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Armstrong 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Armstrong 1st MRB

  1. I haven't kept a eye on PETA, I just know I haven't heard a lot of particularly good things about them in the past. In terms of animal advocacy groups, I've only seriously examined Sea Shepherd and I consider them to be a worthy group to support. People may not agree with them ramming ships and firing water cannons at vessels or sinking whalers at the docks, but I believe its the only way to police the oceans since the UN, nor any other singular government is working to enforce no fishing within the wildlife preserves that have been marked on the oceans. Not to mention the fact that numerous fishing practices are grossly inefficient and end up senseless slaughtering animals under the umbrella of "scientific" research. Oh well, I'm ranting on and going off track so don't mind me.
  2. I got it as well, much better than the Mod even with all of the bugs and problems it has so far. I love that there is no HUD to help add to the realistic quality of the game. Biggest problem for me is that the problem of finding any source of water or medical supplies since I keep getting killed by Zombs who make me bleed out and I'm constantly thirsty. Lots of loot though, even if it is mostly clothing, odd tools, or melee weapons best thing I've found so far is an axe. I cannot wait until they iron out more of the kinks and make it better though. I haven't had any problems with other players so far either which surprised me. Nobody has sniped me across Cherno and I haven't even ran into anyone with a gun yet.
  3. Like the Dioscuri in Ancient Greece Castor and Pollux, looks like you two kicked ass and took names.
  4. Looks like an interesting concept, but until its out of Alpha and has had some of its bugs fixed I'm not going to consider buying it yet.
  5. Whoever told you that is full of shit, he has already written most of Winds of Winter (and read several chapters of various characters publically) and announced his plans for Songs of Summer being the last. He doesn't even write that much for the TV series, usually one episode a season (mostly the particularly important sections of the books) and is otherwise just a consultant and superviser by the looks of things. Maybe he took a break from writing the books for the moment so that he could write more for this coming season (given how much volatile stuff is going to happen), but that is all I can think of.
  6. Very nice World Eaters you got there, I personally have Orks and Black Templars.
  7. Hahaha that is awesome! I can see a few patterns there, and its one that I felt when reading the books. Storm of Swords is without any doubt the most action-packed and dynamic of the books so far, Clash of Kings has the build-up to violence, Feast for Crows is the cool off period, and Dance with Dragons is the build up again. It makes me wonder how he is going to frame Winds of Winter and eventually Songs of Summer. One thing I do know for certain with Winds of Winter is that he is going to resolve the two major military events he left hanging at the end of Dance with Dragons first, but I'm curious as to how much more action we'll see. My educated guess is a lot.
  8. *Salute* My Great-Grandfather never had the chance to serve in WWI since the war ended before he graduated Naval Academy, and he was too old to serve in WWII, but he served on the Wartime Crisis and Trade Board overseeing the shipments of canned fruits and vegetables to Britain. Hopefully we will never again see a war as great or greater than the ones they fought. May all those who have died and will die in war find peace in whatever lies beyond, and may we as a society respect those veterans for their service and their fallen comrades as they duely deserve. *Salute*
  9. I may be interested if I can figure out how to update the vanilla DayZ Mod. For some reason I'm unable to play on most servers of any kind due to my out of date module, which for some reason won't update.
  10. Neither, It was what the Greco-Roman version of Heaven. More Roman than Greek if the sources are to be believed, but I meant more along the lines of a story wherein the Hero lives on a planet of garbage, has its populace kept in line by Authortative Robotic men, and wants to reach a floating city which the super rich built for themselves to live in luxury. I don't know whether Deponia or Elysium came first, but its not that it really matters since Deponia is a comedic parody of that story if anything.
  11. This series just went out on sale a little while ago on Steam with the release of the third and final installment. For though of you who don't know its a series of German-made Point-and-Click problem solving games based around the antics of Rufus, a egotistical self-professed tinkerer who lives on a planet of scrap and garbage, Deponia, who is trying to reach a floating paradise city in the sky called Elysium(Don't ask me whether this or the movie Elysium came first). Filled with dark comedy, parodies, and at times even illogical twists to puzzles, it is definately a unique game series and one that I enjoyed playing and well worth the price in my opinion, So if you like point-and-click puzzle solving games with humour to rival The Bard's Tale in stature, I suggest you guys check it out.
  12. So stupid, she could have saved herself a lot of trouble just sticking around at the scene for you guys to arrive. Now if she doesn't get a little jail time I'll wager she gonna have to pay quite a lot more than she would have had to. Shame that fear or shock causes people to act so stupidly sometimes, since I have a feeling that is what happenned here. If you're gonna do a crime, at least be smart about it and don't leave all your IDs at the scene, especially if its a hit and run.
