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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. Japan (21) USA (20) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (18) Sweden (24) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18)
  2. It won't come down to war. It's all just posturing. North Korea have cut the helpline to the south many times, and alot of stuff the north say is rhetoric.
  3. Japan (20) USA (20) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (20) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18)
  4. Dude your fucking tall lol Lol I'm only 5'9 And only sissy girls paintball with hoodies and other various forms of heavy outerwear on. Might as well wear a kevlar vest. Under Armour all day err'day. Pussy. wow, richards. wow.
  5. Hello Johann! Glad to see you enjoy our public server! I completely understand about your time constraints, but you should ask one of our guys to invite you to an open realism sometime, they are alot of fun and you'll get to see what were all about! Anyway when I get back from Africa, I look forward to killing you in the pub!
  6. What you mean by clusterfucked it? I know it having issues with server side thats what I've heard. They didn't test their servers before opening it to the public (alpha/beta/reviewers had limited access so the full brunt of opening day loads wasn't accurately gauged). Most people have to either wait for 30 mins for space to open, or just can't connect at all. PLUS, Maxim has tweeted responsibility for the problem, citing that EA wasn't in charge of it, but I don't believe them. EA just want to make sure you cant steal the game you bought. that's why you gotta be online always to play it.
  7. I think I will have to actually try (not fall asleep during the draft and proceed not to do anything) this year, if you'll let me participate. That said. I know nothing about Baseball, but I need to beat Rather.
  8. I'm in the same position. I used to waste days, literally days playing this game on the PS2.
  9. All praise Bacon! I WILL NEVER GIVE IN
  10. Bacon is like the vegatarian kryptonite. So many friends have stopped being veggie because of bacon. true story.
  11. I concur. Thanks for serving your country, even though I'm from the UK I have friends over there and I have the upmost respect for what you guys do.
  12. Dear Brown 1st MRB We are writing to inform you that your allowance of internet points has been revoked for mentioning the existance of internet points. Yours Sincerely, The Internet Police
  13. berg. what.......... ahahahahah.
  14. Those are people that I think unlaterally everyone can agree were evil people. These are a few people who have said things about Hugo Chavez's death. There are alot more as well.
  15. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xO-ETsDj_KQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> As long as gardiner is there with a camcorder, I'm in.
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