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J. Anderson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Anderson 1st MRB

  1. Well this is tricky, the first console i owned was a Sega genesis gen/model 2. And i have many memories from playing it. But i also owned the PS1 which i also played alot with MoH and ff7 the first GTA and you name it. I had a PS2 for some time as well but it got broken and for some reason was thrown away and forgotten . I also had an Xbox (Still do) which i have countless hours played on but my vote falls on the Xbox 360. It was by quite a big marginal the best last gen console. And i've always been an xbox guy since.
  2. The Texture is this. http://dods.gamebanana.com/skins/81790 The animations are these. http://dods.gamebanana.com/skins/119168
  3. so long as it's not another hurray America won the war on it's own +1 x2 1+
  4. Didnt you say not too long ago that you were rooting for the Netherlands?
  5. Yeah i did too just up till episode 6 i think then i stumbled upon the manga and bleh now i know whats going to happen. And there has been a confirmed second season for that as well.
  6. Well There are tons and tons of genres out there so i dont really know what you are looking for. So you might wanna tell me what you are looking for and i can check some animes out that match your criteria.
  7. There is already a topic for this too Quite old though. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...0456&st=240
  8. Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such. Is Attack on Titan coming back this season? I do not know. Tbh i dont really care either since i didnt like the series. I just think that its way overrated. But no im guessing its either for the Fall/Winter or spring 2015.
  9. Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such.
  10. Wat, anime? You watch that? Wut. Yeah well now in SAO anything can happen i guess its going to be alot of more fun seeing weaponry though compared to swords and magic in the last season. And to further add on, Its a trap!
  11. Good vid there Barry. Bdw did you make this skin?
  12. Yeah who is this Quarterman creature? I thought he was just a mythical being that would show up in the pub just to be in spectate until slain and thrown out by an admin. OP, congrats Candy keep up the good work and dedication!
  13. I'm probably gonna get it. The only issues i got so far with what i've seen are, Its pretty much the same as Bf4. Consider it a big expansion for bf4 that you buy for a full game prize. And the other is that it isn't Dice that develop it. And i hope they get down and fix the issues they got currently with frostbite 3, and that they get more develop time for it so it isnt released in beta form like it was with bf4.
  14. Its a great game, i recommend it to anyone who likes modern FPS games.
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