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Armstrong 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Armstrong 1st MRB

  1. I still play with my Orks on the table top which I have close to 3000 pts worth, and I have a fair number of Black Templars I really enjoy playing with. I also intend to get a Grey Knights Army just so I can make a couple custom Inquisitors as Heroes. I stille njoy playing the game, and its now in 6th or 7th edition just got released.

    As for how well it has transitioned to video games, I really enjoyed the Dawn of War series, Dark Crusade was one of my favourites, and I hate how hard they fucked the canon with Soulstorm. The new Dawn of War IIs I thought were alright, and I think they are more realistic in terms of the Space Marine/Everything else ratio and I loved how they did the Tyranids. I just don't like how the recycled a couple things really poorly, particularly the characters, and particularly Eliphas. He was badass as a Word Bearers Apostle and he just seemed extremely whimpy as a conventional Chaos Lord, having his soul change hands from Daemon to Daemon and Legion to Legion wasn't a satisfying excuse for me.

    As for the recent platform game, I really enjoyed it. Never saw the film though, I was just getting pissed at the lack of originality of the stories there. I understand that they're trying to attract new people into the franchise, so they have to make it so that people can grasp the concepts easily, but come on. The game I'm waiting for is one where the attention is taken off of the Space Marines and show off the other sides of the 40K Universe, stories revolving around the Eldar, Imperial Guard life, Orks, Chaos Daemons and Space Marines, Tau, and maybe even Necrons would make far more unique and perhaps provide an even more interesting series of events other than a bunch of Space Marines rushing in to hold down the fort or fight through tides of Aliens to save beleaguered worlds or pieces of Imperial Tech.

    I also hope to eventually see games based around internal Imperium affairs, like with the Inquisition, Adeptus Mechanicus, or maybe even the Assassinorium. Those would provide a good change of pace and variety, because I'm worried that the game market may be becoming oversaturated with 40K games based mainly on the Space Marines and nothing else.

  2. So to end your entire argument is as easy as not getting the article from "Yahoo Shine"

    via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, if you please.

    Well, don't I look like a fool. All the more reason for me to not trust media sources of any sort without seeing others. Thank you for the link, Capt. Kirkendall; you're right in that it effectively kills this debate.

    Regardless, I still don't like the idea of gaging environmental activists who are right in their protests and law suits just to secure company reputations and profits when they are walking down the same road to another case like this regardless, but that's just my personal opinion and not something to argue with or about with somebody else.

  3. Of course NDAs aren't illegal and settlements are not illegal, I never claimed they were. I have problems with the ethics involved in inhibiting freedom of speech on people going against businesses that desire to try and cover up the fact that their business is destroying the environment and devaluing property as part of a settlement for a law suit.

    Look, the point I'm making isn't that Gag orders are out of the ordinary, its the fact that this involved having the kids involved with it as well is. These kids are minors who have no legal authority to make their own decisions, and the companies are making the parents sign a Gag order on them as part of the bargain.

    How the hell are they going to enforce it? Have their agents tail the kids to and from the school yard? Have the Government keep track of them through listening drones? Sarcasm aside, what's the point in including them? Save them the trouble of doing it in the future, so they'll buy the Gag order for them now when they have no control over it? How about they just buy Gag orders right away for every kid of every family who is involved in environmental activism just to save themselves more money and time in the future?

    I don't care whether or not these types of Gag orders for environmental law suits are common or not, if they are common then that scares me. I've got ethical issues with the practice if that is how it is done; how can anyone put a price on another person's freedom of speech? I don't think its the right way we should look at dealing with minors in regards to cases like this.

    That's the only thing that matters in this case, I've seen enough ridiculous cases like this from Monsanto and up here with Fargo to know that the law doesn't give a shit about the environment or the public's health for that matter unless enough people get pissed off about it. I'm just concerned about how they're dealing with children's rights or soon-to-be rights when they come of age.

  4. Its a shame that all of that footage was recycled from previous 40k Games, I'd be very interested to see what their plans are visually rather than just hearing them.

    I like the idea though, and I love the 40k Universe so I'll definately be interested in this to play as an Ork, Necron, or perhaps an Inquisitor if they include the Witch Hunters/Inquisition as a playable group within the Imperium. Maybe even a Space Marine if I can make mine an Imperial Fist or Black Templar, tired of the Ultramarines getting most of the spotlight.

