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B. Farr

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Everything posted by B. Farr

  1. Old man, geezer, old geezer, Dad,. Martok
  2. I think it is the RED BULL!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Elf's have birthdays????????? j/k Elf Happy birthday, Elf. What would you like for your b-day????????
  4. Let's see now, 1. Fly in a military helicopter. Done that 2. Jump out of an Airplane. Done that, see #1 3. Travel to foreign land meet new people and cultures. Done that, again see #1 4. Get married, have great kids and wonderful wife. Done the first part, got rid of the second part, wasn't as wonderful 5. Drive a big vehicle. Done that, does a tank qualify 6. Fire big guns. Done that, see #5 7. Climb a mountain. Done that. 8. SCUBA. Uh, done that, see #1 9. Have sex with a beautiful blonde and brunette at the same time. Done that 10. Damn I have done everything on my bucket list, is it time for me to die?
  5. Okay Berg I'm realy concerned about you. You noticed something you thought might be pee, and I saw a young girl with her legs spread apart. (no offense Hastings) Even when I went back to look at the pciture like, uh, 50 times, my eyes did not even go to the area that looks like someone pee'd.
  6. Uhmmmm, ok, I thought it was for Yama and Engle? LOL
  7. wouldn't have done any good for the guys yesterday during the earthquake, lol
  8. I live just north of Leon. If it stays on it's predicted path, we are just gonna have the same conditions as a heavy thunderstorm.......
  9. WOW, again, WOW. Ppl are really stupid when it come to firearms. Loved the part with the 50 cal machine gun, I was ROFLMFAO.
  10. But I have to ask..........
  11. B. Farr


    Too Fu***ng Hilarious
  12. WOW, I thought I posted here once... Started with the very first version, 3.1, way back in what 1998?????? Continued on and started my own server, as the 506th. Bryan and I ran that for a little over a year. It desolved and we joined the 2nd ID, until it disbanded. Jumped from server to server until we found the 1st MRB. So I guess I have been playing DoD for about 13 yrs????????? LOL and just the other day, one of the guys that was with the 506th showed on the server.
  13. good tunes, maybe I shouldn't listen to Disturbed as much, what do you think?
  14. Welcome to my nightmare, by Alice Cooper
  15. Happy B-day Tolo, another day older and deeper in debt........
  16. Happy B-day Cayen, hope everything goes well for you today......
  17. lol, great job, but I really would like to see those 6 ppl you dominated to be MRB guys. Believe me when I say this, on the pub,dominating the pubber at times seems easy, but whenever I can dominate at least 2 MRB, I feel I did a great job. We have a great unit, tough players, great shots, THIS IS A GREAT FUCKING UNIT, OOOHHHRRAAAAAA!!!!!!!
  18. If it is true, that would be great. Soon Big Brother will be able to watch everyone, with our consent..........
  19. A year ago that was, wow. I remember when you where a Pfc, Kaba.
  20. Get a PC, lol. Not sure, I know my son plays on a mac and doesn't have any problems.
  21. Janke posted on the Assault MOS a link for i guess templates. So i just checked it out for shits and giggles ( S and G's) and it's to hilarious..... Private Wells and Pfc. H. Goodwin........ http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=2365
  22. Some people call it a Sling Blade, I call it a Kaiser Blade, ummhuh.
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