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Hudson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Hudson 1st MRB

  1. That's pretty interesting stuff to me being a petroleum engineer. It's incredible what new innovations my industry comes up with.

    My company doesn't do anything in that area, but still, good find and explanation of the process.

  2. I agree that there has been bullshit calls going both ways. I have no allegiance to either team, there were definitely calls on both sides that sucked.

    The ones at the end of the game were pretty bad though.

    1. The roughing the passer that negated the packers interception.

    2. The defensive pass interception against shields on the ball down the left sideline was horrible. It was offensive pass interference or nothing at all.

    3. And the play in the end zone. Jennings definitely had possession, he was between tate and the ball.

    I do agree that it was the packers fault for being in that position in the first place, but the officials should have gotten together on that last play. Unacceptable that the referee didn't go down and confer with the officials making the calls.

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