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Conners 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Conners 1st MRB

  1. Blasting Ke$ha at the enemy just might work.
  2. Mac Fags make me laugh, they spend disgusting amounts of money on inferior products and proclaim how good they are. Seriously, it's kinda sad. iPods are kinda, meh now, the iPhone is outdated, and overpriced on a shitty plan. It makes me laugh still though when they try to say their better, cause, anything a Mac can do, PC's have been doing, for a while, and have been doing it very well already. Well obviously PC's have been giving people massive inflated ego's and this weird inability to accept something is wrong which I've noticed from maybe 80% of every Mac Fag I've seen. Oh well, let them rage, less we have of him, the better, if he can't navigate a simple program and you know, check requirements and all, oh well, tired of seeing Mac Users wanting everything spoon fed to them.
  3. If you look carefully, you'll notice, when he hits the play button, Portal is still downloading. Fun video that pretty much says what we're all thinking
  4. Because of the voice or the disrespect the kid is showing to his mom?
  5. Kinda stopped paying attention into it, got the basic idea pretty quickly on it. Mostly just some guy bitching about a team might have been crappy who knows. Though in the end I've seen games of COD4, BF2, and Bad Company 2 all lost by the team that had the most kills simply cause they weren't capturing objectives or focusing killing in the proper areas. Ah well let 'em whine and bitch and complain, maybe it was his team, maybe it was him and his team or maybe he was just failing miserably despite his high kill count, was just killing in the wrong places. Also COD4 and MW2 didn't have a very teamwork oriented online gameplay, more just run towards the action and shoot till you get some kills. Most of the game is decided in the very beginning, whichever team starts getting the big kill streaks first tends to win most of the time cause they just chain one killstreak into the next.
  6. Lag in real life blows. If I knew someone like this in real life, I'd either have to cut any and all ties with them, or shoot them. Hmm, though for the good of humanity and the gene pool I think shooting would be more humane.
  7. See this is what happens when you don't spank your children.
  8. Damn, poor bastard, ah well, Best Buy kinda screwed themselves there. Funny though still sad he was fired but hey he made his point very well, though he wasn't specifically targeting Best Buy so I'm confused why he was fired. Ah well. Their loss. Their losing the creative mind that made it.
  9. Tell your mom to stop cockblocking me Those guys have way too much fun with that.
  10. Well obviously not exactly, but yes, I saw a similar occurrence at Best Buy, some guy was so set on getting one he didn't even listen to the Best Buy employee pretty much telling him, he'd get a product 10 times better than the iPhone 4, and on a much better plan as well. Not sure the phone he was trying to sell the guy but it beats the iPhone 4 easily. And the guy eventually did leave.
  11. Bwahaha I add mine to the mix Uploaded with ImageShack.us Used this one before Uploaded with ImageShack.us And this one quite a while ago hehe Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. My name is Conners, not Connors It's an issue because, well, it's my name, and it's hard to find stuff relevant to myself in the unit when I type in Conners into the search and find nothing. If someone could see about changing some of those O's to E's that would be nice and awesome.
  13. We'll Meet Again Dr. Strangelove, good movie.
  14. It's a hard game to get used to, for one, yes it's a FPS, but you have to think not just simple move left right forward back, you have a full 3 dimensional atmosphere you can move in, you have to think and play in a full 360 degree sphere not just a circle. It's fun and again requires Vista or Windows 7 to play and it'll fuck with your head some, I get headaches sometimes playing it. With the new weapon pack they came out with it's a lot different from what it used to be but still core game play mechanics, just now you can be more selective in how you play and be more effective in certain roles. Mastering the 3D warfare will be tough but once you get the hang of it it's pretty nice. Definitely a unique game, and very fun when you get the hang of it all.
  15. COH (2) DOTA (180) IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE!
  16. Conners 1st MRB


    Any volunteers I would imagine would need to go through a very detailed and long and thorough selection process.
  17. Tear down this wall! Tear it down! Reagan Smash! Reagan.mp3
  18. Wow, this is, um, well this was kinda a real tease though obviously was the point of the video, and was painful to watch, for the voice and the video.
  19. Don't forget, his skills and general Norrisness got him a place as an Honorary Marine. Guy looks 40 or late thrities but he's actually like 70 I think.
  20. But neither of those are fictional Well Jack Bauer is I take that back.
  21. Small development Not all games are doing this, just source based games like DoD:S, CS:S, and other games using the Half Life 2 engine. I've been able to play games like Red Orchestra and Shattered Horizon but again no Source engine games.
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