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Ducky MoMo

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Ducky MoMo

  1. I've memorized waffles and narwhals about a year ago.
  2. no. surbrisingly a rife... class. i used a pistol to get the dominations
  4. 1. Fire a gatling gun 2. Sky dive. 3. Get a girlfriend who actually lives in the same city as me 4. Have kids that are actually related to me 5. Be either a detective or weapons designer 6. Own over 10 rifles and learn the ways of a sniper. 7. (if i become a weapons designer) Sell a gun shipment to BlackWater 8. Meet this amazing girl in New York that i know. 9. Be a 1st MRB member till the day i die. 10. Have friends that aren't over the internet 11. Get Malcom McDowell's autograph
  5. okay, all kidding aside. was that a f*cking cd player? i haven't seen one of those since i was 9. And fyi, his singing is much more entertaining than Katy Perry's
  6. when i go to mod, i don't have a weapons file or player file. then when i go to uninstal DoDs so i can download it again and get the missing files back, it does one little spin of the loader thing and doesn't uninstal or delete anything. what do i do?
  7. In my opinion, it's "The Clockwork Orange" followed secondly by Boondock Saints.
  8. ISTJ Inspector= Inspectors are careful and thorough in examining people and institutions. Comprising about 6 to 10 percent of the population, Inspectors are decisive in practical affairs. These guardians of institutions are perhaps best described as dependable: Inspectors are people of their word, intent on preserving social and family values. At home and at work, Inspectors reliably examine the people and products that fall under their responsibility—unobtrusively ensuring uniform quality and demanding that certain standards of conduct are maintained. In both their professional and personal lives, individuals of this type are rather quiet and serious. Inspectors are extraordinarily persevering and dependable. The thought of dishonoring a contract would appall a person of this type. When they give their word, they give their honor. Inspectors can be counted on to conserve the resources of the institution they serve and bring to their work a practical point of view. They perform their duties without flourish or fanfare; therefore, the dedication they bring to their work can go unnoticed and unappreciated. While not directly seeking leadership positions, Inspectors are often placed in such roles. They build a reputation for reliable, stable, and consistent performance that inspires others to select them to lead. Inspectors use their past experience and their factual knowledge in their decision making. For Inspectors, love means commitment, steadiness, and consistency. Inspectors expect themselves and their mates to be responsible, practical, and dependable. When in a relationship, they behave appropriately for what the situation or their role demands. For example, if the relationship is in the courting stage, the Inspector will exhibit courting behaviors, such as giving boxes of candy, red roses, and presents. These are worthwhile and important traditions to uphold and observe because they give direct evidence of commitment.
  9. Does anyone have an idea of what Music and songs Elf uses in his videos? they are actually really good.
  10. Anyone else super excited for From Dust, which comes out in a week?
  11. TROLLS 2 and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. That one was just blasphemy
  12. Every time i try to log into steam is tells me my password is incorrect, when i put in what i've always had my steam login as. And when i go to change it, my security question's answer wasn't what it was before. what do i do to get a new passowrd and security question, without getting a new steam account and losing all my progress in my games?
  13. i hate the game too, i just want the disk throwing thingie so i can cut people's heads off and finally kick ass in it. i hardly even play it
  14. if anyone happens to get the Rage preorder, and gets the bonus throw stick thing for TF2, CAN I PLEASE HAVE IT??? I will trade you all my weapons, (few there are) for it. And if you don't have TF2, may i please have the code? thank you very much.
  15. i remember his entire speech off by heart.
  16. Should i get Warhammer 40,000, or Killing Floor, i only have $25, so i need to decide soon.
  17. Mega Python Verses Gateroid, Sharktopus, Hobo With A Shotgun, and Plan 9 from Outer Space
  19. Damn typo, i meant donate the money to the unit. And what would you guys want on your t-shirts if i were to make them
  20. I do have a T-Shop where i am, if i got paid for it i could make everyone T-shirts and donate the money to the money to the unit.
  21. Beers at the BAR was probably the most fun I've ever had in the unit, that, and getting Harding's Bitch Tags on multiple occasions. Plus that one lonesome time i dominated Elf, god i was so happy when that happened.
  22. Ducky MoMo


    I don't know if something like this was already posted, and frankly, I'm too lazy to look. Buuut, would it be possible to make unit T-shirts, available to buy from here? Or would that cost to much money? Just wondering, cause it would be awesome to go to school and be wearing a 1st MRB shirt! Personalized too would be awesome, like an army uniform with the name sewn or painted on. Thanks for reading this, sincerely, Damon.
  23. Maybe the black guy that mugged me for my change, just needed change for McDonalds. This explains a lot
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