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Supa Hot Fire

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Everything posted by Supa Hot Fire

  1. Last night Deli was asking about the rules of the server and about what language was appropriate - after being informed of what could and couldn't be said he goes "So N***** can't be said? lol." and was removed. I can't remember who was the admin at the time, so for that I apologize. Anyways, tonight Deli had been arguing with and trolling players on the server then demanded a reason why he'd been kicked and wanted an apology. I reminded him of what he had done and he responded with saying "N***** isn't racist." and was removed again. I apologize for not filling out a ban report the first time this happend, Cast told me that next time this happens I should and trust me I will. Bitches be trippin.
  2. Fuck it, I'm drunk newish and sexy so ill reply My name is Evan Bentz, I'm newly 21 and I'm from Moco Maryland just outside of D.C. I'm going to Temple U in the fall going into my 4th year of college as a Film major after just graduating from the local community college but it'll be about another 2 years before I can actually graduate with a bachelors. I, more than anything, want to be an film editor. You can see my (amatureish) demo reel here http://youtu.be/yNkoXBoxxHU if you so choose. I work part time as an editor for an in-house editing company called Halfyard but I've worked for Discovery, Mocofootball.com, JWM Productions w/ Monster Tracker, the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and a bunch of Freelance stuff around the Maryland/D.C. area. I also deliever pizza too but I fucking hate that job haha I love being outside, giggle way to much and love a good jack n coke. I also love the community here and have met a lot of interesting/awesome people - I'm really curious to find out more about you all! It's nice to read about your lives in a non stalkerish way haha Anyways that's all I have to contribute here haha Thanks!
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