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Gearhart 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by Gearhart 1st MRB

  1. have one of those and a vagina. #justsaying.

  2. Lots of clipping out deaths Fraps 120 fps thank you! thanks man
  3. I see that there was a ssgt in the server. Our ssgts and up have admin and should be handling these type of situations. If he thought the teamkilling was getting out of hand, he should have handled it. I'm sure an officer will be looking into this further.
  4. Nickelback was an awesome band Demerit. lmao
  5. Bandicam is a program like obs where when you record it records all the sounds it hears, not sound you put in. .. that probably doesn't make sense but in order to hear your voice you have to enable the option that allows your mic to be recorded. OBS is free and is used by a lot of live streamers and people in the unit use it too. Feel free to ask questions
  6. You can define request bans and thank you. An officer will be looking into it.
  7. nice. maybe i should finish my video that i started 4 months ago
  8. Thats the one that I most recently finished. I am beating the whole game of skyrim again on my PC. I mean i beat the game, but now i am just doing all of the side missions
  9. I mostly played assassin's creed, gta or battlefield 3. I wish my ps3 still worked so i Coyle have played beyond 2 souls but it broke. all i really use to play was sports games
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