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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. They're not exactly the same one has Russel Crowe as Jor-El narrating and the other has Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent.
  2. Found these new Superman trailers and I have to say I like the way they are going. Showing the more human struggle side of Clark Kent trying to cope with the idea that he will have to make a decision of what path in life he will make. Plus with the directors behind maybe we will get the Superman movie of today that is actually good. (And yes I know the music they used is from Lord of the Rings but I can get over that) (Jor-El/Russel Crowe Narration) (Jonathan Kent/Kevin Costner)
  3. I do get where you are coming from Logston and you can take my opinion as just a opinion as you have every right to feel the way you feel. So here's my two cents, yes the guy did a completely horrifying act and deserves punishment but killing him will not change anything. The victims families will still have lost a child/brother/sister and even with revenge the feeling of loss, emptiness and grief will still be there. Letting him rot in a prison cell with only the memory of his act for haunting him for the rest of his life is good enough for me but that's just me. Now if it were one of my loved ones that was lost believe me the guy would never survive long enough make it to a courtroom. Also for Gardiner I am truly sorry for the loss of any friends or acquaintances in that shooting and hope for a full and speedy recovery for anyone else.
  4. To answer your question about capital punishment the answer from me is no. Rotting in jail for the rest of his miserable life is good enough for me (btw executing someone is more expensive than keeping him in jail from paying lawyers for appeals and being on death row). Now having said that if one of the victims family members kills him you know what I wouldn't blame them for it.
  5. We had our share here in Toronto, Canada as well with mindless shootings. Here's the story http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/12...-in-scarborough This shit is just so fucked up and mindless. WTF was the point or was there even one. Though I'll tell ya it ain't gonna be a good enough point to warrant this kind of act.
  6. Shea LeBouef as MARTY MCFLY!!!!! *Explodes* This is what I have to say about that shit stain being Marty McFly
  7. I do agree that we have way over saturated with reboots and remakes lately Hollywood probably has run out of ideas or they are too scared to do anything new. So yes Legend Fuck Hollywood those bastards wanted to push through SOPA
  8. I'm not saying every movie before 1995 and before needs to be redone. There are movies that are timeless and don't need to be redone and that's what I hate when Hollywood remakes them (e.g. Nightmare on Elm Street, John Carpenter's The Thing [also a remake]) where as there are movies that scream the decade that they were made in and could have been better. Like I said before the original didn't follow the short story very well and this one seems to be more true to it and it looks interesting and it has a good cast. By the way Parker we are both 24 so I too grew up with 80's and 90's movies so I really do understand your concern as they are my own
  9. Well to be fair Parker the original wasn't very close to the short story it was based on but still it was a good movie. From what I heard this supposedly follows the short story a lot closer and who knows. I am with you with the movie industry making unnecessary remakes but the original Total Recall is very dated in the 80's (not a knock on it that 80's style is awesome). Will it be crap? Maybe but ever the optimist maybe we will be surprised.
  10. This is so awesome I am a huge Punisher Fan. I have the entire first series of comics 5 part mini and series 1 and parts of the rest. I have seen all the movies and while I do have to admit the 2004 felt kinda flat it did have potential. Thomas Jane is a really good Punisher and I love the gritty realistic version. Oh and I almost forgot Welcome Back Frank
  11. Wait for the Ultimate Challenge... 3 2 1 *Tray with Knife Comes Out* Kill Someone
  13. Jokes for SCIENCE!!! Reminds me of the joke from fallout "Two atoms are in a bar, one turns to the other and says, 'I believe I lost an electron.' The other atom says, 'Are you sure?' To which the first atom replies. 'I'm positive.'"
  14. You think that's odd a I heard a guy used a front loader to steal gift certificates and deodorant
  15. There may be online software that maybe can give a little more info but I wouldn't recommend it. Just keep an eye on your processes in task manager, uninstall unwanted/unnecessary programs from control panel and you can always run msconfig to shut off start up programs. I am now closing this ticket
  16. This video sums up my feeling about this
  17. I would suggest first to back up your game files then uninstall/re-install steam. Start up programs may be a factor but lets see if this works
  18. Found this surfing on youtube. BTW I not a big steampunk fan but it is pretty cool and I love when people cosplay steampunk.
  19. Hey Tate can you teach me how to capture footage without hud and in 3rd person
  20. Need to start using Fraps to make my own video I got an idea for one
  21. It's the day Canada was formed into a country from 3 different British colonies. It's basically our 4th of July.
  22. Yeah that sound more nice then being shoulder to shoulder in a crowd just hanging out with a group of friends
  23. Proud to be a Canadian cause at least I know I'm free!! lol Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians and enjoy the fireworks. Hey Parker gonna hit up Mel Lastman Square or Ashbridges Bay tonight?
  24. WHAT THE FUCK AM I LOOKING AT? Seriously Legend WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! There was just so much stupid and no making sense
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