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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. We clearly need Dobbles to weigh in on this. He has a degree in mathematics.
  2. () has priority - so (1+2) first... since that is 3, it's multiplied by 2. Then the division is applied.
  3. Statistically speaking - there are many, many ways in which the newer generations are far worse than the older generations. In years before - it might have been just old people talking... but these days? It's a fact that is affecting society as a whole unfortunately.
  4. By your own admission, you knowingly broke the rules. This is the not the first time you've done something similar to this - so lets make it the last. Racism is 0 tolerance and you're no exception. The ban remains in place.
  5. We have... 1 Bulloxer (bulldog boxer mix) named Moto - she's big, 85lbs of pure muscle and energy! When we get a bigger house we will be getting a 2nd dog named Cross. 1 Bearded Dragon named Atilda - she's awesome and her red heat lamp works as a great nightlite for my boys. 1 Hedgehog named Pringles - my fiancee takes him to school with her every Friday; pretty much all the kids know Fridays are 'pringles days', and they get to hold him and play with him. 2 Ferrets named Flip & Flop and my 2 boys - who act like animals sometimes; ha!
  6. 1. What did you use to record your guitar? 2. What did you use for the effects on your voice?
  7. I've had nvidia and ATI; for some reason NVidia always struck me as the better cards. Now, I admit, I never did 'card for card' comparisons... it was always after an upgrade. I'd buy a new nvidia card and play on it and be in love with it. Then upgrade with a new ATI and play on it, then eventually upgrade to an Nvidia etc. Not sure why - but Nvidias always seemed a little smoother and had more 'pop' to the games I was playing. Probably just personal bias I think more than anything. Once again my graphics card is the weakest link on my machine. For a while, it was the only bright spot! But now it's a bit dated. Still runs DoD:S on high everything while getting around 300FPS so I don't think I "NEED" the upgrade. But I like neat shiny things. I'll be excited to see Nvidias new releases to the arena - hopefully something in the far less $$$ category. Most I've ever dropped on a video card was around $175. Maybe that will change now that I have a rig that could really utilize it.
  8. I like Mos Def! He's got a really cool story - and he's disgustingly talented! I admit my personal bias against Tupac makes me just despise his music. He was a huge push in the wrong direction for rap/hip-hop. He's the reason guys like that failure 50-cent ever even had a chance.
  9. Okay, I call bullshit. One of Eyedeas most popular songs? Smile. -> it's all about how even though life can be so hard - you have to continue to just smile and get through it. It carries such a huge message I'm encouraged to believe you didn't google or search at all! It's one of his most popular hits! Also, hip-hop (or 'rap') is all about rhyming - that's the POINT of the style. You can't have "too much", well, I guess you can with guys like Twista and that... but... most of the time? If they aren't rapping much it's because they don't have it. Smile is all about depression that people battle EVERY DAY. Maybe that's not a good example? How about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aam8tyc9Rk...feature=related A Murder of Memories - about veterans of the military who killed. How they have trouble adjusting to life, how their memories haunt them and kill them every day - eventually leading to suicide or attempts at it. How they've "seen so much death that they're scared of life". Is that no "life has problems"? Is that not real enough? How about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66HUSPUz7ZQ...feature=related All about being exhausted, talking about life - EVERY DAY LIFE. "thats what happens when you trade in all your dreams for a job"; Again, you say you couldn't find any of this - but did you even try? These are just a few I found within a 30 second google search... How about this one? - he discusses the entire history of man. The entire species of man in philosophical discussion. I think my point is proven, you didn't even bother googling. - "we're both sinking in the same boat" as he describes what's going on around in life and how the 'roads full of potholes but I don't need to tell you cuz you already know'. You're right. He's probably not talking about the every day man or every day life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK7lBMmGJiM...feature=related - he's remembering someone. "we share pain, you took me by the throat and made me understand the world as if I were you and I couldn't breath, you can lead a horse to fresh water but you can't teach it how to be okay when you decide to leave" - no anger or pain in that is there. Did you google at all? That's rhetorical - we know the answer! Eyedea was a 'famous' indie rapper by the age of 15. If that's not "true natural talent" I don't know what is. He was slaying MC's at 15 years of age! He didn't have to 'work with illuminati' to get anywhere. There's no mystery - he was just that fucking good. Unlike Tupac - he made it himself, by himself. And 'the illuminati'? Come on man... look at the musical genre's that were popular at the time. He was making music that was popular at the time - that's why he got where he did. All you're mentioning here is "hints" of things in their rhymes. Their rhymes are so ambiguous that it allows people to impart their own meaning to them; it doesn't mean they're rapping about shit that really happened. Do you also think Eminem dragged a girl up to the highest diving board and threw her down? Or fucked a bitch until she died? Come on. Part of it is just writing for the sake of writing - especially with Eminem. Eminem is a terrible example of 'real world rapping'; I could expand on this but I won't because it's too obvious. Selling someones soul to the devil? Not new. People said Robert Johnson did that... in the 1920s. It's not a new idea, it's not crazy so if someone raps about it - don't think it actually happened. Maybe it's a reference to the musical styles/genre's that theirs came from (i.e. a throwback reference to Robert Johnson) Not saying that's what Eminems reference is about however I have heard rappers reference other styles before in that manner. Also, 'selling soul to the devil' could be a reference to the recording industry being full of fucks and low lifes and you've got to play nice with those people to get anywhere (i.e. selling out to the 'devil' to make it). See, if my examples above weren't evidence enough that Eyedea did in fact rap about what was REAL, about what was going on around us, what was going on in his life, anger, depression, sadness, happiness and everything, check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBNGgtNtkiE...feature=related He could also lay it down with some 'fun': around 1:10 he says "we makin music just to bring the fun back"; he didn't take himself so seriously - he went out and did what came NATURALLY to him. Put out some of the best rhyming you've ever heard. Tupac couldn't hold a candle to him. But then again, I don't think Eyedea ever stole someones song and put a rap to it like Tupac had to do in order to get more mainstream (see: Changes by Tupac). Eyedeas beats and songs were all original. He couldn't say it any better than this to the haters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuLEhqy6vpQ -> you just jelly cuz he's a big shot - Tupac's raps pale in comparison
  10. I'd argue the exact opposite. He had that 'thug/gang' mentality that got more and more popular largely based on rappers like him (why? "the beats are awesome" people claim). If you listen to the original hip-hoppers they spoke far differently. His rhymes were okay, if you like weak minded money dominated "smack my hoes get my money" type bullshit rap. Often monosyllabic and with little point or story. Not to mention - he wasn't known for his freestyle (at least than I'm aware). He was known for his albums... and I'm sorry but I think a lot of his stuff could've been written by anyone with a $.99 rhyming dictionary and time on their hands. Here's some of Eyedea just going freestyle. Eyedea would've lit Tupac up, then laid him down to sleep. Tupac was never a 'legend', just right place at the right time.
