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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. Ahahahaa how do you know that.... AND GRANT NO, JUST NO
  2. Okay i've got a massively important meeting in 4 hours and I'm stuck for things to do/keep me awake. it's 4am here, and i've been gaming all night, so I need options! HELP!
  3. Ah okay, I didnt realise. Different countries and all that.
  4. This is something that I completely forgot. I did a bit of digging, and this is what I found: http://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/are-mili...tra-285603.html Looks like we would have to shoot a email or something asking for permission to use certain designs. I think however as we are a realism unit, where we base our structure on and respect the history of the 1st Marine Raiders, I think we have a good chance of gaining that. But there are no real test cases we can judge it on.
  5. Okay. There are two ways of going about this. The Easy Way. The Hard Way. The easy way, is by making commission on products you sell through a website called Spread Shirt (http://www.spreadshirt.co.uk/) or a similar company. These kind of sites are awesome because they pretty much do it for you, and you can have a whole ton of products with various different options and your own design included. It's a wonderful thing aswell as a company like spread shirt, are international, and that could solve a whole problem of shipping etc. The only real problem is less money will be made than if you do it the hard way, as i'm pretty sure the various products are supplied on demand. The other option, is The hard way. This would work better in the long run, but would take a bit of effort to get of the ground. You'll need to have someone put up the capital to fund a run of a product, for example, a minimum order at a professional screenprinters I use is 50 t-shirts, per order. Otherwise you could work with local screen printers shop, and do a small order each time, but usually this isnt cost effective really. The you gotta think about shipping, storage and lots of other stuff, and it'd be quite a bit of work for someone to do. Obviously these options are there if the CS were interested in running with the idea. My own personal opinion is that I think it's a great idea, and I'd defo buy some and wear it with pride!
  6. AHA, yeah. mad world we live in right!?
  7. McDowell, Bickford... I love you guys!
  8. Okay. The thing with Facebook is that it's become more than a social networking site, it's become a business tool. As a person working for a company, having your profile available for people to see, even if it's just friends and family, the company sees you representing them at all times. Alot of it is a load of crap and it shouldnt be able to effect a businesses decision, but it does. For me, Facebook is an important tool for my work, whether it's promoting events, posting information for our team in our group page or just getting in touch with new acts. Its a platform for our business, and speeds up alot of things that would usually take alot longer. I have in the past had my work ask me to remove certain things from my profile that related to them, and by all means I obliged. I literally have no privacy settings, which is good in the sense that it puts across that I have nothing to hide with anyone I work with especially in the business. I restrict myself from posting negative stuff in terms of life/work/etc because I rather not have people who dont know me to well judge me on these points.
  9. He also proceeded to come back on the server, under the a different name and then change his name back to "Z. Morseton [No.45]". As soon as I saw this I banned him for a week, but would also recommend the ban to be made perm, as everyone was made aware of the rules many times during the evening. As Brown said as a member of a realism unit he should of known better.
  10. ahahahaha! amazing. reminded me of this:
  11. This video is awesome! Great choice of music, and great job on the editting! you've done a fantastic job! I think what made it extra special and a sentiment to how everyone wanted to be there was the full private server, and and the vent being jam packed (even if this was the first one I've attended). Cant wait for the 4th aniversary next year, hopefully we get lots more memorable things to add to this in the year to come!
  12. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/355932...actical-shooter A game bought to by the lead developer on halo, and of tonnes of other games. You get to have your say!
  13. ahaha, this kid has mad skills. reminds me of my childhood, i used to get up before school to play this game!
  14. THERE IS A VIDEO FROM TMZ. it's hilarious. http://www.tmz.com/2012/03/16/jason-russel...y/#.T2PdW5hx5c3
  15. I am genuinely excited for this game, from the trailers and the gameplay I've seen, it looks alot of fun.
  16. This is awesome. It's a great documentary, check it out!
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