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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Powell

  1. Haha and actually those are just my soccer socks, pulled all the way up! And what a warm welcome I...and my sister....have gotten!
  2. Dang that was insane!! Favorite part is when the guy is randomly moonwalking in front of the truck lol, just started laughing when i saw that
  3. One of my friends and me at our highschool's last football game, I'm on the left. We try to go all out during our football games but it started pouring in the middle of that one And a more recent one of my sister and me when she came back from college for a bit and us just being goofy
  4. Powell

    Hey all!

    Hey everybody! I didn't really seen anywhere else to introduce myself, so this would be the best place to do it I think. Just wanted to say hello to everybody, I've been playing on your server for a little bit since I started playing DoD again. Well, My name is Zach, I'm 16 years old and have always loved games like DoD. I used to be in 173rd a while back if anyone remembers them, and I stopped playing the game after they disbanded. I've been looking to join another group, and I am considering joining 1st MRB here. I'm a pretty casual gamer, but like the realism aspect of games like these. If anyone wants to add me on steam...it's TheGalaxy095. Hopefully I'll get to meet more of the members here! Cya around on the server! -Galaxy
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