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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Good ole' Jerzy with a lot of this... And before that I lived in Philly!
  2. why can't we all just drink coffee and get along. Nice one ford
  3. True true...not everyone's cut out for BCT. Enjoy the Bar!! Maybe i'll meet up with you some day!

  4. *drum roll please*.... And this is the face I make when Parker tells me not to feed....
  5. Same...i have l4d and killing floor. Lets fuckin RAGE! (name that movie!)
  6. hahahaha ring of death ftw! "you know what jim??? Your mom should've had a fucking abortion!....hello?? FUCK!!!" hahahah classy kinda guy.
  7. I'm gonna cut you in a dark alley.
  8. Pretty sure I saw playing on his comp too... just sayin
  9. Granted...but then you realized your sperm count became nonexistent and your balls shriveled up I wish these leftover easter jellybeans let me hear people's thoughts...
  10. Thanks for the welcome!! ^^

  11. Don't be those punks who leave Dota to the wayside and play HoN or LoL! If you have Battlenet for WCIII FRozen THrone then come play with me! *cough*..after practice..of course PS--There's other games to play on Bnet than Dota...just do it. PSS- Anyone play killing floor? bnet /w missfortune
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