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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Hastings

  1. I'm gonna have nightmares about Blinky then I'm gonna wake up and have him staring at me asking if I want to play another game.
  2. Skade, that is what is pissing me off. Just because of a natural disaster, Nuclear energy will progress extremely slowly. It gets a horrible reputation when Chernobyl (or now, Japan) is mentioned. The thing is, it uses extremely low amounts (in terms of weight and space) of materials and has no immediate byproducts (Steam, and after years, the coils themselves). It is the future of energy and has the highest weight to power output ratio of any power source. All that is needed are improved safety features and protocols. I hate that this disaster happened obviously, but the hit that Nuclear power will take as an industry will be worse.
  3. WOW Goodwin those are really impressive, especially the first one
  4. Expressing your thoughts on a topic is one thing, but making fun of it and taking as a joke was too far
  5. Looks like we got some Trekkies in here...
  6. I'll do it, what the hell. As long as my Yanks aren't taken As long as yall send me links and fill me in on how to get started.
  7. A really smart person, the sea water acts as an emergency cooling system, and without it, the plant would have already had a meltdown. There is nothing wrong with nuclear power, and it should be expanded. Accidents are bound to happen and without nuclear energy we would be burning through our resources much faster. Japan has very little in terms of natural resources, the same ones we are blessed with. Nuclear power was a very viable option, and a very smart one. It was just a case of wrong place, wrong time. They should just develop some technology or way of building them that makes them more resistant to seismic activity.
  8. It's ok really.. I dont need to see any more skin *belch*
  9. Yeah I can't wait, and this is before Tokyo Drift I'm pretty sure
  10. It's ok I found one of you on the beach too
  11. Hey Remedy I found a pic of you at a picnic
  12. Whatever I'm not going to argue
  13. I agree with those at the end of your post, dobbles. That being said, you can burn more calories jumping rope for a few minutes than in a whole baseball game. So, Goodwin, if the measure of a sport is the physical toughness and energy used, then Baseball is way behind Golf. Yes, hitting a baseball is the hardest thing for the average person to do, mostly because it is moving. But the thing about Golf is finesse. Anyone can hit a golf ball, it is hitting it with precision and correct technique that makes one good at it.
  14. Personally I am against the Healthcare.. Although it would help in some ways, it would slow things down to a crawl. Everyone would have to wait a long time to get even the simplest of treatments. Since the gov't and taxes are paying for it, the doctors and pharmacists will be getting paid shit, and some will find other careers. More people are going to be demanding it, for less, when there will be a shorter supply of medical personnel. It works for some Nordic countries decently because their taxes are so high and their populations are a lot smaller. I just don't like the idea of my money going to someone who may or may not deserve it. I will stop there before I offend anyone but I think it is a really bad idea.
  15. I think you sounded a lot younger than you looked lol
  16. Go out and try to shoot 10 under par and then tell me that it doesn't take skill.
  17. Flipping cards or flipping a fly rod is not even physically demanding and shouldn't be considered a sport IMO.. Yeah I doubt that's 50 inches I mean I can do a 180 Dunk barely but im almost 6 foot 4. Randy Moss, fucking RANDY MOSS had like a 50.5-51 inch vert in the NFL combine... He is at least 40 but 50 is a big stretch.
  18. I voted for Jones because he spells color funny
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