  13. @ O'Gara Perhaps you're right about the money involved, it still makes no sense to me why the Tea Party are resorting to this tactic. If this situation were to be resolved tonight(which I doubt), that would still be close to 5 billion dollars of your money down the toilet. For a party that you claim is highly concerned about getting rid of all this debt you guys have without raising taxes, they sure don't seem to have qualms about risking pissing the entire treasury away over something that has basically been made law. I don't know about you, but I've never seen a country pay off its debt when it has no capital to use. To be honest with you, I don't trust the Tea Party at all, the policies I've heard them talk about are unrealistic. How the hell are you guys going to pay off any of your debt in any reasonable amount of time without raising taxes I don't understand at all, because you have no major industries left that make anywhere near that amount of money. Not to mention that any corporations that do make a significant amount of money won't be taxed under them, and you guys don't really have any liquidable assets that you guys are willing to sell that would come anywhere close to paying that debt off. In any case, with your idea about the twenty years plan, I wish it were that easy. Here is your average modern politician's and party's primary concern that governs all of their decisions: getting re-elected. A twenty year plan will not work in a system where the ruling party can change within 4 years, because I'll bet you that as soon as such a plan is implemented and an election happens, that plan will go through so many changes that it'll be unrecognizable. None of the parties are willing to compromise on anything if they are enemies, that's the message I'm getting from what I'm seeing down there, and its the same shit up here in Canada(or Ontario at least). As for that incident today, that most certainly is not going to help the situation, regardless of the circumstances and its only going to get worse the closer to October 17th this drags on I'll wager.
  14. 66 is really young to die in these times considering the advancements we've made in medical science. Never played many of his games, but I know the esteem many held of them, my condolences to his family and fans, and hopefully the game stays true to his vision despite this.
  15. Regardless of what it says in their Constitution, you cannot deny that the U.S. has become a Two-Party system. There are no other parties with any power besides the Republicans and Democrats, and any intellectual divisions within them are shades of the same colour. At the same time, both of the parties' political stances aren't that much different on a bunch of subjects. Both are right wing, Republicans are just further to the right than Democrats who are more center. I believe its a great shame that they've (and us in Canada to some extent) villanized socialist ideas to the point where they condemn anything that may remotely beneficial to all members of their society rather than a select demographic.
  16. Proves a point I've been holding true ever since Obama became President, and that is that the Republicans don't care what legislature Obama proposes, they'll be against it no matter what simply out of spite. This just makes it even more assinine if its true. And Lehman, what would the Republicans have wanted to talk about in regards to a Bill they've been arguing over ever since Obama became President, which had basically become law. Moreover, they had no other course of action than this? Seriously, if this hourly bill keeps racking up, they'll have wasted enough money to have started a public health care system without all of this bullshit. I mean I don't know how seriously you guys or your politicans take a breach in political process (which would be that if what you're saying is true), but to me its totally unjustified that your politicans are willing to risk financial collapse (which they've struggled for the past decade to avoid) over a set of health care laws that were almost completely finalized. Feel free to correct me if my information is wrong.
  17. I know, and there is no reason it should be like that. Fuck, we've become so estranged from how politics work its not even funny, at least here in North America. The Politicans only follow their ideals as long as it benefits them, they don't listen to the people if they're in any significant position of power, and Corporations have way too much power to influence things. To point where all logic can be thrown out the window and it can be made so that nobody even notices. Thats the trick to politics nowadays it seems, keeping the population focused on one thing rather than another, or to bombard them with so many confusing terms, events, and ideas at once that they're more confused than anything. Funny how George Orwell's work still holds true nearly 70 years later.
  18. That's funny, I could have sworn in the last election that the Democrats controlled the House, and Republicans controlled the Senate, regardless it doesn't really matter to me. Misinformation is probably one of the best things that American Politicians and Politicians in general in this day and age are good at. They can paint a massacre of innocents into something grand and great under the name of ethnocide, so I shouldn't be too surprised about this. Honestly Lafy, I can find at least a dozen different versions of this story about what Obamacare means, and every speaker will claim they know something the other one doesn't that makes their story true. It pisses me off when we the people are so misinformed that we have so many different stories about the same thing going around, not all of the entirely false, and not all of them always true. Yet we're supposed to be the ones who put people in charge to the run the country. Its total bullshit. Rant aside, that is some interesting information. Makes it even more ridiculous as to why the Republicans and Tea Party would go to these measures to stop it seeing as it actually looks like it leans in their favour in terms of policies if what you're saying is true. It certainly doesn't warrant having all of this money being drained from their treasury hourly in any case.
