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O'Gara 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by O'Gara 1st MRB

  1. Wow..I guess when you have 1000 hours on the game you can do some epic things!
  2. That has to be the most epic kill ever filmed. I love how they got both angles.
  3. I dont know where you surf the new but this is where I surf! P.S. I was told there is a fish sandwich in this video but i cant find it. JP
  4. P.E.T.A= People eating tasty animals!
  5. Name: repair man-lf Steam I.D: Steam_0:1:7314799 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: spamming voice commands Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: he was asked multiple times but kept doing it and all of the axis players were complaining.
  6. Too bad Canada does not have universal dental. His front teeth look like they are leaving, one going left and one going right. JP
  7. OR she doctored the photo! She is pretty pretty good with those signature spays. it looks like the ice cube is giving the finger. JP
  8. OMG at 1:37, is that Mottola? I swear it is! JP
  9. Name: TK 403 (AKA LEAD FARMER) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1326595 Duration of Ban: 3-7 days Reasons for the Ban: Admin disrespect Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: He was AFK in spec and we had a full server. I asked that he joined up and he did not answer or join. Muppet then kicked him to free up a spot. He came back in a few minutes later and was like "you really kicked me while I was away". I told him yes we had a full server. He then went on to say he was leaving because we were clowns, and he rage quit. This was definitely aimed at Muppet due to him kicking him. Being that he was a past member of BAR he definitely understands the issues regarding a full server. Taking it out on the admin is ridiculous since he was the one that was AFK.
  10. JFK Reloaded v1.1 (Free Game) http://www.fileplanet.com/192027/190000/fi...1.1-(Free-Game) Even though it is NOT PC, The game is addicting even now. JP
  11. You mean the British Bisexual Club, correct? I have an in there and will put in a good word for you. JP
  12. WOW. Just a joke! Step away from the serious button. JP
  13. I am intrigued, what is the object. I know it is remote controlled and see the antenna but is it a plane? It is very cool and I want one.
  14. Wow Giraffe, you should change your name to Captain Obvious! LOL Stone what is with the disclaimer? I completely agree with the song, I almost got T-Boned (not in a good way) by a lady that ran a red light on Saturday while taking my son to his soccer game. It actually should be no woman no drive AND no talkie back or I will have to hit you again! This is why we can not have nice things!!!!!!!!!!! JP
  15. Parker meant it that way. They can only cheat under the cover of darkness! Just think of all the shenanigans they are up to when we can not see them! JP
  16. She must be from Massachusetts!!!!!!!!!
  17. Wow, that really had a good start and middle...but it went to GAY TOWN real quick. I hope G. Visca stays away from that place!!!!!!!!!!!!! JP
  18. The coffee shop one gave me goosebumps even though I knew about the prank. I could not stop laughing about the interview one. They both were pretty awesome.
  19. You Sir are a man after my Heart. I am going to modify this by cutting the cooked steak into strips and putting the entire thing into my Panini maker. Great Job buddy! JP
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