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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. We played Strand, that worked fine. Filled up, good times were had. Went to palermo, played that, they voted custom again so I did a vote and it went to aura; only 19 people could get in. At least 10 people reported that Missing Map problem where it won't let you get on the server. You could see them joining and joining over and over, trying to get it to work. I talked to a few of them, had same problem (for a map that they've played in the past). Then I tried kalt_1945, even more people couldn't get in (including some who COULD get in on aura). Changed it back to rotation now, but figured I'd post about it. I personally didn't have a problem, but many pubbers couldn't get in, killed the population instantly. [edit] They are saying in the console it was a "server host issue"
  2. Name: *Cope* Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:80455926 Reasons for the Ban:TK Recommended duration of ban: Week Demo Provided?: Went -20 before leaving
  3. "Kevin Vickers, the Sergeant-at-Arms at the house of commons, shot one of the assailants. He won a recent shooting competition over his fellow guards - all 150 of them." 2006 Bio when he was appointed Hero.
  4. Name: Jahnow Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6764271 Reasons for the Ban: TK Recommended duration of ban: 3 days or a week...it's his first offense, but goddamn was it a rude one Demo Provided?: He naded spawn once, we thought maybe it was accident, told him to be more careful. Next time round started, he did it again, killing 4 teammates and hurting everyone.
  5. BAH. So that image that I shared says 10pm Pacific...but now the steam store page is saying 1pm PST. So 3 more hours to wait...lame. I want my free shit when I want it dammit! #firstworldproblems #hashtagyoloswag
  6. Payday the Heist will be free to keep starting tomorrow, the rest of these will be free for the weekend. I don't own any of these...YAY.
  7. This trailer is how companies should advertise movies. It gives NOTHING away, and totally draws one in. I don't know jack shit about what Cooper said, or the book, or anything other than I want to see what fucking happens.
  8. There once was a raider named Wells, who loved
  9. Name:JoeyTheJoker Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:26423583 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism/Disrespecting Demo Provided?: N Comments: This guy was with a bunch of other kids, all team wounding and being dicks. He was the only one to repeatedly use racism though, so he got perm. Martin was witness. (he has one prior ban for 10 minutes for team killing here)
  10. McDowell hunkers down to his computer desk, setting his beer next to the keyboard and cracking his knuckles as DOD loads. Lightning flashes outside the window, followed by a rolling thunder that jerks his pet goat from its sleep. He looks down to the goat, named Beatrice, and chuckles lightly. "It's ok goat," he says. He never actually calls it Beatrice. His eyes wander back to the computer screen, and he maneuvers his mouse to the Join Server button. His eyes narrow. The familiar window pops up alerting him to the server's maximum capacity being met. He clicks the Join When a Spot opens button, and nestles further into his plush leather chair, slightly spinning as he grows instantly impatient. The goat settles back down, curled up in the corner on a ratty piece of cloth he had found in the back of his yellow Ford F-150. The moments pass by with increasing trepidation, each second taking more time to come than the one prior. A slight snore comes from the corner of the room, and he looks down at his goat again. Cute thing, he thinks. His thoughts wander to his time back on the farm in Indiana, back to when he was a curious child, filled with wonder and curiosity. He recalls his first sexual experience. Her name was Tammy Lynn, and she was a large woman...much larger than he is now, in fact. He probably could not even take her in a fight as his grown-up self. He chuckles to himself again, messing with the mouse around the game screen. Still full. Still waiting. The goat hiccups. Lightning strobes the room, but not followed by any thunder. That's odd, he thinks. Then he has a heart attack and dies. The goat eventually awakens, and grows hungry on its own. After the first few days, it realizes what it must do, and begins to consume Mcdowell's body from the feet up. Over the next week, the goat grows fat on human meat. No one bothers coming to to see where he is because he has no friends. Eventually, he starts to rot, and the goat no longer can tolerate the taste. In a moment of panic, it headbutts the window and shatters it, escaping into the night. Only...it is no longer just Beatrice the goat. It has had the taste of human flesh, and you know what? It liked it. A lot. It wants more...and it will get it. THE END...?
