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Dillon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Dillon 1st MRB

  1. I used to sleepwalk all the time. Some notable things I've done: Opened the front door, took a whiz. Stood up on the living room floor, adjusted my bathrobe, jumped up and touched the ceiling, layed back down and right back to sleep. At camp every year, the counselor would have to put his bed in front of the door so I wouldn't keep roaming out in the woods (where there were lots of bears, btw) Woke up in bed with a skillet, an eggshell, and a fork in my hand. I have no idea what happened to the egg. Aaaand last but not least, I woke up with between my mattress and my boxspring.
  2. Come and get it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820227726 This thing is fricking awesome. Figure an average of 400 MB/sec reads and writes. Never wait for a map load again. I just pulled the trigger. $149.99 - $30 rebate = $119.99
  3. As someone who considers himself a bit of a nerd, it bores me. To me, its the exact same formula as How I met your mother and 2 1/1 men. I think I'm become a comedy snob. I gotta get some original stuff. That being said, I still enjoy the Office to a certain degree, but I love Modern Family.
  4. I've tried everything but the spicey hot chocolate. I'm too busy with spiked egg nog and hot buttered rum.
  5. I just wish we could use Pitch F/X for balls and strikes. And as a Mariner's fan, I'm thrilled that Houston will be an opponent now. We may even win a series or two.
  6. I only play skirmishes. I can only afford 1 multiplayer addiction at a time. DODS is it for me.
  7. And I can't play it. Stupid game won't let me rebind keys to the numpad. Claims they are "reserved." Not okay. I'll have to wait for an update. As a left handed mouser, numpad is the only thing I can comfortably use.
  8. That might be very helpful in MOS's/Platoon or Realism Practices where a lot of talking is par for the course. I know I get tired of hold that stupid key down, and if there is something I need that finger to do (scratch my ass, poke an eye), I can free it up with Caps Lock.
  9. Pre-loading has begun.....
  10. Something to throw into the mix might be F/X. Here are some of their shows: Sons of Anarchy It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia - How do they keep being funny and relevant? The Shield - Awesomely done Nip/Tuck Rescue Me Justified Wilfred (Really? Elijah Wood???) The League
  11. But that's the point. Until stock options are taxed just like income, it will continue to be a moot point. So, if Buffett gets $1,000,000 in stock options rather than in just straight income, he won't have to pay his taxes on it. Until he sells. But he won't pay the 35% tax that his tax bracket will merit. He'll pay the 15% I do. Rather than paying the $35,000 he should, he'd only pay $15,000, right? Wrong. Let's say the price he got his $1,000,000 in stock options is at $50 / share. So, he has 20,0000 shares. Well, if he waits till it is $49 7/8ths, he would lose $0.125 (12 1/2 cents) per share. He would lose $2,500. That makes it a loss. He pays $0 tax at all on the $1,000,000. Now, if he sells at higher than $50 / share. Say he sells at $54/share. He pays only 15% of the profit. So, at the end of the day, he has 20,000 shares * $4 profit = $80,000. He would pay tax only on the $80,000. So, 15% * $80,000 in profit = $12,000 in taxes paid. $12,000 in taxes for $1,000,000 in pay. That's only 1.2% of the $1,000,000. Its just not fair at all.
  12. OPEC has zero influence on what our oil companies make. Except for one thing: the big oil companies develop their price formulas based upon the price of crude oil. Now, is it engineered that they make 30 cents on the gallon or 30 cents on the dollar? When called before a Senate special committee, they simply replied that their formulas gave them the price. So why didn't they change the formulas to settle for less profit? Why hasn't even 1 of the companies that are enjoying record profits (in a recession, no less) lowered their price of gas to garner more market share? Were it truly a free market, you would see competition in prices. As it is now, because of a combination of corporate greed, collusion, and speculators, the price of oil and gas is astronomically high.
  13. Buffett has. Look at what he did to restore confidence in the stock market back in 2007. He bought Goldman Sachs when everyone was selling on it. He single-handedly turned that stock around so the company did not collapse. It was one of the first defenses to against market skitteshness. Buffett even lost money on the deal, but he saved one of the biggest under-writers out there.
  14. http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/29/news/compa...ponse/index.htm The 6 largest oil companies made $38 Billion in profit. Not revenue, profit. And that is not for the year. That's 1st Quarter of 2011. This when gas prices are enormously high, which affects the poor far more than the rich. A tripling of my gas budget nearly broke my wife and I. Remember, this isn't R&D or exploration or tax. Its pure profit. Tell me, if there are this many suppliers making this much money, why aren't prices lower? Sounds a bit like collusion to me.