    I wonder though, whatever happenned to Dark Millenium? That was another 40K MMO in the works.

  5. I hope to visit those beaches someday. It'll be a strange feeling I think to stand on the beaches where the greatest coordinated military invasion in history took place. I hope to also visit Vimy Ridge, Diepe, The Somme, and maybe Paschendaele those are all famous Canadian sites from the World Wars I'd like to see. Good for you in seeing them.

  6. This is setting a precedent? This is a gag order. This happens so often that this isn't even news. In fact, the only real reason this is news is because it concerns fracking.

    This is a deal. Plain and simple. This is not revoking 1st Amendment rights. A private company cannot revoke your 1st amendment rights. I, as a private citizen, can use reasonable force to shut your mouth on my property. The 1st Amendment protects you from the government, state or federal. The reason the court is involved is really more to ensure there is no breach of trust with fraudulent intent. Or, in more laymens' terms: The reason the court is involved is to prevent fraud or embezzlement. The article says it best, "Nondisclosure agreements, or gag orders, are routine in many types of settlements." If anything, this is more common than a lawsuit. I mediated a case where a minority was harassed by a security guard, and held against her will in a side-room until the police arrived. The settlement sure as hell included a gag order.

    In short, if they decide to break their gag order, which is well within their rights, this gives the fracking company precedence (hey, a reversal!) to reclaim the $750,000. This breach would be in no way a criminal charge unless they are attempting fraud or embezzlement. Therefore, this is not a breach of the 1st Amendment in any way, shape, or interpretation I can assess.

    Gag orders are so freakin' routine. Without one, the fracking companies might indeed receive negative PR. But the people involved might lose the ensuing court case, leading to nothing for them in reparations. And that is very scary.

    Is it routine for the Gag order to extend to kids as well? Sure as hell didn't sound like it from what their Attorney said.

    Also, this isn't like these guys assaulted the company property, they filed a law suit against the companies due to rendering their property worthless and causing all sorts of health problems from having the facilities built on their property through an unknown lease. The companies had them sign a statement that says that their drilling facilities caused them no adverse health effects. In conjunction with that Gag order, it basically means that the companies paid them $750,000 just to shut up about them for the rest of their lives.

    You think that's a good message for the law to be sending? Pay these guys enough money and they'll just shut up about you forever and turn a blind eye to whatever it is you are doing? Its a ridiculous settlement, and I cannot believe that they took it. Granted, I don't know much about how these types of things are dealt in the U.S. but at the very least it seems strange to me that a settlement would involve enfringing the rights of individuals who cannot even make the legal decision themselves.

  7. http://ca.shine.yahoo.com/blogs/parenting/...-194638861.html

    There is a link to an article I found detailing a case where a whole family, including two kids had a Gag order implaced on them in the settlement terms of a law suit involving several Fracking Companies in Pennslyvania. The Gag order involves them being unable to speak about Shale Gas Drilling or Fracking for the rest of their lives effectively, in exchange for $750,000. Now, I'm a Canadian so this case may not directly effect my country's law, but I'm furious that a Court of any sort in this part of the world that claims to uphold the laws as well as the legislature would allow this.

    That family basically sold their freedom of speech along with their kid's for $750,000, they must have been pretty damn desperate to leave that property and get the case settled to take that amount and sign a statement saying that the drilling had no adverse effects on their health(which is bullshit too). I understand their worry for their health and that of their children, but they could have just screwed over every single activist or family that will ever try and press a case against an environmentally hazardous company of any sort, because they've now set a precedent where the companies can now do things like this.

    I don't know, it just re-enforces my belief that we all just have a list of temporary privileges in our countries, not rights.

  8. I've basically given up on episode 3 on the current tech at this point, Valve has let it sit around too long; they might as well make a whole new game, ending the story that they started in the HL2 games with a bang. I'm curious as to where they will take Portal next and whether or not they'll fuse the storylines together. L4D3 I'm not overly excited about at the moment due to the dozens of zombie games that have come out and are on the way, and I honestly cannot see where they can take the gameplay that would be more original without losing the feeling that they had with the previous games.

    Until I see some more hard evidence, I won't hold my breath over this.