  11. (don't forget, I'm older than Hall so I came first. He was born on this day to mimic me. I am flattered)
  12. Anyone else watched this shit? I just finished the season finale this morning....WOW. This is the product of some amazing artists. No one I know has seen it though, which is weird. Didn't Mchauananauah win some awards for this? If not, he SHOULD HAVE. Here's trailer in case you have no idea what this is. It's absolutely amazing show. Satanism...LSD flashbacks...really vivid violence...some nice boobies thrown in the mix. It's got EVERYTHING.
  13. Name:Harry The Hippo Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:43786435 Reasons for the Ban:Tk/TW Recommended duration of ban: Month? 3 month? 75 years? Demo Provided?: N; banned him for 3rd time today for TKing.
  14. [Disclaimer: there is no cat or sloth in this post, please disregard]
  15. Name: Bayard Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:5708009 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: TW/TK Demo Provided?: N Comments: He TK'd at the start of the round, and I recognized his name so looked him up; he has 5 priors, all for TW/TK, so I decided to watch him a bit. He kept shooting around teammates, but not hitting. Eventually, he got bored, popped one in the back, banned. If you feel it doesn't deserve perm, I'm fine with that, but it certainly deserves more than a week. Anytime he gets bored, he does it.
  16. Name: Figo Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:38294104 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Wallhack Demo Provided?: Y; First, turn on wireframes by opening console and typing sv_cheats 2, hit enter, and then type r_drawothermodels 2. In this one, you can see his crosshair on the guys head behind the stairs as he comes over to kill him (plus he really shouldn't have known he was there). After he climbs the stairs and gets in that room, he lines up his crosshair on the mg's head perfectly before peaking and shooting at him. In this one, he continuously watches enemy movement through walls, only moving when it is clear. Near the end, his crosshair moves towards the approaching enemy before he comes into view. If you're still undecided, I've saved the best for last: (WARNING: it crashes the game right at the end, but not before allowing you to see definitive evidence, so stop it after he tries to shoot the enemy around the corner to prevent the crash). In this one, you could sit and watch as he follows the dead enemy body down the staircase, then lines his crosshair on the next enemy's head before he see's him...OR just go to tic 1222 as he carefully points directly at the enemy behind the wall. Shortly following this, you'll see his crosshair dance on an enemy in the distance and then center on an enemy he has no way of seeing and actually tries to shoot him before he comes into view. Comments: The last demo alone should be sufficient, but I've included the other two just because. If you want to quickly confirm the validity of this ban, just watch the last one (remember, it will crash your game after he picks up his mg after trying to shoot the guy around the corner. Stop it right when he picks up mg to prevent this...or just let it crash.
  17. Since apparently not many people have johnson on FB, I'm reposting my bday wish I sent there...here! Enjoy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNSONS! This cat gif represents the funky awesomeness you ooze from your pores like millions of bot fly larva, deep beneath your glistening skin, frantically digging and scraping further within your quivering shell of flesh until they reach the nougat that is at the center of all Johnsons, a nougat once sought after like whale oil and likewise hunted to the near-extinction of the Johnson species. You persisted though, like a chunk of sardine between the back teeth of a lockjaw patient, and the world is better for it! : )
  18. Some day Stone, you will post one of these late-night videos and it will make me laugh. That day is not today.
  19. Name: Professor chaos Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:58541080 Reasons for the Ban: Just gave him his 5th ban for team killing. Recommended duration of ban: 75 thousand years, 3 days Demo Provided?: N; Candy was there, we witnessed him set up mg in spawn and mow people down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: BimboPants Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:41907422 Reasons for the Ban: I put the reason for this ban as team killing, which he was doing, but would like to request permanence based on the spray he was using (anime pedophilia porn). Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N, quickly removed it from server but I believe Candy saw it as well
  20. You'd trip trying to put the go-pro on your head
  21. sorry for sloppiness, was in a rush. THANKS LAFY, won me like 7 grand (there were 3 pots, won em all)
  22. hahahah again at that picture. goddamn that is horrible
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