  11. Eyedea would light him up, then walk away giggling.
  12. Damn that sounds good. So does everything that has been mentioned. Maybe round 2 is in order! haha
  13. Today I got bored - went to the store and said "I will try to make sushi" There used to be a great japanese restaurant in walking distance from an old job of mine... had the BEST tempura shrimp sushi rolls... Wanted to give it a shot. I've never even made sticky rice, but decided "what the hell" and bought the ingredients I figured I'd need at the grocery store. Long story short? Turned out pretty good! It wasn't the same as the place I used to love - but it was definitely good enough I'll be making it again! We also served up Sweet & Sour Pork over white rice, and Pork Fried Rice. It was delicious.
  14. Warriors of the Shadow Guild Website - Pure Pazaak.
  15. Post up your solution please. That way if someone has the same issue and see's your thread, they'll see a solution rather than reading to the end and being disappointed that you fixed it, but didn't tell how!
  16. Checkout Newegg today. They've got a great headset (Fatality gaming headset) on their daily deal today. I've been using one for a long time - and it's quality! You can hear all sorts of small details (even someone crawling or crouch-walking behind a wall!). It's amazing how much more detail this headset gives you (or any high-quality headset) in game. It's NewEgg deal today though - so check it out. If the price is right (around $30) I'll probably buy the limit (which has been 2 the last few times it's come up). Mine current ones have lasted me around a year IIRC. They're still healthy and fine and will be my primary pair - but I want to have backups and/or just great headsets for other PC's/uses around the house. So if you're looking for something under the $40 mark, they may be around that price for an amazing headset worth double that!
  17. End game stuff is apparently already 'under development' and according to the developers they want to keep it interesting for players. Lots of folks doing the end game stuff already I guess. If you're debating on a server/guild, check out Warriors of the Shadow - it's where I'm at. The guild? Pure Pazaak. I built this for the guild the other day: www.purepazaak.com
  18. Congrats Cayen! Nicely done. Here's to another 2!
  19. I live in IL, which is unfortunate. They are THE most strict with regards to gun laws. Of course, IL is also one of the poorest states in the US as well as some other really pathetic things... Regardless, I think people with guns is a good thing. Why should only crooks be armed? You teach someone early on how to properly care for and use a firearm, and odds are they'll be the ones who do NOT have 'accidents' where they shoot others, and they won't be all 'gung ho' to shoot an intruder either. Great example was during a shooting in Arizona (where CC is legal), a concerned citizen drew his weapon but fired no shots - why? He was an educated gun user and was aware of the citizens surrounding the target. In fact there were other armed citizens that day as well, but the criminal was apprehended WITHOUT any of them firing a shot. People who are anti-gun, are usually just ill-informed and/or uneducated on gun usage themselves; at least in my experience. Guns don't kill people... people kill people (how cliche, I know). I am glad she did that, and glad she got off the hook. What I'm not glad about - is that it has to be national news; it should just be a 'fact', if you break into someones house and they're armed, they can and will kill you should you get caught. I imagine if it was a common occurrence, the trash who actually engage in these crimes may actually think twice. Maybe not, but here's to hoping.
  20. Oh yea, interestingly enough, if you listen you hear her sining the backing vocals. I have tried and tried to tell Dobbles you can hear her, he still claims to this very day (I don't know if he has ever seen this video) that there is NO backing vocals. Anyhow... this song is based on Maynerd James Keenans disbelief in God at that particular time... His mom however was an AVID believer, and never gave up until the day she died. If you listen to the lyrics he talks about 'what did he ever do for you', and all this stuff relating directly to his mom and her beliefs and how he thinks God has abandoned her. She was like paralyzed giving birth to him or something. One of their follow up albums was titled 10,000 days - which equates to 23 years or something... which is how many years his mom lived afters he was paralyzed. This song is the beginning of of 2 songs dedicated to how he realizes his mothers beliefs are okay and he accepts her beliefs and hopes God takes her to a better place: Wings for Marie (his mom) part of the lyrics state (in reference to his previous disdain for his mothers religious beliefs): Those moments that I wouldn't see Cause you, you pray for me too What have I done to be a son to an angel What have I done to be worthy This is Pt. 2 I love his singing.
  21. well.... that song is probably 10+ years old. I don't even know if A Perfect Circle is still together! But I love them. Seriously - Keenan is my favorite! He's amazing. Tool is amazing, so is APC.
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