  9. Our nations (And this is more prevalent in the US than in Canada, but it still happens here) have some accountability problems. Whistle-blowers like this shouldn't be necessary for our privacy and rights to be respected. The CIA almost operates as a separate government of it's own, as the numerous coups and operations during the time of the Cold War and the recent Arab conflicts have shown us. I understand that obviously classified information is classified for a reason, but we need to remember what happens when we stop demanding accountability from our leaders. (Hint: People die.)

    That's so true, especially with the current government and parties up here in Canada, where its all about blaming it on the other guy and not taking any responsibility for anything they may have had a hand in doing unless it benefits them. A Democratic government should always be accountable on its actions to its people, because in a democracy it is through its people which it gains its legitimacy and power, once you start operating outside of the people, then it starts becoming more of an Oligarchy, wherein only a certain group of people know what is going on and have a say, which is what I think our countries are leaning more and more towards in terms of politics.

    Having said that, I do believe there is some merit to the proverbs "Knowledge is power." and "Ignorance is bliss.". There are advantages to doing covert operations, using underhand tactics, and doing backroom politics, and those are that things generally get done faster, and on occassion they may be better moves for the betterment of the State and its people rather than a more open approach. Bismarck utilized every opportunity that he could and he turned Germany into one of the most powerful nations in Europe in less than a lifetime despite stealing tax money to achieve his goals, and Machiavelli's works make a fair amount of sense. I think that if politicians are going to go that route though, they shouldn't play a double standard and try and make it seem like they are honest people with clean hands. Everyone has baggage, its just a matter of how heavy that baggage is.

  10. I hope to eventually go to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales at some point, its quite high on my list of European vacation ideas with Scandanavia and Germany. Scotland and Ireland in particular, since my ancestors and distant relatives are all buried and living there. Probably will check out the graves of Alexander and Johannie Armstrong, see Stonehenge, several castles and cairns and get my hands on some real Celtic knowledge and from the two main sources in the world. London I want to go to at least once, see all the sights and I'd like to try the local foods at least once.

    Hopefully you'll have nice weather (from my limited knowledge, London in particular is not known as a dry city by any means), and I hope you enjoy yourself when you go there and if you see our European friends.

  11. I think they must be REALLY confident in their kid's swimming ability to have nothing in there to help them if they get tired or start drowning other than the edges. Maybe we're looking at a future Olympic swimmer? I don't know, I would at least be in there to ensure that if anything goes wrong I can respond to it immediately rather than filming from near the edge.

  12. One first glance, it reminds me of Sins of a Solar Empire, only instead of space empires, we have a physical recreation of Europe with all of its settlements. Not sure if I would want to play it though judging by the reviews above me.

  13. I wouldn't be into it unless my partner is, because I personally don't have that as one of my fetishes. I'd prefer to do it on her chest or somewhere else if outside at all, I don't really see the point in doing it on the face myself.

  14. For all of the shit that we throw at each other in other affairs, our countries are a good match for eachother in terms of military operations I think. We've both had a history of success and adapting to overcome whatever obstacles lay in the way, and although I personally wish we were not as closely tied as we are, I still like the way things are between our two countries. We're like Apollo and Artemis, twins from the same mother, but too different to be the same thing and we compliment eachother for it when we work togather.

  15. I see no problem with shooting animals that look like they are out to tear your throat out. There are thousands of perfectly nice dogs and millions of pet animals out there that aren't Rottweilers which can be trained to kill people. One less dog isn't going to hurt anything on a grand scale, and their not worth an officer's life. If people are making a fuss about this, they should join or support a group like Greenpeace or Sea Sheperd and actually try and protect animals that need and deserve our attention protection and not worry about stupid shit like this.

  16. I'm Username_121 on PSN if you guys want a game. I'm currently on the Fireflies side for Multiplayer, not that that should matter. I'm also replaying it on + so I can go for more achievements and blow away more sonsofbitches with my full-upgraded weapons. Too bad I couldn't up the difficulty on it yet though, I hear that the Listening ability is switched off at a higer difficulty, making Clickers and Infected areas, or even just areas with lots of guys a challenge.

  17. Then why all this bullshit over whether or not the Rebels are Terrorists operating under the guise of Freedom Fighters? Do they want their media causing more political trouble for them when they could answer it once and for all? Give out some information over who the leaders of the Rebels are, what they're histories are, what they hope to gain, and what their future plans are. Hell, you people are planning to supply these guys with weapons, might as well let everyone know who they are arming so that they have something to expect rather than having people being left in the dark and phoning up their representatives to block every action in the Houses.

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