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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. Taken care of! I hopped in and spec'd him for a while. He would claim he wasn't doing it, then wait a minute, then go do it some more. I put him on a permanent vacation.
  2. Oddly enough, a friend of mine preordered his copy of SC2... he got TWO beta keys! I think he gave the other key to his wife, but I can't be sure. He said if she wasn't going to play, he'd give it to me and I haven't seen it. So I assume she played.
  3. Well, A good rule of thumb I've always been told - is to watch the Black. Black is the hardest color for TV's to reproduce, so seeing how 'true black' the black is on a TV can often give you a quick peak at which TV has the best components/quality. I'm not sure if this rule applies 100% to the newer TV's, but back before everything was flat screen, it was a good sign of quality. I knew a guy who once went into a shop, and turned every TV on so it was full black on the screen. Then he picked the one that had the darkest 'truest' black. Just a tip, not sure how useful it may or maynot be.
  4. When I busted my jaw racing, I was on a liquid diet for 8 weeks - it was HORRIBLE. I wanted to eat everything. But the doc said if I did, he'd wire it shut. Of course... 3 days after it happened, I sneezed at work. That literally brought me to my knees. About a week later, I tried to nibble a peice of lettuce... FAIL. Couldn't even do that!
  5. hahaha In the back of mind... I've always had this 'dream girl' floating around. I've never seen her - ever. But I've seen some who come close, and date girls who are within acceptable ranges to that. Nobodies perfect, so it's always good to just go wild, have a good time, and die happy.
  6. Don't get too drunk, but if you do - come on Vent so we can laugh at you.
  7. If I must choose... Blonde. But not just ANY blonde... I really prefer dirty or strawberry blondes the most. And I don't like 'em tall... I've never dated a girl over 5'4... my current gf is 4'11 (and I'm 6'6") - we're a comical couple. Regardless... yea, blondes. HOWEVER - there is ONE exception I have, and that is, if they have light blue eyes, with a platinum blonde hair? I'm in. I have a friend of mine from Canada, who hits all my specs... platinum (almost white) natural blonde, baby blue eyes, and an absolutely adorable face, short, cute voice, all of that jazz. But she's one of about 3 girls I've ever seen with the platinum/whitish blonde hair that I found absolutely hawt.
  8. Depends on the haircut. There are hot girls of every hair color.
  9. All 4 of mine are severely impacted. They'll have to be (to quote the doc) "Chiseled out". My uppers are pushing my jaw into a more narrow position, so I'll need braces again. I LOVE braces, so that excites me. But the whole having my jaw hacked on and teeth chiseled out, not so much.
  10. x3. However, noarms brings up a good point, there are some studies that show antiperspirants (not deodorants) contain certain chemicals that have been linked to Alzheimers I believe... it's been a while since I read up on it... but there was some correlational studies going on about it or something.
  11. No offense, but judging from the fact it took you numerous posts to properly follow the instructions to request an unban, I wouldn't be so sure that it's correct. Especially considering the 2nd time you posted an unban request, you had some completely fake made up number that came from God knows where, and didn't even remotely resemble a Steam ID. All things considered, You might want to: A ) Research how to find your steam ID. B ) Utilize the methods researched to find out, and document your steam ID. C ) Make sure your steam ID is properly written down and documented in this thread. D ) Make sure your steam is up to date E ) Reboot your computer F ) Format your HD (just kidding, kind of) G ) If you've done all of that, and your steam ID is 100% correct (screenshots are great evidence), then I guess you should have played nice to begin with and not been banned originally. Perhaps there are other things you could try (and probably are), so you might want to do research to see if others have had your issue and how they've resolved it as well, because I'm sure you're not alone. Good luck.
  12. I love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYNOhqvNoS8
  13. COH (26) TrackMania (14) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (19) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (58)
  14. They are in an unmarked bank bag - the bills are in $20's so no one will check. There should be 2 bags. They're on your front doorstep. Please don't release the video! I don't want people asking me for autographs!
  15. Well, remember that one time... when we met up with "Brian"? I didn't mention it that night, but....
  16. I wear sweat. No, really! Okay okay, I wear Red Zone - whatever smell, I just pick one off the shelf. If I wear cologne, it's Calvin Kline Escape... although when I'm going lady hunting (which I don't do), I wear Sex Panther.
  17. http://kontraband.com/videos/22552/Jedi-A-Holes Hilarious!
  18. Oh Yeah! I've been a big fan of theirs too! I like those guys & Nightmares on Wax - very similar - very excellent.
  19. W0rd, I worked at one from 16-19, then I worked at a bookstore for 3 years, all sorts of fun. Grocery stores are SO fun to work at - SOOOoooooooooooo fun!
  20. I downloaded their discography. The more I listened to it, the more it became "I must have this.." They're awesome! Wilhelm, you're an ambient fan too?! I downloaded a HUGE ambient torrent that had all of the Stars of the Lid discography as well as a ton of stuff I've never heard of. The only downside is that every album in the torrent is one giant .mp3. So now I'm going through and cutting each one into the appropriate songs - what a pain!
  21. I guess it's just that time to trade in the french maid outfit... I'm gonna miss it.
  22. Had to make a career change, I wasn't making any money
  23. Trufax. Worsham, just do something you enjoy brutha. You like cars? Go work at a car dealership parking/driving cars. You into food? Go work at a grocery store and 'accidentally' cut into a box of your favorite food so you can eat it! Or work as a cook somewhere and get some experience as a chef! You into art? Find an art gallery or something, work as a secretary or whatever. At your age you're probably not thinking 'career' just yet, so do something that is in line with something you enjoy. You into fitness? Go work at a plumbing company. I did that for a while right out of college - and I was the grunt labor guy. It was insanely tough work, but I loved it. Nothing better than working hard and feeling good about what you've accomplished at the end of the day. It was a shitty (pun intended) job, but it was a good honest paycheck.
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