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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. Gee, thanks for including us Marines...
  2. Plus, there are TONS of singles in my area looking just for me! They are constantly trying to chat with me but I'm way too cool for them hos I lol'd. My browsing brings all the hoes to the yard.
  3. A universal gathering of morons perhaps? I'm sure we still got a Predator Drone stateside to do a quick clean-up...
  4. Don't need to look for porn when LiveJasmin is a pop-up on almost every web-page nowadays.
  5. You know, if they did more of a "policing of their own", their countries wouldn't be in half the shit predicaments they're in at the moment. And yet they see it so fit to blame this onto others. Going by their logic, we should of crashed a few 747's into the Masjid al-Ḥarām 11 and a half years ago for one organization's attack on us. Just one more reason why religion should be removed in its entirety, breeding nothing but sheer ignorance and violence. What upsets me the most is not the level of violence or the perpetrators ridiculous motives, but the fact the guy was wearing a "Help for Heroes" t-shirt. Most likely a guy who gave back to those who gave more for the well being of those who could not or would not fight for themselves. Another decent fellow whose life was cut way too short.
  6. I thought this would be an inspiring post to all those middle aged, overweight, women who resemble Wookies that no matter what you look like, where you come from, what your sex life is like, that you will still be judged by your cover by pretentious assholes like Simon.
  7. Doesn't matter. The minute these systems are released they've already been outdated by my PC.
  8. Post workout snack. Chicken marinaded with clover honey, onions and garlic, 2 eggs and a tuna melt on 12 grain, toasted on the pan then broiled on the top rack to brown the mozzarella.
  9. Spoiled bimbo talking on her cell phone in a BMW boxed me in from switching lanes, now I gotta turn around and speed past numerous speed traps to make my destination on time. Protip: Elevator.
  10. "My head ain't hard enough mang." Probably due to the fact that's pretty fucking hollow on the inside.
  11. You should have just removed Englebretson from the list. SgtMaj. Englebretson would have also fixed the problem, just saying.
  12. You'll love the tiger , fooking excellent sniping tank Snipe, all day everyday. On another note, the 88 has a ridiculous amount of "bullet" drop it seems when shooting at 400+, I only wish you could boresight the main gun to compensate and it would be tits.
  13. So...close..to.....Tiger. Konisch is amazing btw.
  14. 101,546. Might as well of named me Merriam Webster.
  15. There's no grammar to correct on the island, your hopewich is effectively defunct and you will not make the 30 days. Congratulations.
  16. And for the next 30 days you have to live off sandwiches. You have the bread of your choice, the meat/seafood/meat alternative of your choice and cheese if you wish. But you may have only one topping or dressing/sauce. What is the topping/dressing that will fuel your survival until rescue? Build your "Hopewich". Ciabatta roll Grilled chicken breast American cheese Ken's Steakhouse Honey Balsamic. 1)Cream cheese counts as a cheese 2)Toppings include added vegetables such as banana peppers, tomatoes, etc. 3)Dressing/Sauce - Barbecue sauce, french dressing, etc.
  17. Yup, CT just enforced the Assault Weapon ban and High capacity magazine ban, didn't change the fact a pregnant woman was shot and killed in the north end of Hartford this past week. And seconded, the entire politics sub-forum should just be removed altogether as it does nothing more then give people a chance to beat dead horses ten times over and exude an exorbitant amount of ignorance through the stereotyping of people based on flawed govenments and over-hyped media, in turn creating uneeded conflict and tension in the unit. I find it worrisome that some of you people decide to judge another nation's population off of media, government and the occasional morons/nutjobs instead of using experience and actual communication between such people. I used to be the same way before deploying to Iraq, feeding off of media hype and second hand stories from others, and then I realized I had more in common with those people once I actually talked to them instead of morons in the western hemisphere. All just another side effect of that barrier called social media I guess.
  18. FixX'd. and u r; wElcoME. I will not stand for the tyrannical facist correction of my grammar. Where are you getting your information from? Last time I checked we were dropping JDAM's and putting 5.56 into the "local" populace, not dropping King James Bibles and soaking them with holy water squirt guns.
  19. Common sense isn't a common virtue anymore which is why it will never work.
  20. I prefer not to use to the word "Rifle" but instead "Darwin Award Deliverance System". I don't know what your talking about, I just strapped my kid with a Glock and had him stand watch for me while I went out back behind my trailer to deal some Meth.
  21. BREAKING NEWS! Americans have to use common sense! Remainder of world becomes exempt!
  22. Now I'm not religous by any means even if I am a supposed Christian and find it very detrimental to the advancement of humanity, but the irony of a Jewish lawyer named Michael Weinstein taking an extreme stance on this one particular religion is hilarious to me. All because he was most likely a shitbag back in the service or has taken jokes way too seriously and has been holding a grudge. Petty high school reunion type stuff. And for my professional opinion: Thats an entertaining article of fiction.
  23. Ya'll suck. Err'body knows this is the only way to eat toast.
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