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Posts posted by Frantz

  1. Ok im sure yall have seen the free mmo games on steam. like champions onoine and Global Agenda. well im playing Global Agenda and its alot of fun. yes it an mmo but its a different kind of mmo. There are 4 classes Assault, Recon, Medic, and Robotics. Lots of pvp. and AvA or Agency versus Agency. thats where my idea came from. in AvA( you player has to lvl 30+ to participate in these and have to be in an agency) your agency owns what are called hex's at first your Agency commander has to buy one for your HQ and from there you take hex's that are either unoccupied or occupied by another agency which then leads to 10 v 10 (strikeforce) combat. and if you beat the other strikeforce then you gain that hex thus more territory. the more territory the more power you have. at the end of each AvA season everyone that participated in any AvA is subject to recieving a reward like really cool Helmets, weapons and armor.

    So i was thinking if we could make this like our secondary game. It does take some time to get to thirty. I got my recon to 31 in three days. i bought the 10 day 2x XP bonus which is ten bucks and then if u get elite which is a one time purchase you get double xp forever. If we can get like 30 to 50 active players that can play together at around the same time groups i think that this will turn out to be loads of fun for the unit and a different way of recruiting more people in DoDs and GA

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