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Conners 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Conners 1st MRB

  1. I'm telling you if Micky D ever goes out of business. I'm a RAMPAGE!!

    If McDonalds goes out of business, then thousands of stupid parents will have their children starve because they can't figure out what to feed them.

  2. I get asked about it so much, I figured I'd post it here as well since I get bugged about it so much.

    What you'll need is a copy of Photoshop, VTF Edit, and two tools that are in the description of the video but I will place them here as well

    Direct X SDK (Needed for the Texture Tool)


    Photoshop plugins




    And I've added the DDS to VTF tool in the attachments to this post


  3. You know those times in games, where your alone, or your squad is so pinned down it seems like theres no escape.

    Your low on ammo, health, and sanity.

    You stand up, you shoulder your weapon, and you run, straight into the enemy, firing away, killing all of them, and taking minimal injuries or possibly death but not until you've killed every last one of those bastards shooting at you?

    Well, these guys, they did it for real: http://www.cracked.com/article_18810_the-5...istory-war.html

    My personal favorite is Leo Majors

  4. Alot of it yes has some bit to do with the economy and the fact that the industry is being treated more and more like a business than a venue for entertainment.

    The "recession" has gotten everyone scared out of their minds, "Will I have a job tomorrow?" "Will I have food for my family?" And things like this, so game developers are looking at what is selling like hotcakes and building something like it, so we're going to be seeing alot more games like COD, until financial settings are a little more secure and developers and publishers are more willing to take a chance.

    Call of Duty hit the wall with 4, it was a great game, but World at War and Modern Warfare 2 were sadly the signs of things to come, Black Ops, is ok, but overall the quality took a severe drop.

    When Half Life and System Shock, they came out when the gaming industry had it's high notes, it was on a good roll and the train tracks were stretching over the horizon and they were on the smoothest part, the train was at full speed, it was pushing out incredible games, and still was, original new ideas, great games, with amazing gameplay, sure there were the Halo's here and there but those were ok. But as we all know things aren't looking so good, the track is a bit old and worn and some of the planks are missing and the horizon is a bit hard to see through the tunnel. So, their spending all their resources to keep that light burning to see the tunnel and watch the track, they won't be taking many risks on speed or quality for now.

  5. I'd say send in a support ticket to Steam, but honestly, I've fixed problems before they even reply sometimes. It's a little aggravating.

    Haven't had this issue before, I've heard of it though, I'll give a look into it too, I know some people that had issues like this.

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