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Lystad 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lystad 1st MRB

  1. I find war documentaries very interesting, and I could sit for hours watching one documentary after the other. But amazingly good you found about the Raiders.
  2. Happy birthday! Have a great day with your friends and family!
  3. Okey, so instead of saying "yes" they say "swoof".... Why the fuck?
  4. I got one thing to say for this!!
  5. I kind of begin to like rock again lol
  6. I played Bf4, GT6 and bounce of other
  7. Happy birthday old pig, wish you a great day with lots of shaggy balls. Lol
  8. Okey, i finally got internet again... but my ping is higher then parker on a fucked up night lol.... but i will try to play when it's good enough. The ping raising when other connects to it.
  9. Retirement in 1...2....3!!! Lol Welcome back
  10. +1 That makes me more wanna come back lol
  11. And getting on your nerves with my perfect grama lol
  12. In 2-3 weeks i will have internet in the new house (finally) Then it's time to get weird in pub/vent lol Looking forward to come back to you guys.
  13. Must say i really enjoyed watching the series, i start watching it for few days ago.
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