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Posts posted by Elder

  1. True .. I'm stuck with Verizon DSL until my apartment complex gets a contract for Verizon FIOS it sucks .. but I refuse to go to the evil of Comcast ...

    Odd news,

    HP is involved with Comcast now .. hopefully we can unfuck them.

    I hate HP with a passion, TBH.

  2. fuckin bullshit ass retarded internet provider says that its my problem that their service is slow and tha the best way to fix the problem of my 20-145 kb/s dl speeds is to not use my internet and then my speeds will be back up untill i use them again in which time i will be limited again i hate them i think i'm going to return to the evil that is comcast. o and did i mention the long periods of time were my dl speed is 0 bytes. i hate fuckin bullshit klajdflksadj foadfjas;dlfjna;hdas;fjsd;fjasdf;ldshfksdh ;sd

    sorry rant there

    Just get Verizon Fios if you can.. I have verizon DSL but Verizon has been pretty good to us, so they are a good internet provider.

  3. You guys should check out XFire. It has all the aspects that vent has, plus more. You can record in-game videos, take pictures and what-not. Massive online community, great support, plus supports all games that are installed on your comp. Apparently you can have it support Runescape, which is an internet-browser game. But, I have yet to figure it out. It's fucking awesome. I'll post up my profile link when I get home.. some wicked funny pics I made on Gary's mod.

  4. That's my helmet Elder, I will demand a duel to prove my worthiness! The time, HIGH NOON! Location, Times Square. The weapons? SPORKS! The Condition? TO THE DEATHHHH!!!

    I shall meet you there!

    (walks over to McKenzie)

    *pulls out a spoon*


  5. I kinda started at the end of 2010. I got DoD:S with my CS:S Disc so I would just jump from server to server pubbing it up with anyone I met on Dods. Then one day I popped onto the 1st MRB server. There, I met a man named Jones. (TBH I think he was a staff sergeant then but w/e) We talked alot, and somehow he lulled me into joining the 1st. So I popped an App in and was accepted. I continued my reign from there on until I retired, stopped playing DoD:S for a bit, then got back into it and joined the unit again. I am still alive and kickin it in the 1st and on Dods

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