  15. Janke is spot on. If you can be patient and plug things in and turn a screwdriver, you can do it.
  16. Glad the reinstallation of Steam fixed it for you. Sometimes, the best approach is nuclear.
  17. Personally, I'm pretty excited. I'll get it through Steam friday sometime. Gotta hold out until I get home from work to play it.
  18. For me the real difference is that AMC is included with the price of cable (usually) where you pay extra for HBO.
  19. This is getting tough. HBO has a huge headstart, but AMC may be producing better content as of right now.
  20. umm... no. Ram doesn't matter. look at the model number, for either nvidia or AMD/ATI (often called DAAMIT!!!!!!) For a Radeon, x850... x tells you the generation. Higher the better, because its more recent. 6x50 tells you the version of chip. Again, higher is better, because its more powerful. 68x0 tells you which model of that version. Higher is usually better, again for power. If you compare 5450 vs 6850.... its a Series behind, ~4 chip versions behind on top of that. For nvidia, they have only 3 digits. The same applies: I run a 460 GTX. Current generation is 5xx series. the x60 is their mid-range product. And I'm a generation behind. But, its solid for my 1680x1050 monitor. Trust me on this, you will find tons of gpu reviews. But not many will include the 5450. For reference, Gooderham is looking at upgrading a 5770 because it is struggling on BF3. That means its the going to be at least 2 models behind Gooderham's which is going to be drastically slower. For reference, the 5450 is often called a perfect HTPC card, because its great for 1080p TV broadcasts and Blu-ray decoding. But it is NOT a gaming chip.
  21. Neither. Build a new one. Low profile computers are great... for what they are designed for. But finding a slimline video card worth putting into a gaming computer is chasing a chimera. If you can plug in an electrical socket and RTFM, you can build a computer. Check out this build, and tell me this doesn't get you worked up. Tech Report - Fall builders guide This is the lowest priced, entry level gaming system. For under $600, its kick ass. The sad truth of the matter is that in many games and tasks, a Core i3 Sandy Bridge cpu is faster than a Phenom II. The best part of this build, is that when you want to upgrade, you can do it forever. New motherboard, cpu, ram, gpu... all can be swapped in and out. You will need to buy a new copy of Windows 7, but that isn't a huge hurdle. OEM prices on that are ~$100.
  22. I would recommend this particular card: EVGA SuperClocked 01G-P3-1563-AR GeForce GTX 560 Ti Here is why: Its the same price as many other cards, but its factory overclocked the most. Its $249.99 with a $20 rebate card, bringing it down to $229.99. At that price point, its a big winner. Reference clock on a 560ti is 822mhz, and this one is clocked to 900mhz. Nearly a 10% increase right off the bat, for the same price. Memory is clocked from 1000 gddr5 to 1053, giving it an effective speed of 4212mhz. Between these two factors, you can get quite a lot out of your card without taking the risks of overclocking it yourself. I've been extremely happy with my superclocked 460 1gb. It is clocked at 850mhz vs 675 stock, and it performs at more 6870 levels, close to a 560.
  23. You won't lose out either way you go. I would shop around between a 460 1GB, a 6850, a 560 (non-ti), and a 6870. However, because you are looking at BF3 specifically, you need to include the 6950 and the 560ti. If you got the time to do some reading, here is something pretty cool: Tech Report review: 560 I would really lean towards the 560 or the 6870 for myself. Now, in looking at your situation with regards to BF3, you need to really look at the 560ti and the 6950. Here is a great read regarding gpus and BF3 Xbit Labs - Contemporary graphics on Battlefield 3 I would strongly recommend you read this article. What I found interesting, particularly in the Image Quality page is stated here: As of right now, there is something buggy with the nvidia drivers (probably). For some reason, it will have a pretty noticable drop in framerates when smoke or sunbeams are rendered. Overall, the Nvidia's drivers are giving higher framerates. However, they are suffering much lower lows. That being said, I am pretty confident that they will resolve this. For my money, and if you wanting to run BF3 to its fullest potential for the future, I would go with a 560ti and count on nvidia fixing BF3's smoke and sunbeam issues with a driver release. If you don't want to take that risk, I would look at a 6950. But know that it is highly likely nvidia hardware will run it a bit better.
  24. Unless you are going to a much higher resolution, then I would definately advise against going with too powerful of a card. You may want to look at making a good long term investment in an excellent monitor. HP, Dell, Apple all make great ones. Prices are getting ~$300-$400 for very nice 24" displays at 1920x1080 or 1920x1200.
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