performs quite well IMO. I also have a 1GB video card and feel as if my CPU is my bottleneck in my machine. Personally, I can't justify spending the coin on a new processor (say, upgrading to 2.4, or a 3.0+ dual-core) when if you tried really hard, you could build a new PC (or hell, even buy a budget PC) capable of so much more for just a little more $$. But I'll probably be playing this thing another 2 years before I upgrade. Back on topic of the OP - As others have said, there are definitely processors that would fit your machine, and your budget. You (like me) are probably bottlenecked at the processor, and you'll notice pretty substantial gains from just a new processor alone. A nice video card won't be working anywhere near it's potential if you've got a processor that can't get things in and out fast enough to keep up.
  15. Chalk up another vote for Avast & AVG. Free, and get the job done and do so without hogging all your resources and slowing your comp to a god awful crawl. Although - I run without anti-virus protection at all. I usually scan once every few years with a few anti-virus and anti-malware (Malware Bytes) programs just to make sure. In 15 years, I've had 2 virus' that required a reformat, other than that - zip. I'm dumb to run without AV these days - but meh. Worst that can happen is a reformat :-P
  16. Glad I never got into that game. I played CoD4 back in the day for about 4-5 weeks, then gave up. I don't get the draw of it. It's just not THAT good. It's a FPS like plenty others out there. Achievements were really the only thing that set it apart from the rest - and that's not worth all this hoopla that people have made it out to be. IMO - the game Delta Force 2 (pc) was THE best shooter ever!! The guns bullets dropped over distance, the sniper rifle had adjustable sites so you had to adjust for distance of your target (via binoculars). The maps were SO huge - you could literally start walking in one direction for over 5 minutes and never reach the edge of the map. Mountains, valleys, terrain changes, sounds, shadows, guile suits that actually hid you in the taller grass, claymores, landmines, nades - the works (later versions of the game had flyable helicopters/jets/boats/etc). Then a trainer was released for it (cheats basically) - and the game was ruined by cheaters. That said - it was free - and totally rocked. A FPS has yet to really impress me since.
  17. Would require and update to Windows 7 - because XP and Vista can only hand 4GB RAM max. I'm not one to buy Windows - ever. So it will wait! My 3GB of RAM will be fine for now Very interesting though - I would've never guessed that would've been the outcome. I am kinda 'meh' on SSD anyway, but damn those are HUGE differences in speed.
  18. I stopped shaving a few days prior to the start of november, so I guess I have an 'unfair advantage' or a bit of a lead rather. Are we allowed to trim? Because I get a neck beard worse than kyle orton. I think even Michael J. Fox in teen wolf had less neck/facial hair.
  19. Yea, I had a friend 'trade in' some games one time when I went with him. I was shocked how little they gave him for them, meanwhile they had the 'used' games on the shelf at damn near full price. I knew then I'd NEVER do that. Rip off. With Craigslist & Ebay - you don't need to get fucked, you can get your $$.
  20. Name: [CBC] CHode Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21672474 Reasons for the Ban: Although not present to witness it was reported to me this pubber made racist comments and spammed on the mic constantly before leaving. It was reported by a pubber who I've seen in the pub multiple times "Joker". Recomended duration of ban: 1 week to Permanent Demo Provided?: N
  21. I went 88mph and tried to decipher what this means, but I still have no clue.
  22. Thanks all. It was quite a birthday! Both my boys got to ride horses for the first time, lots of friends/family and just hanging out. Deep fried turkey, huge cake, plenty of beerz, was fun!
  23. Why do they always sprint off at full speed to some unknown place? Then they come back looking more tired than ever. What is the thinking there? Why not sprint back to the other end of the field? They always sprint off to the corner or something weird... That said, it was an amazing shot!
  24. Another idea may be to make sure your audio AND video drivers are up to date. That can cause huge issues similar to what you describe (and worse!)
  25. Sweet! I'll have to hit up the stores around here to see if anyone carries it. Some of the stores around here have surprisingly good selections from around the world - problem is that usually there are only a few bottles of really select stuff and sometimes they're out. Thanks for the suggestion!
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