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Jones 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Jones 1st MRB

  1. i have one scary thing! when i did boot camp i allways sleep on my uniform. and on my uniform i have a knife that means that under all my shit ther is a knife hard to get and everything. you cant relly move around when ur 15guys in a tent but somhow i my sleep i pulld out the knife and hold it in the air like im going to attack someone (like we did train the 3days before)

    i have onother one happening the same night but whit a friend in the same tent. we wher sleeping whit ammo in the guns to faster be ready to deffend the camp if somthing happens and one friend did sitt up and tryid to pull the manover handel (get a bullet in the loop) but i grab the gun away from him and he whent back to sleep. 20min l8r he sit up said that 2000 pull upps its hard to do. but he would do it!

    i do have alot more but thows was the funny ones!

    OMG Berg

    Moral of the story guys (no matter how I out this its gunna sound wrong) don't sleep next to Berg.

  2. A big welcome to the forum and our server Ella and friends. We hope you continue to enjoy gaming with us, its always a pleasure to see new faces frequenting the pub :). If you or your friends are interested in knowing more about the unit or are interested in joining us then don't hesitate to message me and I'll be only to pleased to help. When I'm next on steam I'll invite you to our public community group which will enable you to see announcements about any unit events which are open to our pubbers.

    Happy fragging.

  3. Hummm not sure there is a correct answer to this, but here goes my opinion.

    When the contestant is first faced with the choice they have a 1 in 3 chance of getting the correct door. Whether they choose the right door or not there will still be at least one door behind which there is a goat. So the host opening a door to reveal a goat does not help very much.

    Once a door has been opened the contestant is faced with better odds with making a choice, they now have a 1 in 2 chance of success. However assuming the game show is honest and what is behind each door is not moved, the contestant has already chosen a door which has an equal chance of being correct compared to the other. So in fact there would be no benefit to changing.

    The question is, if the contestant had selected the wrong door in the first place would the host have opened that door ending the game? It would be to the shows advantage to do that since they then dont have to give a car away. Whereas if the contestant had selected the door with the car it is to the shows advantage to trick the contestant into switching.

    So Jones's thoughts are it is best to stay with the first choice.

    So heres the next riddle.

    Every morning at work Fred enters the lift at work, gets out on the 6th floor then proceeds to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor to the canteen. The only days he takes the lift directly to the 8th floor is when it is raining. Why?

  4. Jones:- Elf my wife's just walked in with a new pair of glasses, actually there my first pair I can actually see the screen now

    2 hours later

    Elf:- Jones I hate you

    Jones:- Awww Elf you dont hate me

    Elf:- I hate anyone who keeps killing me

    Elf:- I cant shoot you now you have your glasses

  5. Greetings to you Pfc. Hawk [1st RB] and to the 1st Ranger Battalion.

    I am WO. S. Jones and am the public affairs officer for the 1st MRB, many thanks for introducing yourself and the 1st RB to us. We operate in a similar way to the 1st RB, recruits are required to complete BCT's where they are taught the required disapline as well as learning some of the basic skills required to be effective in realisms. We operate under a strict rank structure and pride ourselves on being a respectful unit but also competitive. We are very active within the realism community, always open to the offer of official scrims and in contacting other units to set up scrims.

    I will post some details of the 1st MRB on your forum and also request a scrim in your war department.

    We look forward to meeting the 1st RB

    WO. S. Jones

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