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Magic 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Magic 1st MRB

  1. I think more people should challenge others. I think Panda will massacre me, so why did I challenge him: a friendly competition for FUN. Who the hell cares if you lose? I fucking don't. Go challenge your friends, your peers, those higher ranked guys. You play this game for fun so why the hell don't you have some fun playing around? For bitch tags: Guys, you don't need to do bitch tags! Maines did it for a year as an awesome way to start this off. I'm doing it for something that I can handle ~ 1 month. Maines + respek if you hold onto those tags for full year. Griswold too. Now go on and challenge some people! Maine's = the announcer at running man. Now if Panda is Arnold Schwarzenegger then who should I be?
  2. Religion has no place in politics. But lets look at our dear old USA: All of our presidents are open Christians. Exception being Abraham Lincoln being an atheist. If anyone isn't a Christian then they would not receive any of votes from the American South / Bible Belt. This means that they would forfeit a TON of votes just because they aren't the same religion as the voters. Its ridiculous how much religion plays into politics and science in the USA. Did you know that Texas public schools now have a section in their biology textbooks ( starting in 2012 ) that creationism is a competing theory to evolution. Since Texas public schools have the majority of business in the American south, all the textbook manufacturers are sending the SAME textbook to all the states in the area ( Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas , New Mexico ).
  3. 8 Pm est. Thrusday (1/05/12) Kalt Main street only ( no sewers, no gardens, no wheelhouse ) Rifle -> Assault -> Support -> Sniper -> Rocket -> Melee
  4. Yeah you can. 3 solutions that I can see: 1. Copy your steamapps folder to your external HD. Very simple, but might take a few hours. Copies over all the accounts and ALL of the games. 2. 2nd time I reformatted, I didn't want to copy over all the games, so I just went into my C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common folder and copied over specific game folders onto my 2nd HD. Once I reformatted I just copied back into my folders and verified and (most) of the games worked. 3. 1st time I reformatted I just dl'd the games overnight, not a big problem as I don't really play more than 2 different games per day. Again, not a problem ~ just tough it out..... but thats not answering your question. Stick to #2.
  5. Wow to starting off the year in that state of mind. Just try to imagine how much money you can get off those believers who will be giving their stuff away as doomsday approaches. ....... But I wont be of course because I'm such a nice guy Ill be giving them their money back the next day after their stupid doomsday. I just wish I could be a massive asshole and be selfish enough to take their money and be a millionaire and not have to worry the rest of my life about bills, being able to do fun stuff, and raising my kids in a family that doesn't need to worry about saving money for next month.
  6. So I heard that Hard drive costs are through the roof because of Thailand getting owned by flooding, destroying most of the factories. Hard drive production: When do you think normal prices will come back? Because I wanted to buy another 500gigs and I found out about this.
  7. Lafy likes big black booties? Who knew?
  8. Wow cast thats awesome. Thanks for doing this again
  9. I gotta improve my M1 skill from a 4/10 to atleast a 6/10
  10. Panda my challenge is issued: 1 month B tags ( if u want ) Ill also do it just for fun if u want.
  11. Ill take on this challenge against almost anyone 1 month Bitch tags.
  12. everyone please post ur videos/recordings in this thread
  13. Don't get Red Orchestra 2: really bad, buggy, 75% of people that bought it no longer play it. BF3: almost carbon copy of older game. Need to buy the DLC (20$$) because 95% of servers have switched to it. Generally only fun for fucking around ~ not worth the 70$. Warhammer 40k : Space Marine: DO NOT BUY Almost completely abandoned by the community. Hard to find even 10 man servers. Dead game. Also an ehh game. Alot like Gears of War, but worse. RTS Dawn of War series: Very good games but have not played in 2 years. Company of heroes: Pretty good, alot like Dawn of War. SWTOR:I have not played it since I know I wont have the time, but I got a couple friends that are hardcore mmo players that have played everything since Everquest, and they say its a bad mmo. And the PvP sucks ( the only real reason to play MMOs are for the PvP). Starwars ~ Awesome. Starwars MMO ~ Bad. Skyrim: Looks like a great game, everyone says its a great game ~ buy. Gunna be 40$ again at end of winter sale. Go for some older ( mad cheap ) games : Jedi Academy ( 5$ for most of set ), Splinter cell ( 10$ ) L4D, Commandos ( 5$, Behind Enemy Lines ~ Original and A++ game ) Or go for the classic : Backdoor Sluts 9 (Capt. Engles Favorite) My opinion: Buy at max 50$ worth of games. I would spend 25$. Put the rest into something for IRL. Get some nice clothes, buy a couple homeless guys a decent dinner, save some money for gag gifts for next Christmas
  14. Richards has 0/52 votes. While Thomas has 27/52 Just saying.
  15. Hmm, I sort of had this problem too over Christmas. I was downloading Jedi Academy and it the DL speed would bump to 100 kb/s for a second then die down to 0kb/s for 15 seconds like this : ___/ \______________________________/ \_____________________________/ \___ I would assume this was steam trying to let everyone DL evenly. I let it do this for 1 hr then I wisened up and just went to a Euro server ( Ukraine ) at 8 PM ( ukraine was ~3AM, not in heavy use ). And I got my normal 1MB/s speeds.
  16. Shes all paid for berg. Happy birthday!
  17. Bill Nye has been here for along time. Ill be hoping for Skyrim again Reason: Poor college student
  18. "You have spotted an enemy!" 1:47
  19. Wow takes me back ten years. Good times. "If you want broccoli What the hell is broccoli Shut the hell up with the broccoli!" A++ Vid Only bad part is the loud laughing of the kids in the background The kid doing the Arnold voice is amazing at keeping it together I would of started laughing my ass off after the 3rd line
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