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J. Anderson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Anderson 1st MRB

  1. Will there be active voice usage by the characters? For example, a grenade is tossed your way do your character automatically yell grenade? Or do you have to do it manually via keybinds? Will there be any customizations of your playermodel? For example to have your characters clothes look more worn and battle-scarred and perhaps some netting on the helmet or some camouflage? Weapon customizations? Like a bayonet or option to not use riflegrenades as riflemen? And of course the look of your weapon if its dirty or well maintained. Its looking really well other than that, so i might back it.
  2. Damn, you are right. This is pretty worrying. People can see your wallet balance, your linked hotmail and purchase histories and such.
  3. Some spoilers though so watch at your own discretion. I can't wait this game is going to be awesome!
  4. Shots fired. Norway is not in the European Union.
  5. Agreed on that. Russians have this magical recoil ability, they can run with the AK and still have accuracy as if they were crouching.
  6. I'm guessing you are gonna vote for option 5?
  7. Well lets just see if this is gonna work as advertised. It IS EA after all.. But damn it looks good!
  8. I use a crosshair 1 but i used to use both crosshair 3 and 7 alot. But i just think crosshair one is the best overall one.
  9. I have it on console so i pretty much know the ropes. Name is ScriptedEnd.
  10. Why you remove yourself from Ruh-tard of the month... You fit perfectly up there.
  11. Japan (19) USA (24) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (19) North Korea (20) Sweden (21) Finland (20) Germany (22) China (16) Why never mix this up a little, for example you cannot vote for your own country. Because the US will eventually win this...
  12. This is really a sad day for people who liked the series. And i do not think Hammond nor May will continue the series. No Clarkson, no Top gear. While we have no idea what happened to cause Jeremy to get fired. Some claim he punched a producer, some say something else. I personally really liked Top gear so this is pretty sad.
  13. Wow. Making a steam notice because you are afraid of taking your rightful place, lol. Yeah Quarterman for unit Ruh-tard.
  14. Indeed i really liked the 3rd installment.
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