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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. Cheap, I hear it's almost free around college dorms.
  2. Beethoven Wagner Mozart Bach Tchaikovsky Vivaldi Strauss Stravinsky Mendelsson
  3. My dad always said there was only one woman he could see running this country successfully, and that was Margaret Thatcher. God rest her soul.
  4. Japan (28) USA (101) England (15) Norway (48) Sweden (49)
  5. Japan (28) USA (89) Canada (2) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (47) Sweden (46)
  6. Japan (28) USA (85) Canada (6) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (47) Sweden (46)
  7. Japan (28) USA (81) Canada (10) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (47) Sweden (46)
  8. Japan (28) USA (77) Canada (14) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (47) Sweden (46)
  9. japan (28) USA (73) Canada (18) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (47) Sweden (46)
  10. The origin of Dumb Donald from Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids is a furry space penguin? Man traveled into space, but still uses a lever action carbine. Love it.
  11. You would think a ship of that size would have a contigency plan in place for the bridge going down. Nope, just point and scream, their crew skills are right on par with the stormtroopers aim for rebel scum.
  12. Reapers from ME would annihilate, indoctrinate and enslave any of those races, making size irrelevant.
  13. Japan (27) 'Merica (36) Mexico (14) Canada (44) Russia (17) England (19) Norway (40) Meatballs(44)
  14. Simcity 5. You can build a city near mine and be New Jersey, just take my trash, I'll pay you.
  15. It would be ideal to have a uniformed police presence, yes. Every school resource officer I've ever come across has been a senior officer, this is from experience not to mention my father's a cop and I just verified this with him, not from uneducated, baseless assumptions. And your right, private contracting would probably be the more cost effective way, but whats to say one of the qualification for such a contractor couldn't be a former LEO? Internet bigotry/racial tough talk/kneejerk reactions for shock factor and likes/favorites/whathaveyou on some social networking site, not to mention from immature kids and frat boys nonetheless is pretty hard for me, to form an educated opinion that would dissuade me from protecting schools with guns. The fact that someone bases their opinions of someones psychological situation off of their "tweets" worries me even more. And the key word in that entire paragraph is might. Might increase the frequency of gun related incidents. Yeah, it might, but I guarantee armed individuals guarding a school will mitigate the reprucussions of an aggressor with hostile intent entering the school. Trading one potential tragedy for another? So then whats the ultimate solution? I can see a thorough mental eval with an applicant submitting to a polygraph, background check, standard nine point drug panel and sufficient firearms safety training being enough to entrust them to reduce all of this for the time being.
  16. Don't watch Fox, nor am I a Republican. Another assumption. And no, I read "Some people are racist and shouldn't hold certain jobs" according to your post, and that your just stating the obvious more or less. Your logic is that we shouldn't protect schools because sometime, sooner or later, the security guard will have a bad day and massacre a school. If thats your logic we might as will get rid of the military and all law enforcement. Your trying to safeguard sensitive areas by neglecting any sort of absolute protective measures, because we can't guarantee the state of mind of said individual. Am I the only person who thinks this is completely ridiculous, I mean instead of taking chances with physical pre-cautions that are an absolute means to end of a potential threat with a miniscule chance of failure, using an all powerful mighty set of laws which will prevent such things from occuring because people "must" follow them? Personally being a father, I'd rather have the sense of security knowing my son would have a fighting chance until law enforcement arrive because there are armed individuals at the school rather then just leaving it open for Joe Schmoe Sociopath to blow him away. Get rid of your Police then, your typical Montreal Law Enforcment must all be bigots. Also, they would put their more senior officers on said duties, since they've put their time in on patrols already. Rookies would be out on patrol still learning the ropes which would give them sufficient time to be weeded out. Read more, post less. Respectful is not generalizing an entire nation off of one news article about a few bigots from said country.
  17. I bet you put some Stubbs Marinade on that, slow cook it for a few hours and it'd be delicious. Dibs on the thigh!
  18. Bigotry and racism is a driving factor behind almost all military conflicts. It's almost Pavlovian to the point where it's ingrained that the enemy is not a human being but an inferior sub-human, case and point being Vietnamese being referred to as gooks, chinks, or slant eyes instead of North Vietnamese soldier, enemy or troop. The same follows for almost any conflict, more and more the enemy is referred to in a bigoted nature through the use of slang and slurs to de-humanize them and make it easier for the aggressor to engage. But, I digress, I don't see myself engaging any Muslims/Arabs here in the states with my legally obtained firearms because I was trained to be a bigot back in the military. Then again, maybe I'm that abnormal American for not being a bigot. God I wish I was normal...
  19. That's your average everyday ignorant peon in it's natural habitat actually. One dead giveaway is the fact that they have a Twitter account, not to mention that unless it's controversial the media isn't gonna report it so the vast majority of people could formulate an objective opinion off of it. It's okay though, situational awareness is not a trait everyone is proficient in, just like common sense isn't that common of a virtue nowadays. If I remember correctly, the same Newtown'esque situation happened in Montreal at Ecole Polytechnique with a massacre prompting more stringent gun control similar to our concurrently proposed laws. Then in 2006 another shooting happened at Dawson College in Montreal, making this gun control effectively useless at reducing massacres or making them any less deadly, the only difference was made in Law Enforcement reaction and procedures. Take your useless assumptions about your "average" Americans and "average" pro-gun advocate elsewehere you "average" moron. But, on the off chance you were to propose a solution, say like instead of security guards having a uniformed police presence at more and/or all schools instead of stating the obvious and blatantly making assumptions that all pro-gun owners are a pool of Darwins failures, I might of been inclinded to side with you on the topic.
  20. la buta min haddan thin thadith!
  21. Outweighed by some of the worlds worst.
  22. lol, you mean a Smith Machine? Otherwise known as the "Bitch press because the machine does almost everything for you"?
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