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Posts posted by Tolomeo

  1. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2627948/posts

    From the article.

    Thirty-one-year-old John Tyner, a 31-year-old recently unleashed the “Don’t tase me, Bro” moment of airport security. While about to receive a genital check from TSA security, Tyner agreed to a search of non-intimate areas but said, “If you touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested.” However, Muslim women will not have to face such worries. CNSNews.com has reported that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — which is frequently tied to domestic terror plots — has been guaranteed that TSA officials will only pat down Muslim women in the head and neck area.

    CAIR said Muslims who object to full-body scans for religious reasons should know their rights if they are required to undergo a pat-down, including asking for the procedure to be done in a private place. In addition, CAIR offered a “special recommendation” for Muslim women who wear a hijab, telling them they should tell the TSA officer that they may be searched only around the head and neck.

    “Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down.”

    Muslim women will likely opt for the not-very-invasive security pat-down, because most consider airports’ high-image body scans a violation of Islamic Shari’a law. CNS News adds, “In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.”

    So, Muslim women will not be subject to a full body scan or a pat-down on much of their elaborately concealed bodies. Feeling secure yet?

    Add this to the growing proof that political correctness is not merely totalitarian but suicidal. The president made an exception to airline security protocol big enough to drive a jihad through — and applied it only to the adherents of Islam. Roman Catholic nuns can be groped en masse, but Obama rushed to defend the dignity of Muslim women.

    Luckily, Muslim terrorists have no history of using female suicide bombers or hiding explosives in their underwear. Consider this just another reason why one-in-four Americans believe Obama is a Muslim.


  2. Ford, I think you should look around for an alternate mouse. Wired moused obviously don't have the hassle of batteries, and looking at the reviews for that mouse, it has some problems. I recently had to buy a new mouse, and ended up with the Logitech G500. So far, it works great and is easily customizable, it is wired though; but it is half the price. That is all the input I can offer, seeing as I don't have any experience with the rest of the list.

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