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Arsenault 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Arsenault 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday Magoo! I wish you an excellent birthday evening and hope to see you around in the servers some time soon.
  2. Happy birthday Spear! Have a great one!
  3. Definitely Roussel. He is also the one who showed me what "furry" stuff was. Reaaaally messed up stuff too. But it was in a conversation about Sarsons lol.
  4. This might just find its way in my signature. Or at least in the Quote Thread. Lystad, please never change that forum avatar again. I can't take my eyes off of it.
  5. Good stuff! Although I always liked it, I'm not the biggest fan of Star Wars but I really enjoyed that vid!
  6. In some way I think that's a relief, Hill. "No cancer" is always good news in my book. I know how frustrating it is though when you realize that they also will be doing nothing about it either. I had that answer from a specialist a few months back when I went to have my vocal cords checked because there is something wrong. Turns out I have something "on" them but it's no cancer so they won't do anything about it either. Keep us posted with updates.
  7. Nice vid Bradley! Good job on the editing too! I am actually drinking tea while watching it / typing this.
  8. I'm impressed. I'm really impressed.
  9. He has an excellent point. Aside of that, what exactly did Britton do to deserve so much votes? I think I totally missed it when it happened.
  10. It is simply a matter of kebabs per citizen. Damn I miss european kebabs.
  11. Oh yeah, it's not the same date for Euro people isn't it?
  12. Do you mind me asking the price of it? I'm looking to buy a camera for my girlfriend in the next months.
  13. Blackwood, check-out the video that Kirkendall posted on Feb 12 above here. You'll be satisfied.
  14. I'm very happy to see that you are back my friend! It seems like a nice build too! That graphics card must be insane.
  15. Happy Birthday Hill! I hope you had a wonderfull day with your friends and family and you got time to enjoy what you like.
  16. When I saw that shot live I thought "this would make for a perfect .gif" and here we are, thanks internet.
  17. Exellent infographic by the way Candy. It will help me to know when to speak french and when not to!
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