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Posts posted by Elder

  1. Heyyy <3

    It's been a while, and I just wanna say that I love pubbin' it up (especially with ducky, maines, and turner) ((no offense to others! lol :D)) But anywho, I have been trying to veer my life onto the correct path. I just got accepted to my #1 college... which is Westfield State University. I'm going there for criminal justice, and will be doing Army ROTC throughout my 4 years there (yes, I know its the army) anywho... When i get outta college, I'm committing at least 12 years into the service, and will hopefully MOS as a paratrooper. I talked to a couple of my friends' buddies that are paratroopers, and they said that it's no walk in the woods. Anyways, i come at peace because I love you guys, and I wanna pub it up some more.... which coincidentally I am! lol. But yes...

    Your friend (and still very-well ruh-tarded)


  2. Sorry that I like to still be nice to you guys and actually talk to you but what-ever. If you want to push me away, that's fine. And to be honest: the forums for the sixth are a bit confusing. I just wanted to post on the nice goal made by seguin, but you couldn't care less anyways, so why do I try. If you don't care about me any more I couldn't care any more about you.

  3. In all honestly, this game makes me want to jizz. I CANNOT wait for it. I pre-ordered the collector's edition as soon as it became available. I only got it for the xbox as my pc probz couldn't handle it. I have oblivion for both xbox and PC. I got all the achievements on the xbox one, but goofed off on the PC one... to be honest. BEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. Elder scrolls is probably one of the best series I've ever played aswell... even though I started from Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. But, still. It's gonna be NASTY.

  4. You know what man, fuck you too. I've been with out a job for six months now. I've fucking applied everywhere. Even the goddamn mcdonalds isnt fucking hiring. McDonalds. ISN'T. HIRING. It isn't so simple as "go get one." Its not our fault (the 99%) that the economy is in recession. You don't see us with a fucking millions annually salary just to sit on our ass. You dont see us with a goddamn golden parachute. People like you piss me off. Just because they may look like hippies doesn't mean they are fucking retards. And if you got your head out of your ass, you'd realize its not "lazy liberals" its Americans from all walks of life that are protesting. And just to show howmuch of an asshat you are, only 15% of the protestors are unemployed. Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...2965745362.html which is from the Wall street journal. The people who are being protested against. And was a slander piece. Sources:



    So next time mate. Think out what your going to say, rather then what the media tells you to say.

    As for my political stance I'm actually a Right leaning Moderate.

    See the part where only 15% are unemployed and get back to me.

    Edit: If you want to have a nice rational discussion I'm down. If you want to be belligerent like Elder, I can be belligerent right back. I prefer to be nice, so if you keep it nice, ill keep it nice.

    Did you also notice that it is costing (and this is from the boston one) the city (and police force for that matter, it's all from the tax-payer's wallet) this?:

    "In total, Boston police officers have logged a total of 3056 overtime hours since they began covering the protests on October 1.

    The overall cost of that overtime has been put at $146,189.55."


    It also said that it could get higher to 2mill:

    Murphy said the department could spend as much as $2 million this month alone on security during the protests."


    So not only is it a "protest" It is costing the city extra money, plus making it so that the officers have to do extra over time, about 3,056 hours (mind you, this article was done on the 14th of october, so it has bound to gone up since then.

    Just saying.

  5. to be honest, after one multiplayer match on an air base map on the xbox 360, I almost jizzed. This is an AMAZING game. Especially on the xbox 360. Not to mention the fact that you have to install 1.5gb of HD content for full HD experience for the xbox, but it's well worth it. Especially if you have a high amount of HDD space.

  6. Brady is a douchebag. Hands down.

    And think about it this way, Aaron Rodgers has been playing starter for what, 3-4 years? Tom Brady has been playing starter on a team built by a cheater (yes Bellichik is a cheater), for 10 years or so. Give Aaron Rodgers time, he'll be far better then Tom Brady.

    And that still doesn't mean that the Packers aren't the number one team right now, I mean shit, who is the only undefeated team? The god damn Green Bay Motherfucking Packers.

    There is a reason they call our state "Win-Sconsin" ;).

    Didn't I already say that The Pats were the #1 offense? Packers are a pile of shit, TBH.

  7. Elder's jelly over a cat who won the Medal of Honor. Clearly the cat was dominating him in the pub and in the bed and he had to hire the sniper to take him out, and even then the cat won a MoH for it.


    Only the Server part is true... the rest is a LIE!

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