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Cast 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cast 1st MRB

  1. I did think what the hell that was, it wasn't causing me any problems so i just ignored it
  2. just for posting that picture of a twat i voted for you
  3. had the mouse i have now for about 2-3 years and it only cost a £5
  4. Using elf config and fuck me(no am not offering) can i hit stuff now, before was 3-26, now it more 19-25
  5. Pretty good that, liked the slow motion walking at the end
  6. Miss.Stabby Deathtwo Poo Goddess (i'll let you figure that out) Crazy British Lady think thats it
  7. it funny when i turn around and say something, but it annoying when I get id for age 15 dvds
  8. should see me when i got down town have old ladies go 'aww, you ok darling?' lol
  9. =|[sALUTE]|= To all the people who are serving, have served or are going to serve in the future
  10. The beta for diablo 3 is just about out, end of this month I think. Loved D2 them damn cows lol. Played rift thought it was pretty shit, it had no filling.
  11. Got it myself too, lags abit but it so funny hearing them speaking stuff. And some of the things they come out with lol
  12. Tried it when it was free damn thing wouldn't play on my computer, same for my brother didn't like his computer either
  13. Can't wait for it come out, played the 2nd, tried the 1st and gave up just plain nasty compared to the 2nd
  14. 2nd one is more recent but I still look like a 12 year old lol
  15. Cast 1st MRB


    Used to play WoW must have played it for 3-4 years got fed up after cata just same old. I had a 85 druid, lock, priest, level 83 warrior and a number of other alts
  16. or better yet someone tattoo a penis onto his head
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