  19. At the time of this post, the U.S. Government will have been shutdown except in the arms of Army, Air Traffic Control, Stock Exchange, and Border Control and a few minor other arms for a total of 47 hours. In posting this, I'm hoping to have a fairly civil discussion about why this is going on, and what we can hope would be the best results, or worst depending on your preference. Being a Canadian, I perhaps shouldn't feel overly attached to American Politics, but this event will likely have repercussions on us if it goes on for a while. For those of you who haven't been paying attention, the Tea Party and Republican Party who control the majority in the U.S. Senate basically called for a shutdown of all non-essential arms of the government until they and the Democrats can reach a satisfying compromise over their health care plan, or Obamacare as it is called. Why is this such a big deal? Well, last I heard the previous time this occured was several decades ago and lasted for 25 days though I cannot recall what it was about specifically. Not only that, but the U.S. Government's Debt ceiling is going to hit in 17 days, which means that unless this gets resolved and they deal with that before those 17 days are up, then the U.S. Government will have to default on its debts since it will have no money. None of the parties want that, so my guess is that this is just going to become a big game of chicken where we'll see which party will give in first. Here is my problem though, and maybe I'm just being Canadian and like Public Health Care systems overly too much, but what the heck were the Republicans thinking? Every hour that the government is shut down is costing them about 67 million dollars, multiply that by what we already have accumulated around 3,149,000 dollars in lost money. They say that they're(the Republicans) opposed to Obamacare in both Principle and Practise; is that supposed to mean they don't agree with the idea of giving people the ABILITY to have ACCESS to some form of Public Health Care regardless of how much money they make? That its joe schmoe's own fault if he has a respiratory illness which stops him from working, threatens his life, and cannot afford medicine for it? I understand that the Republican main argument that they cannot afford to sustain a public Health Care system right now, but come on, they aren't helping the situation or their argument by costing the government this much money, and still getting a nice fat paycheck (because even though Government is shutdown, the Senate, Congress, and White House are still being paid). Even members of their own party didn't agree with the idea of shutting the government down, it was only the Tea Party's sudden revelation of this tactic that the majority decided to get behind it, or at least that is my understanding of it. The Tea Party are willing to drag the government and the whole country into financial collapse over a Health Care bill which is already technically law? I don't know, I'd like to hear what you guys think on the subject, but at the moment I'm having trouble understanding why the opposition was so desperate to stop Obama and the Democrats from finalizing the bill that they resorted to this.
  20. Ridiculous, I cannot believe that people are still pointing to stuff like video games, movies, books, or music as being the cause of every social ill in a country. None of these things cause people to go out and brutally murder a whole bunch of other people on their own, nor do they alone make people prone to certain behaviours. I play a lot of video games, some of them pretty violent and bloody, yet I've made the Dean's list in my first year of University, I don't do drugs, I don't smoke, and I have a fair number of friends. It all depends on the person, how they are raised, and what they come to in terms of their thinking and reasoning.
  21. Good video, he's done his research quite well. Being a Canadian myself, I was under the impression we did pay more for health care than Americans, so that surprised me. However, that still doesn't change the fact we still pay far more taxes and have far better minimum wages in general than the majority of the states, so it may still play a factor in the relative success (barring the overuse for useless crap) in our system. I'll never forget though when my Grandmother was visiting some of my relatives in the states while one of them was getting some small surgery, and my Grandfather wanted a warm blanket while they were sitting in the waiting room, one of the Nurses warmed a blanket up in a microwave, $250. You guys pay way too much for stuff that shouldn't cost that much. Its a system that benefits those who have wealth, and unfortunately most of America isn't in that tax bracket, last statistic I heard was that basically you guys have a population the size of Canada's that has no health care at all. Not sure what it is now though. I agree with this guy that the solution isn't simple and nor is the problem, but I personally doubt that it'll change. So long as Captialist mindset (or at least the need to make the maximum amount of profit at the expense of everyone and everything else) that has filtered through every aspect of Upper Class American society(which is basically the part which holds all of the power to change these things) is still around, nothing will change. Its just like interest rates on credit cards, nobody in the world can afford to pay 14% interest or whatever it is once a payment starts compounding, and although politicians may promise lower interest rates in their platforms, as soon as the election is over the credit card companies call their well-dressed lobbyists and end the motion without even raising their voices. That's just my opinion, flawed though it may be. There is too much money being made off of it as it is right now for anyone who is taking a piece of that pie to want it to go lower. Just like Oil and Gas, Chemical Preservatives, and Condominiums being built in place of buildings needed for infrastructure.
  22. Wow, that is a very bad casting. Considering how exotic Daario is supposed to look with his beard and hair colour in the books, and considering how they've had no problem pulling the dyes or wigs off with Melisandre and Daenerys, I'm surprised how they didn't go for it with Daario based on that photo. Maybe they thought he would look too out of place, or even ridiculous if he looked like he did in the books? That's the only reason I can think of, and its not really the best reason considering what we've seen so far. I'm personally waiting to see how they cast the Martells, I've got conflicted ideas about how they're supposed to look in the books, and I'm curious to see how they cast Oberyn, Doran and the Sand Snakes.
  23. Very nice, though not something I had the paitence to listen all the way through. Still, they were great musicians. 8/10 Now, complete change of pace, and fitting for me just finishing Season 2 of one of the best TV shows currently running:
  24. Even though I've never served in my country's armed forces, nor do I necessarily hope that I ever have to, I still find it outrageous how little respect some people have for those who have fought, died, or watched their brothers in arms die for their country, regardless of the reasons behind the conflict. This case being even doubly disgraceful since the man was elderly too, it takes a certain kind of low life to have so little respect for the old that they'd do something like this to him. Then again, our governments don't really treat them as well as they deserve to begin with, and shit rolls downhill I guess.
  25. Anyone getting anxious for Winds of Winter? I heard it may be coming out late this Fall.
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